
Genes Identified in Common Childhood Obesity
Apr 09 12

Genetics researchers have identified at least two new gene variants that increase the risk of common childhood obesity.

“This is the largest-ever genome-wide study… Genes Identified in Common Childhood Obesity   


Heightened sensitivity to cheap, high-calorie food is linked with obesity
Apr 05 12

Obesity is increasing worldwide in adults and children and is currently viewed by many as one of the most serious threats to public health.… Heightened sensitivity to cheap, high-calorie food is linked with obesity   


Our brains on food: From anorexia to obesity and everything in between
Apr 03 12

The brains of people with anorexia and obesity are wired differently, according to new research. Neuroscientists for the first time have found that how… Our brains on food: From anorexia to obesity and everything in between   


US obesity ‘higher than thought’
Apr 02 12

The obesity problem in the US may be much worse than previously thought, according to researchers.

They said using the Body Mass Index or… US obesity ‘higher than thought’   


Epigenetic changes in twins of dieting mothers increases risk of obesity and diabetes
Apr 02 12

If you’re expecting, this might make you feel a little better about reaching for that pint of ice cream: New research published online in… Epigenetic changes in twins of dieting mothers increases risk of obesity and diabetes   


Bariatric Surgery Best for Obese Diabetics
Mar 26 12

Bariatric surgery improves glycemic control better than optimal medical therapy alone for obese patients with type 2 diabetes, two randomized trials determined.

Hemoglobin A1c… Bariatric Surgery Best for Obese Diabetics   


Can our genes be making us fat?
Mar 23 12

While high-fat foods are thought to be of universal appeal, there is actually a lot of variation in the extent to which people like… Can our genes be making us fat?   


The way you eat can make you fat
Mar 20 12

Wolfing down your meal can restrict the release of “full” hormones in your gut, meaning you overeat, researchers in Athens have found.

In the… The way you eat can make you fat   


Obesity raises death risk tied to sleeping pills
Mar 17 12

Obesity appears to significantly increase the risk of death tied to sleeping pills, nearly doubling the rate of mortality even among those prescribed 18… Obesity raises death risk tied to sleeping pills   


Overweight, obese adults use electronic device to stick to diet, exercise
Mar 16 12

Overweight and obese adults who used an electronic diary program on a personal digital assistant did better at staying on diet and physical activity… Overweight, obese adults use electronic device to stick to diet, exercise   


Low-income mothers risk obesity to feed children
Mar 16 12

Mothers who financially struggle to provide food for their families tend to put themselves at risk for obesity while trying to feed their children,… Low-income mothers risk obesity to feed children   


Weight-Loss Surgery Safe for Obese Kidney Disease Patients
Mar 03 12

Weight-loss surgery is safe for chronic kidney disease (CKD) patients who are obese, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue of the… Weight-Loss Surgery Safe for Obese Kidney Disease Patients   


Clamor for obesity pill may test FDA limits
Feb 29 12

U.S. drug regulators may have a hard time stopping millions of overweight Americans from taking a new obesity drug that many are likely to… Clamor for obesity pill may test FDA limits   


Future Study Aims To Assess The Outcomes Of Obesity Surgeries
Feb 28 12

Obesity represents a worldwide health problem with an increasing incidence among adults. For this reason the University of Bristol started a study named BY-BAND,… Future Study Aims To Assess The Outcomes Of Obesity Surgeries   


Childhood Obesity–Can Faith-Based Organizations Make a Difference?
Feb 21 12

Faith-based advocacy has been cited as a valuable tool in combating childhood obesity, but evidence is needed to support this assertion and to define… Childhood Obesity–Can Faith-Based Organizations Make a Difference?   


Computer-assisted tools alert pediatricians to obese patients
Feb 21 12

Electronic health records and embedded tools can alert and direct pediatricians so they can better manage the weight of children and teenagers, according to… Computer-assisted tools alert pediatricians to obese patients   


Obesity rates rise, threaten health in OECD nations
Feb 21 12

More people in developed countries are overweight or obese than ever before, dooming them to years of ill health, pushing up healthcare costs and… Obesity rates rise, threaten health in OECD nations   


Parent-Training Intervention Curbs Pediatric Obesity Rates
Feb 16 12

A UCLA study has found that a new parent-training program is effective in reducing the risk of low-income, preschool-age Latino children being overweight.

Researchers… Parent-Training Intervention Curbs Pediatric Obesity Rates   


Analysing the causes of obesity in the Romani ethnic group
Feb 14 12

Esther Rebato is a well-known figure in the field of Physical Anthropology. She not only holds the prestigious Alex Hrdlièka academic medal of the… Analysing the causes of obesity in the Romani ethnic group   


Games and Interactive Media Are Powerful Tools for Health Promotion and Childhood Obesity Prevention
Feb 13 12

Children are naturally drawn toward gaming and other types of technology, creating an ideal opportunity to design interactive media tools to encourage physical activity… Games and Interactive Media Are Powerful Tools for Health Promotion and Childhood Obesity Prevention   


Primary care program helps obese teen girls manage weight, improve body image and behavior
Feb 13 12

Teenage girls gained less weight, improved their body image, ate less fast food, and had more family meals after participating in a 6- month… Primary care program helps obese teen girls manage weight, improve body image and behavior   


Obesity is associated with altered brain function
Feb 09 12

In most western countries the annual increase in the prevalence and the severity of obesity is currently substantial. Although obesity typically results simply from… Obesity is associated with altered brain function   


New plan to cut the fat of the military
Feb 09 12

Obese Americans in the military are a national security hazard and first lady Michelle Obama wants to see that change.

Obama, who has spearheaded… New plan to cut the fat of the military   


Breastfeeding can reduce risk of childhood obesity
Feb 08 12

Children of diabetic pregnancies have a greater risk of childhood obesity, but new research from the Colorado School of Public Health shows breastfeeding can… Breastfeeding can reduce risk of childhood obesity   


Obese children more likely to suffer growth plate fractures
Feb 08 12

Obese children are 74 percent more likely to sustain a fracture of the growth plate, the softer end of the bone where growth occurs.… Obese children more likely to suffer growth plate fractures   

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