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Children's Health
Heat stroke preventable in young football players
• Children's Health • Aug 22 05
Moving gradually into summertime practice may help prevent heat-related illness and deaths among young football players, according to new recommendations laid out by an…
Violent video games may increase kids’ aggression
• Children's Health • Aug 19 05
It may seem obvious to som, that Children who play violent video games are more likely to act aggressively, argue, and get into physical…
TV is bad for children’s education, studies show
• Children's Health • Aug 08 05
The more time children spend watching television the poorer they perform academically, according to three studies published on Monday.
Excessive television viewing has been…
Family therapy may help boys who bully
• Children's Health • Aug 05 05
Aggressive teenage boys can be helped through family therapy to rein in some of their anger and improve their relationships with others, according…
Girls abused by dates at higher STD risk
• Children's Health • Aug 01 05
Adolescent girls who have been shoved, hit, forced into any sexual activity or otherwise physically or sexually abused by a date are more likely…
Children “damaged” at UK asylum centre
• Children's Health • Jul 27 05
Children held at Britain’s largest immigration detention centre are being “damaged” because of their incarceration, the prisons watchdog said on Wednesday.
Havana on health alert after eight children die
• Children's Health • Jul 24 05
Cuban health authorities urged Havana residents on Sunday to take extra hygiene precautions as they investigate the deaths of eight children from an unknown…
US children healthier, except minorities
• Children's Health • Jul 20 05
The adolescent birth rate has reached another record low, the death rate for children between ages 1 and 4 is the lowest ever and…
Washing hands with soap cuts diseases in children
• Children's Health • Jul 17 05
Washing hands with soap can halve the number of young children suffering from pneumonia, the leading killer of youngsters under 5 years…
PediPump may help kids with heart failure
• Children's Health • Jul 14 05
Researchers have developed a tiny heart pump specifically for use in children, even newborns, with heart failure, a condition in which the failing heart…
Ex-tiny babies at risk for reduced fitness levels
• Children's Health • Jul 12 05
When infants born prematurely at extremely low birth weight (ELBW) and term-born normal-weight infants reach late adolescence, they show significant differences in aerobic fitness,…
Nitric oxide aids some premature babies
• Children's Health • Jul 07 05
Although nitric oxide can halve the risk of developmental problems in premature babies with undeveloped lungs, the gas could be harmful to newborns who…
Children in Chronic Pain Need Better Support
• Children's Health • Jul 06 05
As many as 15 per cent of children suffer from headaches, abdominal and musculoskeletal pain but two per cent of children have…
Snoring in kids may portend hyperactivity
• Children's Health • Jul 01 05
Young children who snore could be at greater risk of becoming hyperactive later than those who sleep quietly, U.S. researchers reported on Friday.
Panel advises whooping cough booster for US teens
• Children's Health • Jun 30 05
U.S. teens should get a booster shot of the whooping cough vaccine to protect them from waning immunity, advisers to the federal government…
Kids’ 5-in-1 vaccination seen safe, effective
• Children's Health • Jun 27 05
Vaccinating infants against five diseases in one shot works just as well as separate injections, with no higher rate of side effects, Italian investigators…
Even Infants Can Suffer Strokes
• Children's Health • Jun 25 05
The brain attacks strike seemingly healthy babies, according to new study findings. Parents of newborns often worry their babies may choke, or not feed…
Sleep troubles tied to mental problems in kids
• Children's Health • Jun 22 05
The results of a study in the Journal of Pediatrics suggest that there is an association between sleep difficulties and mental problems in children.
Hay fever not linked to kids’ immunizations
• Children's Health • Jun 18 05
Routine childhood immunizations do not increase the likelihood that kids will develop hay fever, US researchers suggest.
“Suggestions that immunization…
Kids need an hour of brisk activity daily
• Children's Health • Jun 17 05
School-age children should engage in at least 60 minute’s worth of moderate or vigorous physical activity each day, according to a review of studies…
Slips, falls in tub common cause of kids’ injuries
• Children's Health • Jun 05 05
When kids hurt themselves in a bathtub, usually from a fall or slip, the accident occurs despite the fact that nearly always an adult…
Breastfed kids show lower blood pressure
• Children's Health • Jun 01 05
Children and teenagers who were exclusively breastfed for at least part of their infancy apparently have lower blood pressure than their formula-fed…
Meningococcal vaccine recommended for some teens
• Children's Health • May 26 05
The American Academy of Pediatrics and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are recommending that a new meningococcal vaccine be given to…
Each year, thousands of kids hurt on trampolines
• Children's Health • May 16 05
Trampoline-related injuries are on the rise once again among children and adolescents, new study findings show.
Within the last decade, the number of U.S.…
US kids with high lead levels not being re-tested
• Children's Health • May 10 05
Nearly half of children who have elevated levels of lead in their blood are not re-tested as recommended, according to new study findings released…