Children's Health

Delayed vaccines tied to whooping cough risk
Sep 14 13

Children who are not vaccinated according to the schedule recommended by U.S. health officials are at an increased risk of catching whooping cough, according… Delayed vaccines tied to whooping cough risk   


Diet during pregnancy and early life affects children’s behaviour and intelligence
Sep 13 13

The statement “you are what you eat” is significant for the development of optimum mental performance in children as evidence is accumulating to show… Diet during pregnancy and early life affects children’s behaviour and intelligence   


More than one-third of populations worldwide may have low levels of vitamin D, study shows
Sep 04 13

A new systematic review published in the British Journal of Nutrition*, is one of the first to focus on patterns of vitamin D status… More than one-third of populations worldwide may have low levels of vitamin D, study shows   


Ear Infections: Treat All Kids
Sep 04 13

All children younger than 2 with acute otitis media diagnosed according to current American Academy of Pediatrics guidelines should receive antibiotics, researchers said.

Among… Ear Infections: Treat All Kids   


Hygiene, sanitation tied to small effects on growth
Aug 30 13

Children from poor regions with clean water, hygiene and sanitation programs tend to be slightly taller than those who grow up in similar areas… Hygiene, sanitation tied to small effects on growth   


New U.S. clinical trial poses risks to premature babies: watchdog
Aug 23 13

A new clinical trial funded by the U.S. government exposes premature infants suffering from anemia to risks without fully informing their parents, advocacy group… New U.S. clinical trial poses risks to premature babies: watchdog   


Probiotics linked to lower risk of allergies for kids
Aug 23 13

Babies whose mothers take probiotics while pregnant and those who are given the so-called “good bacteria” supplements early in life may be at lower… Probiotics linked to lower risk of allergies for kids   


BPA, phthalates tied to kids’ weight, diabetes risk
Aug 19 13

Children exposed to two chemicals commonly used in food packaging are more likely to be obese or show signs of diabetes precursors than those… BPA, phthalates tied to kids’ weight, diabetes risk   


Why are smart kids more likely to do drugs?
Aug 18 13

There is plenty of anecdotal evidence that a relationship exists between intelligence and drug use. Some of the greatest thinkers, artists, and musicians openly… Why are smart kids more likely to do drugs?   


New study shows vitamin D-related ‘molecular switches’ predict childhood bone mass
Aug 16 13

Researchers at the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, University of Southampton, have demonstrated that the degree to which a gene related to vitamin D action… New study shows vitamin D-related ‘molecular switches’ predict childhood bone mass   


Soft drinks and behavioral problems in young children
Aug 16 13

Americans buy more soft drinks per capita than people in any other country. These drinks are consumed by individuals of all ages, including… Soft drinks and behavioral problems in young children   


Global team identifies new genes behind severe childhood epilepsy
Aug 12 13

A large-scale international study on the genes involved in epilepsy has uncovered 25 new mutations on nine key genes behind a devastating form of… Global team identifies new genes behind severe childhood epilepsy   


Children who overestimate their popularity less likely to be bullies
Aug 11 13

Children who overestimate their popularity are less likely to be bullies than those who underestimate or hold more accurate assessments of their social standing,… Children who overestimate their popularity less likely to be bullies   


Research shows negative effects of half-siblings
Aug 11 13

Adolescents who have half-siblings with a different father are more likely to have used drugs and had sex by age 15 than those… Research shows negative effects of half-siblings   


Caesareans weaken gut microbiota and increase risk of allergies
Aug 09 13

Children who came into the world by Caesarean section are more often affected by allergies than those born in the natural way. The… Caesareans weaken gut microbiota and increase risk of allergies   


Tide might be turning on U.S. childhood obesity: CDC
Aug 06 13

The obesity rate among low-income children between the ages of 2 and 4 is falling in 19 U.S. states and territories after having doubled… Tide might be turning on U.S. childhood obesity: CDC   


Parental smoking tied to kids’ risk of lighting up
Aug 06 13

Children born to parents with a history of cigarette smoking are more likely to light up than kids of people who never smoked, according… Parental smoking tied to kids’ risk of lighting up   


Breastfeeding may protect against persistent stuttering
Aug 05 13

A study of 47 children who began stuttering at an early age found that those who were breastfed in infancy were more likely to… Breastfeeding may protect against persistent stuttering   


Sugary drinks tied to obesity among preschoolers
Aug 05 13

Five-year-olds who drink sugar-sweetened sodas, sports drinks or juices every day are more likely to be obese than those who have sugar-sweetened beverages less… Sugary drinks tied to obesity among preschoolers   


Take your child’s word for it on asthma, study finds
Aug 02 13

Children’s perceptions of living with asthma may differ significantly from their caregivers’ perceptions, which means both should be interviewed when they visit the doctor’s… Take your child’s word for it on asthma, study finds   


Disabled children treated more harshly in developing world
Jul 30 13

Children with disabilities receive harsher punishment across the developing world, according to a new study based on interviews with nearly 46,000 caregivers in 17… Disabled children treated more harshly in developing world   


Young cannabis-smokers aware of the health risks
Jul 29 13

91 percent of on average 20-year-old Swiss men drink alcohol, almost half of whom drink six beverages or more in a row and are… Young cannabis-smokers aware of the health risks   


Improving medicine acceptance in kids: A matter of taste
Jul 24 13

Despite major advances in the pharmaceutical treatment of disease, many children reject medicines due to an aversion to bitter taste. As such, bitterness presents… Improving medicine acceptance in kids: A matter of taste   


Univ. of MD finds that marijuana use in adolescence may cause permanent brain abnormalities
Jul 24 13

Regular marijuana use in adolescence, but not adulthood, may permanently impair brain function and cognition, and may increase the risk of developing serious psychiatric… Univ. of MD finds that marijuana use in adolescence may cause permanent brain abnormalities   


Timing of first solid food tied to child diabetes risk
Jul 14 13

When babies already at increased risk for type 1 diabetes had their first solid foods before four months of age or after six months,… Timing of first solid food tied to child diabetes risk   

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