Florida Tech scientist wins patent for device to deliver X-ray irradiation
Feb 16 05

Florida Tech and Dr. Kunal Mitra, Florida Tech associate professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering, have just been assigned a U.S. patent for an… Florida Tech scientist wins patent for device to deliver X-ray irradiation   


New Tests Provide Clues to Fetal Health
Feb 16 05

Two new techniques, one using maternal blood and the other amniotic fluid, should give health-care providers new insight into the health of a baby… New Tests Provide Clues to Fetal Health   


HIV Migrants hist 1,000 in Britain
Feb 16 05

About 1,000 people in Britain have caught HIV from heterosexual intercourse with HIV-positive immigrants since Labour came to power, according to government figures to… HIV Migrants hist 1,000 in Britain   


Mental Health workers help city kids
Feb 16 05

Mental health workers are being brought into Plymouth’s schools because so many children are suffering psychological problems.

Up to six specialist primary mental health… Mental Health workers help city kids   


Hormone therapy controversy raises drug safety issues
Feb 16 05

The history of hormone therapy drugs - once thought of as almost magic pills to keep women healthy, vital and young - shows why… Hormone therapy controversy raises drug safety issues   


Alcohol has no nutritional value - Psychiatrist
Feb 16 05

Dr. Samuel Allotey, Chief Psychiatrist of the Ghana Health Service, said on Tuesday that alcohol adds no nutritional value to the body as widely… Alcohol has no nutritional value - Psychiatrist   


Vietnam claims headway in avian flu battle
Feb 16 05

Vietnamese and international officials concerned that the Lunar New Year would encourage the spread of avian influenza had some good news: the travel-heavy holiday… Vietnam claims headway in avian flu battle   


Partial smoking ban seen as lacking
Feb 16 05

Mayor Bill White’s proposal to ban smoking in restaurants but not bars wouldn’t do enough to protect patrons and employees from secondhand smoke, speakers… Partial smoking ban seen as lacking   


Can Coffee Protect Against Common Cancers?
Feb 16 05

There’s more good news for the roughly 100 million Americans who couldn’t imagine getting through the day without their coffee fix. Recent studies have… Can Coffee Protect Against Common Cancers?   


Hospital site to be smoke free
Feb 16 05

SMOKING at Milton Keynes Hospital is set to become a thing of the past.

As revealed in this paper two weeks ago patients will… Hospital site to be smoke free   


Jackson child abuse case postponed after singer is admitted to hospital
Feb 16 05

Michael Jackson added a new plot twist to his lurid legal soap opera yesterday by checking himself into hospital en route to his trial… Jackson child abuse case postponed after singer is admitted to hospital   


Scientist to withhold painkiller data
Feb 15 05

A veteran scientist at the Food and Drug Administration said Monday he had decided against presenting new data on the heart risk of pain… Scientist to withhold painkiller data   


Nutritional info may find a place on menus
Feb 15 05

Show a group of nutritionists a 10-ounce restaurant hamburger and a side order of onion rings and have them calculate the number of calories… Nutritional info may find a place on menus   


US to strengthen drug regulation
Feb 15 05

The US regulator is to beef up its procedures for overseeing the safety of drugs already in the marketplace.

The Food and Drug Administration… US to strengthen drug regulation   


U.S. herbal supplement leveling off
Feb 15 05

The surge in herbal supplement use in the U.S. may reached a plateau, but the love affair is not over, according to a… U.S. herbal supplement leveling off   


New Jersey Experts Concerned About New Potential HIV Strain
Feb 15 05

Health experts in New Jersey are concerned about reports of a drug-resistant strain of HIV in neighboring New York.

Dr. Eddy Bresnitz, head… New Jersey Experts Concerned About New Potential HIV Strain   


Mothers’ Exposure to Air Pollutants Linked to Chromosome Damage in Babies
Feb 15 05

A new study of 60 newborns in New York City reveals that exposure of expectant mothers to combustion-related urban air pollution may alter the… Mothers’ Exposure to Air Pollutants Linked to Chromosome Damage in Babies   


Smoking Not Worst Cause of Pollution
Feb 15 05

I do believe this smoking ban borders on the ridiculous.

So far, the Columbus health department had received several complaints on smoking violations. Apparently,… Smoking Not Worst Cause of Pollution   


Wine puts women’s hearts on song - study
Feb 15 05

It’s official. A glass of wine a day keeps heart risk at bay - at least for women.

Researchers at Sweden’s Karolinska Institute in… Wine puts women’s hearts on song - study   


FDA to Establish New Drug Oversight Board
Feb 15 05

The Food and Drug Administration will establish a new independent Drug Safety Oversight Board to monitor FDA-approved medicines once they’re on the market… FDA to Establish New Drug Oversight Board   


New pain relievers boost blood pressure more - study
Feb 15 05

Arthritis drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors raise blood pressure more than older pain relievers, which may explain why the newer medicines have been linked… New pain relievers boost blood pressure more - study   


Facelift Without Surgery? Patients Turn To Acupuncture
Feb 15 05

If you’re afraid of the surgeon’s knife, how are you with needles?

That’s a new question popping up for those who want a facelift… Facelift Without Surgery? Patients Turn To Acupuncture   


Twin doctors accused of switching IDs, rape
Feb 15 05

An attorney has filed the latest in a series of civil lawsuits against twin physician brothers, accusing them of impersonating one another and sexually… Twin doctors accused of switching IDs, rape   


Study Links Prenatal Pollutant Exposure To Genetic Changes In Babies
Feb 15 05

A study of New York City newborns suggests that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be linked to genetic changes associated with an… Study Links Prenatal Pollutant Exposure To Genetic Changes In Babies   


8 On Your Side: Non-Surgical Facelifts
Feb 15 05

Tulsa - Many movie stars deny plastic surgery. But, that doesn’t mean they haven’t had a little help. 8 On Your Side investigator Cindy… 8 On Your Side: Non-Surgical Facelifts   

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