
Anti-obesity program doesn’t help teen girls: study
May 09 12

An intensive obesity-prevention program for Australian girls didn’t lead to any improvements in their diet, physical activity or body weight a year later, according… Anti-obesity program doesn’t help teen girls: study   


Study shows link between pre-pregnancy obesity and lower test scores
May 08 12

Women who are obese before they become pregnant are at higher risk of having children with lower cognitive function - as measured by math… Study shows link between pre-pregnancy obesity and lower test scores   


Keeping obesity rates level could save nearly $550 billion over 2 decades
May 08 12

Researchers have forecast the cost savings and rise in obesity prevalence over the next two decades in a new public health study.

“Keeping obesity… Keeping obesity rates level could save nearly $550 billion over 2 decades   


A new candidate pathway for treating visceral obesity
May 07 12

Brown seems to be the color of choice when it comes to the types of fat cells in our bodies. Brown fat expends energy,… A new candidate pathway for treating visceral obesity   


HBO Teams with Feds to Tackle Obesity
May 02 12

Cable television station HBO has once again partnered with federal officials to raise awareness of a major public health crisis through a documentary series… HBO Teams with Feds to Tackle Obesity   


Why underweight babies become obese
May 02 12

It seems improbable that a baby born underweight would be prone to obesity, but it is well documented that these children tend to put… Why underweight babies become obese   


Missing Teeth Can Lead to Obesity
May 01 12

There has always been a link between missing teeth and poor nutrition. After all, chewing is the first step in the digestive process. It… Missing Teeth Can Lead to Obesity   


Fear of not having enough food may lead to obesity
Apr 28 12

While eating too much food can cause obesity, the fear of not having enough food may lead to the same result, according to a… Fear of not having enough food may lead to obesity   


Is the obesity tide turning among preschoolers?
Apr 25 12

In eastern Massachusetts, the number of kids under age six who are obese declined significantly in recent years - a trend that might be… Is the obesity tide turning among preschoolers?   


Why Have Americans Become More Obese?
Apr 24 12

In the early 1960s, the average American adult male weighed 168 pounds.

Today, he weighs nearly 180 pounds. Over the same time period, the… Why Have Americans Become More Obese?   


Fight Obesity With Soy
Apr 24 12

With so many American’s suffering from Obesity, a new discovery with soy protein could help thousands.

A University of Illinois study shows how soy… Fight Obesity With Soy   


Gut Organisms Could Be Clue in Controlling Obesity Risk
Apr 24 12

The international obesity epidemic is widespread, nondiscriminatory, and deadly. But do we really understand all of the factors underlying this alarming trend? The concept… Gut Organisms Could Be Clue in Controlling Obesity Risk   


Obesity rates declining among Massachusetts infants and toddlers
Apr 24 12

Researchers at the Harvard Pilgrim Health Care Institute found a drop in obesity rates among Massachusetts infants and preschoolers, reports the Boston Globe.

The… Obesity rates declining among Massachusetts infants and toddlers   


New research connects obesity and cancer
Apr 24 12

New research suggests people who are obese and lacking physical activity in their daily lives are at higher risk of developing common forms of… New research connects obesity and cancer   


Obesity study focuses on healthy nutrition in group homes
Apr 24 12

For people with developmental disabilities, particularly those who live in a community group home, the prevalence of obesity can be significantly higher than in… Obesity study focuses on healthy nutrition in group homes   


Sneak peak in Oakland of HBO “Weight of the Nation” series Wednesday
Apr 24 12

U.S. citizens stubbornly remain obese despite decades of efforts by movie stars, fitness gurus, educators and even religious leaders to get Americans into shape.… Sneak peak in Oakland of HBO “Weight of the Nation” series Wednesday   


Emotional eating: The trick to staying slim
Apr 18 12

Your idea of a good time after a bad day is a scoop of dulce de leche ice cream piled high atop a fudge… Emotional eating: The trick to staying slim   


Surgery Wins Again for Obese Diabetics
Apr 17 12

Yet another study has found that bariatric surgery is a better diabetes treatment in obese patients than medical therapy, Italian researchers said, confirming results… Surgery Wins Again for Obese Diabetics   


Tough Home Life for Toddlers Tied to Obesity
Apr 17 12

Girls who face multiple social stressors at home as toddlers are more likely to be obese by age 5, researchers found.

Among girls from… Tough Home Life for Toddlers Tied to Obesity   


Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity
Apr 16 12

Overall, 17% of children in the United States are obese, and in inner-city neighborhoods, the prevalence is as high as 25%. While poor diets… Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity   


Sleepless city faces obesity, diabetes risk
Apr 14 12

If you sleep less than five hours a day, chances are you will put on five kilos within a year and develop diabetes sooner… Sleepless city faces obesity, diabetes risk   


U of I study: Lose body weight before gaining baby weight
Apr 12 12

A new University of Illinois study contains a warning for obese women who are planning pregnancies. Even if they eat a healthy diet when… U of I study: Lose body weight before gaining baby weight   


Screen Time and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic
Apr 10 12

Approximately 20 percent of adolescents in the U.S. today are obese or overweight. With the number of obese and overweight younger children close behind,… Screen Time and the Childhood Obesity Epidemic   


How many calories does it take to reach childhood obesity prevention goals?
Apr 10 12

In order for the nation to achieve goals set by the federal government for reducing obesity rates by 2020, children in the United States… How many calories does it take to reach childhood obesity prevention goals?   


Obesity Accounts for 21 Percent of U.S. Health Care Costs
Apr 09 12

Obesity now accounts for almost 21 percent of U.S. health care costs – more than twice the previous estimates, reports a new Cornell University… Obesity Accounts for 21 Percent of U.S. Health Care Costs   

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