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Children's Health
Kids need outside playtime, researchers say
• Children's Health • Jan 13 05
Unstructured outdoor playtime, which seems to be steadily disappearing, needs to be restored to children’s lives, researchers say.
“The public’s main concern right now…
Probiotic formulas curb diarrhea bouts in infants
• Children's Health • Jan 12 05
Compared with standard formulas, those containing beneficial “probiotic” organisms seem to reduce the number and duration of diarrhea episodes in infants attending childcare centers,…
Russian rocket site linked to child sickness
• Children's Health • Jan 12 05
Unburned fuel from rockets launched at the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan is causing serious illnesses in children who live near the site, a leading…
School-based intervention shows benefit at age 21
• Children's Health • Jan 12 05
An elementary school program that aimed to build children’s social skills and emotional control seems to have had long-lasting effects, according to researchers.
Baby home from hospital after suffering injuries
• Children's Health • Jan 07 05
The 3-month-old Henderson infant who suffered acute bleeding in his brain as a result of allegedly being shaken by his nanny returned home Thursday…
Wealthy Chinese kids have worse nutrition - report
• Children's Health • Jan 07 05
A Chinese study has found that children from wealthy families are more likely to suffer bad nutrition than those from low-income homes, partly because…
Errors endanger hospitalized children
• Children's Health • Jan 06 05
A substantial number of “adverse events” - many of which could have been prevented - affect children in hospitals each year, according to a…
Mental deficits common after very preterm birth
• Children's Health • Jan 05 05
More than three-quarters of children who were born before the 26th week of pregnancy are affected by cognitive and neurologic impairments by the time…
Cigarette smoke worsens RSV infection in infants
• Children's Health • Jan 05 05
Babies and young children are prone to infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and new research shows that the condition is worsened if they’re…
Hypnosis helps kids during medical procedure
• Children's Health • Jan 04 05
Self-hypnosis can relieve distress in children undergoing an uncomfortable medical procedure known as a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), according to new research.
More awareness needed of toddlers’ risk for scalds
• Children's Health • Jan 04 05
Despite repeated recommendations to cook on the back burners of the stove and to turn pot handles toward the back, many parents still fail…
Pleasant smell may reduce apnea in preemies
• Children's Health • Jan 04 05
Premature newborns have a heightened risk of sleep apnea - brief periods when they stop breathing - but pumping a pleasant odor into their…
Meditation lowers kids’ blood pressure
• Children's Health • Dec 31 04
Twenty minutes of daily meditation appeared to help reduce middle-schoolers’ blood pressure, perhaps putting them at lower risk of cardiovascular problems later in life,…
Recurrent child deaths rarely infanticide
• Children's Health • Dec 30 04
In families in which more than one child dies unexpectedly, natural causes are the most likely explanation, UK investigators report.
Plastic wrapping help preemies stay warm
• Children's Health • Dec 29 04
Polyethylene wrapping can help prevent heat loss by very premature infants when they’re born, a Canadian group of researchers report.
Kids’ sleep disorders linked with problem behavior
• Children's Health • Dec 29 04
Sleep-disordered breathing is associated with higher rates of behavioral problems in children, researchers report.
Sleep-disordered breathing covers a range of conditions, from snoring to…
Antioxidants may help kids with leukemia
• Children's Health • Dec 27 04
Children being treated for acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) seem more able to deal with their treatment if their levels of antioxidants don’t drop too…
Dangers lurk for kids on holiday visits
• Children's Health • Dec 23 04
Most households where kids visit do not safely store guns or household chemicals that can act as deadly poisons, new research shows.
Many kids with ADHD not followed after diagnosis
• Children's Health • Dec 21 04
Children with attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) who are prescribed stimulant medication rarely receive optimal follow-up care, the results of a new study suggest.
…Bullying hurts kids with hormone disorders
• Children's Health • Dec 20 04
Getting teased at school can be especially damaging to kids with endocrine problems, and may cause them to put their health at risk, according…
Thalidomide OK for severe childhood arthritis
• Children's Health • Dec 17 04
Thalidomide, the drug that caused a spate of birth defects back in the 60s, may redeem itself as a treatment for children with a…
Low iron levels may contribute to ADHD
• Children's Health • Dec 15 04
Children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) seem to have iron deficiency, according to the results of a small study. The researchers suggest that such kids…
Air around indoor pools may harm kids’ lung cells
• Children's Health • Dec 15 04
Children who make regular visits to an indoor pool may develop damage to a type of lung cell that helps prevent airway inflammation,…
RSV therapy not cost-effective for infants
• Children's Health • Dec 13 04
Treatment with Synagis (palivizumab), a type of antibody therapy, is not a cost effective way of preventing infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) in…
Anorexia consequences need vigilant monitoring
• Children's Health • Dec 10 04
Because adolescent girls with anorexia frequently develop hormonal, blood and bone density abnormalities, they require intensive clinical monitoring, according to a new report.