Cancer: Prostate

Male Pattern Baldness Tied to Prostate Cancer, Study Suggests
Sep 17 14

Men with male pattern baldness may face a higher risk of developing an aggressive type of prostate cancer than men with no balding, a… Male Pattern Baldness Tied to Prostate Cancer, Study Suggests   


Researchers identify possible explanation for link between exercise & improved prostate cancer
Jan 19 14

Men who walked at a fast pace prior to a prostate cancer diagnosis had more regularly shaped blood vessels in their prostate tumors… Researchers identify possible explanation for link between exercise & improved prostate cancer   


PSA screening doesn’t prevent cancer deaths: study
Jan 07 12

Annual screening for prostate cancer doesn’t cut men’s chances of dying from the disease, according to the latest results of a large screening trial.

PSA screening doesn’t prevent cancer deaths: study   

Jefferson doctors strengthen case for high-dose radiotherapy technique after radical prostatectomy
Apr 13 11

A widely-available yet expensive radiotherapy technique used to treat prostate cancer patients after surgery has promising benefits—higher dose and less damage to the rectum… Jefferson doctors strengthen case for high-dose radiotherapy technique after radical prostatectomy   


Women’s tears send “no sex” message to men: study
Jan 07 11

Women’s tears are a turnoff for men, Israeli researchers say.

The findings, in a study by the Weizmann Institute of Science and Wolfson Hospital… Women’s tears send “no sex” message to men: study   


Protein urine test may signal prostate cancer
Oct 15 10

A protein in urine could be a strong indicator of prostate cancer risk, according to British scientists, who say their findings could one day… Protein urine test may signal prostate cancer   


Consumer gene test results misleading: U.S. probe
Jul 23 10

People who send off their saliva to genetic testing companies to find out their risk for prostate cancer or diabetes are likely to get… Consumer gene test results misleading: U.S. probe   


Urinary dysfunction troubles men who undergo prostate removal
Jan 30 08

Men with prostate cancer who have their prostate removed cite sexual dysfunction as the most common side effect after surgery, but urinary dysfunction troubles… Urinary dysfunction troubles men who undergo prostate removal   


Keep a sharp eye on prostate ca to avoid treatment
May 29 05

A strategy of active surveillance is a feasible approach to managing men with low-risk, early Prostate cancer, and may help many men… Keep a sharp eye on prostate ca to avoid treatment   


Obesity, small prostate raise cancer risk - US study
May 24 05

Prostate cancer patients who are obese or who have small prostates seem to have more aggressive tumors, study suggests.

The studies… Obesity, small prostate raise cancer risk - US study   


Pomegranate juice may slow prostate cancer
May 23 05

In men with recurrent Prostate cancer, drinking 8 ounces per day of pomegranate juice significantly increases the time it takes for an… Pomegranate juice may slow prostate cancer   


Having a partner helps men with prostate cancer
May 23 05

Men who are married or in a serious relationship fare better after treatment for prostate cancer than single men, suggesting that social support helps… Having a partner helps men with prostate cancer   


Prostate condition often causes lingering worries
May 20 05

Many men with a little understood prostate condition called non-bacterial prostatitis have persistent concerns about their health, even after their symptoms improve,… Prostate condition often causes lingering worries   


Breast cancer drug may help prostate - study
May 16 05

A drug used to treat breast cancer may also help Prostate cancer from developing in men who have precancerous… Breast cancer drug may help prostate - study   


Strenuous activity may slow prostate cancer
May 11 05

Vigorous physical activity does not seem to affect the risk of developing Prostate cancer, but it may slow the progression of the… Strenuous activity may slow prostate cancer   


Early prostate cancer surgery improves survival
May 11 05

For men diagnosed with early Prostate cancer, one of their options is to wait to see if the disease progresses and then… Early prostate cancer surgery improves survival   


Exercise ‘slows prostate cancer’
May 10 05

Regular vigorous physical activity could slow the progression of Prostate cancer in older men, a study has found.

The findings suggest… Exercise ‘slows prostate cancer’   


Prostate surgery often works after radiation fails
May 05 05

“Salvage” surgery should be considered for men who have persistent Prostate cancer despite undergoing radiation therapy, US researchers contend.

In their 30-year… Prostate surgery often works after radiation fails   


Some prostate cancer best left alone
May 04 05

Men diagnosed with the least dangerous, localized Prostate cancer have only a minimal risk of dying from the disease over the following… Some prostate cancer best left alone   


Less-is-more tactic OK for some prostate cancers
May 03 05

When Prostate cancer remains confined to the gland, it’s safe to take a conservative approach to treatment, new research suggests.

The findings… Less-is-more tactic OK for some prostate cancers   


Prostate cancer counseling should include partners
May 03 05

Including wives and partners in the care of men with Prostate cancer could help couples fare better in the long run, according… Prostate cancer counseling should include partners   


Yearly check for prostate cancer best
Apr 28 05

Extending the Prostate cancer screening interval to 2 or 4 years would substantially delay the detection of advanced prostate cancers, new research… Yearly check for prostate cancer best   


Prostate cancer in family doesn’t predict BPH
Apr 23 05

A history of Prostate cancer in the family may mean that a man runs a higher risk for the disease, but… Prostate cancer in family doesn’t predict BPH   


Green tea may curb prostate cancer in men at risk
Apr 19 05

Compounds found in green tea may prevent the development of Prostate cancer in men with a pre-cancerous condition called high-grade intraepithelial neoplasia… Green tea may curb prostate cancer in men at risk   


Statins lower advanced prostate cancer risk
Apr 18 05

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins may slash a man’s risk of advanced Prostate cancer, according to research presented Monday.

A study that… Statins lower advanced prostate cancer risk   

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