Cambodia confirms bird flu in poultry near capital
Feb 07 05

Bird flu has been found in chickens near the Cambodian capital, officials said on Sunday, raising fears about the spread of the deadly virus… Cambodia confirms bird flu in poultry near capital   


Britain’s fertility watchdog fights back
Feb 07 05

It’s been described as outdated, bureaucratic, out of touch and at least one leading fertility expert has called for it to be scrapped.

But… Britain’s fertility watchdog fights back   


Birth size linked to some adult cancers
Feb 07 05

Bigger babies seem to have a greater risk of developing certain cancers as adults, a new study finds.

Dr. Valeria A. McCormack from… Birth size linked to some adult cancers   


U.S. doctors urge mothers to breast-feed longer
Feb 07 05

Despite proven health benefits, breast-feeding has not taken hold at desired levels in the United States, especially as the sole source of nutrition during… U.S. doctors urge mothers to breast-feed longer   


Court blocks rule easing retiree healthcare coverage
Feb 07 05

An advocacy group for U.S. retirees said on Friday that it won a court order barring the government from allowing companies to drop older… Court blocks rule easing retiree healthcare coverage   


India begins AIDS vaccine trials on humans
Feb 07 05

India, home to the world’s second-largest HIV population after South Africa, began its first-ever human trials of a new vaccine against the deadly virus… India begins AIDS vaccine trials on humans   


Stigma numbs Tanzania’s attempts at battling leprosy
Feb 07 05

Paulina Nungu believes witchcraft was behind the leprosy which ate away her index finger and some of her toes.

She contracted the disease while… Stigma numbs Tanzania’s attempts at battling leprosy   


California wine country considers biotech ban
Feb 07 05

A measure to ban genetically modified crops in the heart of California’s wine country has qualified for a local ballot, officials said on Friday.

California wine country considers biotech ban   

Sunlight may have unexpected anti-cancer effects
Feb 07 05

Two new studies suggest that exposure to sunlight might not be as risky for cancer as is generally believed.

Scandinavian researchers show that high… Sunlight may have unexpected anti-cancer effects   


UN says mad cow tests working, despite outbreaks
Feb 07 05

Testing for mad cow disease is working in catching cases of the lethal brain-wasting disorder, the United Nations said on Monday, in the wake… UN says mad cow tests working, despite outbreaks   


“Taste” gene may explain some of kids’ food choices
Feb 07 05

Genetic variations in the sensitivity of taste buds to bitter flavors may help explain why some kids are vehemently opposed to vegetables, a study… “Taste” gene may explain some of kids’ food choices   


Pope’s health fuels speculation about retirement
Feb 04 05

Ten years after an assassin’s bullet almost killed him in 1981, Pope John Paul II laid it in the crown of a statue of… Pope’s health fuels speculation about retirement   


Egyptian twins undergo surgery to complete skulls
Feb 04 05

One of the Egyptian twins whose heads were delicately separated more than a year ago will undergo reconstructive surgery on Monday to help complete… Egyptian twins undergo surgery to complete skulls   


State finds abuse at Gooding nursing home
Feb 04 05

GOODING, Idaho A southern Idaho nursing home has been placed on probation after a surprise inspection by the Idaho Department of Health and Welfare.

State finds abuse at Gooding nursing home   

Vaccine Fights Deadly Cancer
Feb 04 05

Kidney cancer strikes more than 36,000 Americans a year, killing nearly 13,000. While it is curable if caught and removed early, when it spreads,… Vaccine Fights Deadly Cancer   


Genetic Diagnostic Tool Offers Hope for High Risk Couples Contemplating Pregnancy
Feb 04 05

Two recent studies show that preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) is an effective diagnostic tool for women of advanced maternal age (over 38) and those…  Genetic Diagnostic Tool Offers Hope for High Risk Couples Contemplating Pregnancy   


Doctors’ Group Buys Clinical Information System
Feb 04 05

More than 75 physicians and 85 other caregivers will use TouchWorks to improve care and doctor productivity.

Looking for a way to improve patient… Doctors’ Group Buys Clinical Information System   


Meningitis outbreak under control
Feb 04 05

Health experts in Shanghai are testing to determine if a baby diagnosed by doctors as having meningitis actually died from the disease, a newspaper… Meningitis outbreak under control   


Flu, school absences on rise in Arkansas
Feb 04 05

Arkansas parents are keeping more of their youngsters home from school as the cases of influenza and other seasonal ailments increase in number around… Flu, school absences on rise in Arkansas   


Kill Aids with positive attitude
Feb 04 05

For a society that derives perverse thrill from stigmatising the victims of Aids, the story of a young girl’s unconquerable will to live despite… Kill Aids with positive attitude   


About 1.2 million people use stimulants for non-medical reasons, government finds
Feb 04 05

The government says about one-point-two (m) million people age 12 and older abused stimulants in 2003 - a figure that’s unchanged from the year… About 1.2 million people use stimulants for non-medical reasons, government finds   


Women Encouraged To Ask About Heart Health
Feb 04 05

Research released this week shows a lot of doctors don’t treat women as aggressively as men when it comes to risk factors for heart… Women Encouraged To Ask About Heart Health   


Novartis Drug Risk Seen Similar to Vioxx - FDA Staff
Feb 04 05

A clinical trial for Novartis AG’s experimental painkiller Prexige showed the risk of heart attack, stroke and death was “similar” to Merck & Co.… Novartis Drug Risk Seen Similar to Vioxx - FDA Staff   


Alzheimer’s Assn. offers new help line
Feb 04 05

The Alzheimer’s Association, Connecticut Chapter an-nounces the roll out of a new statewide toll free telephone number 866-3MEMORY.

“An easier access to information… Alzheimer’s Assn. offers new help line   


New Antibiotic Shortens Tuberculosis Treatment Time
Feb 04 05

A new antibiotic may work faster against tuberculosis than other drugs currently in use, based on studies conducted on mice. There is also evidence… New Antibiotic Shortens Tuberculosis Treatment Time   

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