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One in five 'suffers daily stress'


One in five Britons suffers stress every day, according to a survey.

The poll of 1,885 people, carried out for the Samaritans, suggests concern over jobs and money are major causes of stress.

Many of those affected by stress said it leaves them feeling depressed, isolated and with nowhere to turn.

While stress can trigger depression but it can also contribute to physical problems.

Health risks

Studies suggest people with high levels of stress have an increased chance of suffering a heart attack or stroke.

The survey shows that large numbers compound these health risks by turning to alcohol and cigarettes to try to relax.
"If feelings are bottled up or ignored, they can lead to more severe emotional distress in the long run "
Simon Armson, Samaritans

Jobs, money, family and health were found to be the biggest causes of stress.

However, the survey also revealed other sources, including the NHS, public transport and slow internet connections.

One in eight blamed violence in society for their high stress levels, while one in seven cited their concern for future generations of people.

The survey showed that Britons deal with stress in a variety of different ways - not all of them good.

Most simply ignore their problems. One in seven said they simply adopted a stiff upper lip and got on with life.

Many watch television or listen to music to try to forget their worries. One in four opt for an alcoholic drink while one in five has a cigarette.

The survey was carried out to coincide with Samaritans Week, which starts on Saturday 17 May.

Emotional distress

Simon Armson, the charity's chief executive, said the findings showed that many people are failing to deal properly with stress.

"If feelings are bottled up or ignored, they can lead to more severe emotional distress in the long run.

"Ultimately, by talking about problems it's possible to gain a sense of perspective that can make it easier to cope.

"During Samaritans Week, and every week, we are here 24 hours a day for everyone, everywhere."

Dr Raj Persaud, a psychiatrist at Institute of Psychiatry in London, said the findings were not surprising.

"Whilst the levels of Britons who have been depressed or suicidal as a consequence of stress may seem shocking, in many ways, it's not surprising that modern life takes such a heavy toll on people today.

"The social support structures that used to help people to cope by getting things off their chest, such as extended family and neighbours, no longer exist in the same way that they did."

He said many people tried to switch off rather than deal with the causes of their stress but there were other better coping mechanisms.

Content provided by ArmMed Media
Revision date: 12 December 2007
Last revised by Amalia K. Gagarina, M.S., R.D.

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