Food dye cancer scare
Feb 18 05

London - An urgent warning was issued by the Food Standards Agency (FSA) today after a potentially cancer-causing dye was discovered in more than… Food dye cancer scare   


Health Officials: Flu Virus Peaking In Michigan
Feb 18 05

The flu season may be peaking in Michigan.

State health officials on Friday reported “widespread” flu activity, the highest level of outbreak, joining 15… Health Officials: Flu Virus Peaking In Michigan   


City Doctors still work for too long
Feb 18 05

Swansea hospital doctors are still working over-long hours six months after new European rules kicked in to shorten them. The European Working Time Directive… City Doctors still work for too long   


FDA grants priority review to levetiracetam for use in childhood epilepsy
Feb 18 05

UCB Pharma Inc has been granted a priority review for the supplemental new drug application (sNDA) seeking approval of its leading anti-epilepsy drug (AED)… FDA grants priority review to levetiracetam for use in childhood epilepsy   


Irritable Bowels?
Feb 18 05

If you’re among the one in five Americans who suffers from irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), you know how discomforting it can be. Sometimes it’s… Irritable Bowels?   


Gene ‘signature’ may predict breast cancer relapse
Feb 18 05

Scientists have discovered a genetic marker that may predict which breast cancer patients are at high risk of recurrence, potentially saving many women… Gene ‘signature’ may predict breast cancer relapse   


Social Security, Medicare not in crisis - Greenspan
Feb 17 05

Federal Reserve Chairman Alan Greenspan said on Thursday he deliberately avoids using the term “crisis” to describe the problems facing Social Security and Medicare… Social Security, Medicare not in crisis - Greenspan   


Violent video games spark rising debate on bans
Feb 17 05

California legislators are considering making sales of violent video games to minors illegal, joining a national debate about whether the industry should be left… Violent video games spark rising debate on bans   


Writing out feelings helps, but not for asthma
Feb 17 05

Although expressing ones emotions through writing has numerous documented health benefits, it appears to do little to ease asthma, new study findings show.

This… Writing out feelings helps, but not for asthma   


Alzheimer-risk gene makes brain work harder
Feb 17 05

Mental tasks take an extra effort for healthy non-demented older adults with a genetic variation called APOE-e4, which has been linked to an increased… Alzheimer-risk gene makes brain work harder   


Spain doctor rebuilds penises cut off for AIDS cure
Feb 17 05

Two Kenyan boys whose penises were cut off to be sold for making anti-AIDS potions have had them reconstructed in Spain, the doctor treating… Spain doctor rebuilds penises cut off for AIDS cure   


Women laid off job may run risk of heart disease
Feb 17 05

Getting fired or laid off from work may not only be bad for your wallet, but also be bad for your health.

A study… Women laid off job may run risk of heart disease   


Drug for agitation can worsen dementia
Feb 17 05

The antipsychotic drug Seroquel does not relieve agitation in elderly demented patients, and is actually associated with more rapid mental decline, investigators report.

Antipsychotic… Drug for agitation can worsen dementia   


Parents see pros, cons to notification laws
Feb 17 05

Many parents hold mixed views on laws that would require parental notification when teens get a prescription for birth control, according to a new… Parents see pros, cons to notification laws   


Canadian beef entered U.S. due to lax oversight -USDA
Feb 17 05

Lax oversight by the U.S. Agriculture Department and confused food safety inspectors were to blame for imports of 42,000 pounds of Canadian beef products… Canadian beef entered U.S. due to lax oversight -USDA   


Remicade doesn’t change cholesterol ratio
Feb 17 05

The arthritis drug Remicade is known to lower the risk of heart disease, but apparently it doesn’t do so by improving cholesterol profiles.

Researchers… Remicade doesn’t change cholesterol ratio   


Scientist sees risk in high Celebrex doses
Feb 17 05

Pfizer Inc.‘s pain drug Celebrex has a “probable increased risk” of heart attacks in higher doses but “no apparent effect” in 200 milligram doses… Scientist sees risk in high Celebrex doses   


Polish health minister to stay on despite setback
Feb 17 05

Poland’s health minister said on Thursday that Prime Minister Marek Belka had declined his offer to step down after parliament rejected his health sector… Polish health minister to stay on despite setback   


New flu strain picked for flu vaccine mix
Feb 17 05

A new strain of flu virus called “A California” will be added to the mix used in the U.S. vaccine for next season,… New flu strain picked for flu vaccine mix   


Natural disaster death toll jumps to 320,000 in ‘04
Feb 17 05

The Indian Ocean tsunami has caused the annual death toll from natural disasters to soar to 320,000 worldwide, more than four times the toll… Natural disaster death toll jumps to 320,000 in ‘04   


Private plans should set drug prices - Medicare
Feb 17 05

As some lawmakers clamor for letting Medicare directly negotiate drug prices, Medicare’s chief said on Wednesday that the health program for the elderly could… Private plans should set drug prices - Medicare   


TB prevention among homeless faces hurdles
Feb 17 05

A recent outbreak of tuberculosis among homeless people in New York highlights the difficulty in tracing cases when they’re handled by different jurisdictions, according… TB prevention among homeless faces hurdles   


Vietnam to slaughter poultry in big cities
Feb 17 05

Vietnam may slaughter poultry in its big cities to prevent the bird flu virus adding to the toll of 13 people it has… Vietnam to slaughter poultry in big cities   


Prostate cancer vaccine helps patients live longer
Feb 17 05

A prostate cancer “vaccine” made by Dendreon Corp. can help patients with severe, advanced disease live a little bit longer, U.S. researchers reported… Prostate cancer vaccine helps patients live longer   


New prostate cancer treatment promising
Feb 17 05

Doctors are reporting their first success at improving survival in men with advanced prostate cancer by using a treatment that trains the immune system… New prostate cancer treatment promising   

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