Children's Health

Emergency room CT exams have increased in children with abdominal pain
Apr 23 12

Computed tomography (CT) utilization in pediatric patients with non-traumatic abdominal pain increased in emergency departments each year between 1999 and 2007, according to a… Emergency room CT exams have increased in children with abdominal pain   


A physician’s guide for anti-vaccine parents
Apr 23 12

In the limited time of an office visit, how can a primary care physician make the case to parents that their child should be… A physician’s guide for anti-vaccine parents   


IVF Babies May Face Later Cardiac Risks
Apr 20 12

Children conceived using assisted reproductive technology, including in vitro fertilization, may be at risk for premature cardiovascular disease, a small study found.

Compared with… IVF Babies May Face Later Cardiac Risks   


Fewer Kids Die in Accidents
Apr 20 12

The overall death rate from unintentional injury among children and teens fell 29% from 2000 to 2009, a review of U.S. mortality data showed.

Fewer Kids Die in Accidents   

Video Game Helps Kids Battle Depression
Apr 20 12

For depressed teenagers, a computer game may provide an alternative to in-person counseling, researchers found.

In a multicenter trial in New Zealand, playing the… Video Game Helps Kids Battle Depression   


Poll shows strong voter support for school nutrition standards
Apr 18 12

Eighty percent of American voters favor national standards that would limit calories, fat, and sodium in snack and à la carte foods sold in… Poll shows strong voter support for school nutrition standards   


5 S’s can help ease pain of infant vaccines
Apr 18 12

Watching your baby get a vaccine can be painful for parents, too.

But a new study, published in the medical journal Pediatrics, has found… 5 S’s can help ease pain of infant vaccines   


Tough Home Life for Toddlers Tied to Obesity
Apr 17 12

Girls who face multiple social stressors at home as toddlers are more likely to be obese by age 5, researchers found.

Among girls from… Tough Home Life for Toddlers Tied to Obesity   


Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity
Apr 16 12

Overall, 17% of children in the United States are obese, and in inner-city neighborhoods, the prevalence is as high as 25%. While poor diets… Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity   


Mom’s caffeine not linked to infant sleep problems
Apr 13 12

A baby’s sleep may not suffer just because her mom likes a daily cup of coffee, a new study suggests.

The findings, experts say,… Mom’s caffeine not linked to infant sleep problems   


Vitamin D Not Tied to School Performance
Apr 11 12

Children with higher levels of two types of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) do not appear to fare better in school, researchers found.

Increased levels of… Vitamin D Not Tied to School Performance   


Combined vaccine not tied to seizures in older kids
Apr 11 12

Although the combined vaccine against measles, mumps and chickenpox comes with a small risk of fever-related seizures in toddlers, a new study suggests that’s… Combined vaccine not tied to seizures in older kids   


Dental therapists worldwide offer safe effective care to children
Apr 11 12

A new report on dental therapists says the midlevel practitioners offer safe and competent care worldwide, primarily to children in locations with rare access… Dental therapists worldwide offer safe effective care to children   


Teen birthrate declines again in U.S., CDC says
Apr 11 12

Teen births have fallen to record lows in the United States, continuing an overall trend - partly due to programs aimed at preventing pregnancies… Teen birthrate declines again in U.S., CDC says   


Screen Time and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Apr 10 12

Approximately 20 percent of adolescents in the U.S. today are obese or overweight. With the number of obese and overweight younger children close behind,… Screen Time and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic   


How many calories does it take to reach childhood obesity prevention goals?
Apr 10 12

In order for the nation to achieve goals set by the federal government for reducing obesity rates by 2020, children in the United States… How many calories does it take to reach childhood obesity prevention goals?   


Emotional issues may follow motor problems in kids
Apr 09 12

A new study suggests the way kids with severe coordination problems see themselves may influence their emotional wellbeing later in life.

Coordination issues -… Emotional issues may follow motor problems in kids   


Genes Identified in Common Childhood Obesity
Apr 09 12

Genetics researchers have identified at least two new gene variants that increase the risk of common childhood obesity.

“This is the largest-ever genome-wide study… Genes Identified in Common Childhood Obesity   


Whooping cough vaccine fades in pre-teens: study
Apr 04 12

During a whooping cough outbreak in California in 2010, immunized children between eight and 12 years old were more likely to catch the bacterial… Whooping cough vaccine fades in pre-teens: study   


Scientists uncover clue to preventing, and possibly reversing, rare childhood genetic disease
Apr 02 12

Rutgers scientists think they have found a way to prevent and possibly reverse the most debilitating symptoms of a rare, progressive childhood degenerative disease… Scientists uncover clue to preventing, and possibly reversing, rare childhood genetic disease   


Measles-containing vaccines not linked with increased risk of febrile seizures in kids 4-6
Apr 02 12

Vaccines for measles were not associated with an increased risk of febrile seizures among 4-6 year olds during the six weeks after vaccination, according… Measles-containing vaccines not linked with increased risk of febrile seizures in kids 4-6   


Healthy Food for Your Kids
Mar 29 12

FRENCH fries.  Popcorn.  Donuts.  Would your child rather eat these than fruits and vegetables?  If so, then your child may be showing signs of… Healthy Food for Your Kids   


Co-pays may affect which kids get their meds
Mar 28 12

Kids with asthma end up in the hospital slightly more often when co-pays for their medications are higher, suggests a new report.

In the… Co-pays may affect which kids get their meds   


SIDS Risk Factors Undergo Shift
Mar 26 12

Since public health messages to lay sleeping infants on their backs have become pervasive, the risk factor profile for sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)… SIDS Risk Factors Undergo Shift   


Secondhand smoke again tied to asthma in kids
Mar 22 12

A fresh look at past studies suggests kids who live with a smoker are more likely to wheeze or get asthma, providing more evidence… Secondhand smoke again tied to asthma in kids   

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