You are here : > Health Centers > Archives Archives 2009 October Elderly immune system needs a boost Being overweight super-sizes both risk and consequences of sleep-disordered breathing Obese children at significantly greater risk for post-adenotonsillectomy complications Calling All Smokers: Cell Phones Could Help You Quit Exercise Training After Stroke Helps Patients Walk Faster, Longer Genetic mutation a strong indicator of age-related hearing loss risk Health in low-income countries: Outsourcing and cash incentives may help Biologics for rheumatoid arthritis work, but which is best? TENS for osteoarthritis: Not enough evidence to recommend Exercise programs recommended as standard for rheumatoid arthritis New Findings About Brain Proteins Suggest Possible Way to Fight Alzheimer’s Los Angeles fast-food restaurant ban unlikely to cut obesity, study finds Men nearly 3 times as likely to develop noise-induced hearing loss Keeping children safe: Rethinking design Fruit juices contain more vitamin C than their labels indicate The high cost of treating alcohol-impaired drivers Toronto researchers discover novel circulation in human eye, new glaucoma treatment target Are You at Risk for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome? New Book Helps Pharmacists Prepare for Role in H1N1 and Other Public Health Crises Half of babies born in rich world will live to 100 Doubts on suicide-anti-smoking drug Chantix link Teen Smoking Linked to Drinking and Drug Use Can Strep Throat Cause OCD, Tourette Syndrome? Complications Are Not Best Predictor of Hospital Mortality Do We Know How to Put a Baby to Bed? Positive trend for diabetic eye health; AMD may predict heart disease; vision impacts life success Smoking during pregnancy puts children at risk of psychotic symptoms Paradoxically, food insecurity may be underlying contributor to overweight Severe stress can cause stroke Blood diagnosis – chip-based and mobile Many swine flu deaths linked with second infection Moms-to-be who smoke risk psychotic kids: study September Protect Children First with H1N1 Flu Vaccine, Says National Pediatric Disease Expert Most would refuse emergency use H1N1 vaccine or additive Scientists find obesity alone does not cause arthritis in animals One in Eight Strokes Is Preceded by ‘Warning Stroke’ Canada outranks U.S. in healthcare report card Early use of antivirals key in H1N1 flu: WHO Childhood kidney disorder has lasting effects Scientists identify genetic cause of previously undefined primary immune deficiency disease Social background weighs heavily on teenage diet U.S. needs nearly $200 million more on climate-related health research New DNA Test Predicts Risk of Severe Scoliosis Babies see it coming New Paper from Internists Calls for Increased Role for FDA H1N1 Flu: Are Parents Underestimating Risk to Kids? Don’t Rush to the Emergency Room If You Think You Have ‘Swine Flu’ Discovery could improve hepatitis C treatment Treatment of Hyperthyroidism: New Practice Guidelines Who’s at High-Risk for Thyroid Disease? Should They be Screened? Page 1 of 1 pages << Back to main