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US launches diabetes campaign aimed at seniors
• Diabetes • Jan 18 05
A government-sponsored diabetes education group launched a new campaign on Tuesday to address what they say is one of the nation’s growing health…
Carnitine compound eases diabetic nerve pain
• Diabetes • Jan 14 05
People with diabetes-related nerve damage may find pain is relieved by taking a compound related to the popular supplement L-carnitine - provided the treatment…
Eating disorder, type 1 diabetes a dangerous mix
• Diabetes • Jan 13 05
Despite the importance of nutrition in managing type 1 diabetes, eating disorders and unhealthy weight-control tactics are not uncommon in young women with the…
Diabetes, pre-diabetes linked to cancer risk
• Diabetes • Jan 11 05
Diabetes, or even high blood sugar levels that can lead to diabetes, appear to raise the risk of several major cancers, according to a…
Pain affects how well people with diabetes cope
• Diabetes • Jan 11 05
People with diabetes often suffer from chronic and sometimes severe pain, and this can create difficulties for them in the management of their condition…
Lyrica relieves diabetes pain
• Diabetes • Jan 07 05
A new drug, Lyrica (pregabalin) is a well-tolerated, effective treatment for pain in the extremities often experienced by people with diabetes, according to…
Pregnancy can go well for women with diabetes
• Diabetes • Dec 31 04
Women with type 1 diabetes who monitor their blood glucose daily both before and during pregnancy have better outcomes, Danish researchers report.
Twice-daily insulin not ideal for diabetic kids
• Diabetes • Dec 27 04
For preschool children with type 1 diabetes, twice-daily insulin injections do not adequately control blood sugar levels, researchers report. They found these kids had…
Diabetes raises mortality after coronary bypass
• Diabetes • Dec 24 04
People with type 2 diabetes have a higher likelihood of dying shortly after undergoing coronary artery bypass graft surgery, even when a number of…
Aspirin underused by people with diabetes
• Diabetes • Dec 22 04
Daily aspirin is usually recommended for people at increased risk for heart disease, and people with diabetes come into that category. While the proportion…
High blood sugar, as well as low, slows the mind
• Diabetes • Dec 22 04
Many people with diabetes find that they become mentally and physically sluggish during periods when their blood sugar level rises in the course…
Hyperglycemia linked to cognitive-motor slowing in diabetics
• Diabetes • Dec 22 04
Many diabetics experience worse cognitive-motor functioning during periods of hyperglycemia that occur in the course of their daily routines, investigators report in the January…
Poor lung function may increase diabetes risk
• Diabetes • Dec 20 04
A new study shows that impaired pulmonary function is linked with an increased occurrence of diabetes.
The finding, consistent with previous reports, is…
Diabetes vaccine to be tested on humans
• Diabetes • Dec 13 04
A vaccine against the most serious type of diabetes will be tested on humans for the first time next year, UK scientists said today.
…Family bonds help African-Americans with diabetes
• Diabetes • Dec 10 04
Families play an important role in how well African Americans with diabetes manage their disease, a study shows.
This implies that ” broadening the…
Insulin pump benefits very young diabetics
• Diabetes • Dec 09 04
An insulin pump that provide continuous release of insulin provides good control of blood sugar (glucose) in very young patients with type 1
Teens with diabetes may face future bone frailty
• Diabetes • Dec 07 04
Despite normal growth and maturation, young people with type 1 diabetes appear to lag in bone development, researchers report.
Ethnicity affects impact of vitamin D on diabetes
• Diabetes • Dec 03 04
As blood levels of vitamin D increase, the risk of diabetes decreases in non-Hispanic whites and Mexican Americans - but not in blacks…
Diabetes in midlife linked to later dementia
• Diabetes • Dec 01 04
Middle-aged people with diabetes are nearly three times more likely to develop dementia in old age than people without diabetes, according to a new…
High cholesterol in diabetes may harm vision
• Diabetes • Nov 30 04
Aggressive treatment to lower high cholesterol in patients with type 1 diabetes, also known as “juvenile diabetes,” an autoimmune disease that typically develops at…
Low testosterone seen common in diabetic men
• Diabetes • Nov 29 04
About one third of men with type 2 diabetes show low levels of testosterone, and this is seems to be related to abnormal…
Avandia linked with severe lipid abnormalities
• Diabetes • Nov 26 04
On rare occasions, treatment with rosiglitazone (Avandia) may cause a profound decrease in high-density lipoprotein (HDL, the “good” cholesterol) and an increase in fasting…
Avandia aids recovery of insulin-secreting cells
• Diabetes • Nov 25 04
The anti-diabetes drug Avandia not only improves the body’s response to insulin but also helps insulin-producing cells in the pancreas recover their function, a…
Preemies seen prone to ‘pre-diabetes’
• Diabetes • Nov 18 04
Children who were born prematurely, regardless of their actual birth weight, have a reduction in insulin sensitivity - a pre-diabetic condition that can lead…
New drug may be better than aspirin for diabetics
• Diabetes • Nov 16 04
A drug called picotamide appears to be a more effective blood-thinner than aspirin for people with diabetes, according to an Italian study.