
Behavior programs may cut child obesity risk
Feb 07 12

Programs that teach parenting skills early on may help prevent obesity in poor U.S. kids, a study published Monday suggests.

Researchers found that two… Behavior programs may cut child obesity risk   


Positive parenting during early childhood may prevent obesity
Feb 06 12

Programs that support parents during their child’s early years hold promise for obesity prevention, according to a new study in the online February 6… Positive parenting during early childhood may prevent obesity   


Bossy mom at snack time tied to kid’s weight: study
Feb 03 12

Mothers who push their toddlers to eat more at snack time may end up with slightly chubbier children by the age of three, according… Bossy mom at snack time tied to kid’s weight: study   


Impoverished schools, parent education key factors in student weight
Feb 02 12

Attending a financially poor school may have more of an effect on unhealthy adolescent weight than family poverty, according to Penn State sociologists.

Poor… Impoverished schools, parent education key factors in student weight   


Lumbar disc degeneration more likely in overweight and obese adults
Jan 30 12

One of the largest studies to investigate lumbar spine disc degeneration found that adults who are overweight or obese were significantly more likely to… Lumbar disc degeneration more likely in overweight and obese adults   


Study of One Million Americans Shows Obesity and Pain Linked
Jan 27 12

A clear association between obesity and pain - with higher rates of pain identified in the heaviest individuals - was found in a study… Study of One Million Americans Shows Obesity and Pain Linked   


Obesity diagnosis could depend on physician’s weight too!
Jan 27 12

Besides your own body mass index (BMI), obesity diagnosis could also depend on the weight of your physician, a new study has revealed.

Obesity diagnosis could depend on physician’s weight too!   


Physician’s Weight May Influence Obesity Diagnosis and Care
Jan 26 12

A patient’s body mass index (BMI) may not be the only factor at play when a physician diagnoses a patient as obese. According to… Physician’s Weight May Influence Obesity Diagnosis and Care   


School Obesity Programs May Promote Worrisome Eating Behaviors and Physical Activity in Kids
Jan 25 12

A new report from the C.S. Mott Children’s Hospital National Poll on Children’s Health examines the possible association between school-based childhood obesity prevention programs… School Obesity Programs May Promote Worrisome Eating Behaviors and Physical Activity in Kids   


Understanding causes of obesity in Aboriginal children
Jan 24 12

To fully understand the causes of the obesity epidemic in Aboriginal children requires an understanding of the unique social and historical factors that shape… Understanding causes of obesity in Aboriginal children   


Exposure to chemical found in personal care products may contribute to childhood obesity
Jan 21 12

Researchers from the Children’s Environmental Health Center at The Mount Sinai Medical Center in New York have found an association between exposure to the… Exposure to chemical found in personal care products may contribute to childhood obesity   


Quebec ban on fast-food ads reduced consumption of junk food
Jan 19 12

With mounting concerns over childhood obesity and its associated health risks in the U.S., would a ban on junk-food advertising aimed at children be… Quebec ban on fast-food ads reduced consumption of junk food   


Weighing up the causes of obesity
Jan 18 12

Stress can make you fat – and being obese can create stress. A new hypothesis seeks to explain how.

Diet and lack of exercise… Weighing up the causes of obesity   


Little change in U.S. obesity rates in recent years
Jan 18 12

The number of kids and adults in the United States who are obese has held steady over the last few years, two reports out… Little change in U.S. obesity rates in recent years   


Study Shows Obese Nurses More Stressed, Less Active
Jan 16 12

Survey data from 2,103 female nurses revealed that nurses with long work hours were significantly more likely to be obese compared with underweight or… Study Shows Obese Nurses More Stressed, Less Active   


A diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults
Jan 11 12

Among overweight and obese adults, a diet rich in slowly digested carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and other high-fiber foods, significantly reduces markers… A diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults   


Obesity and cancer screening: Do race and gender also play a role?
Jan 09 12

Researchers in Family and Community Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University recently found that obesity was linked to higher rates of prostate cancer screening across… Obesity and cancer screening: Do race and gender also play a role?   


When Overeating, Calories, Not Protein, Contribute to Increase in Body Fat
Jan 07 12

In a study conducted among 25 healthy individuals living in a controlled setting who were randomized to overconsumption of different levels of protein diets,… When Overeating, Calories, Not Protein, Contribute to Increase in Body Fat   


Bariatric Surgery Associated with Reduction in Cardiovascular Events and Death
Jan 07 12

Among obese individuals, having bariatric surgery was associated with a reduced long-term incidence of cardiovascular deaths and events such as heart attack and stroke,… Bariatric Surgery Associated with Reduction in Cardiovascular Events and Death   


Wealthier Nations Have More Fast Food and More Obesity
Jan 06 12

New research from the University of Michigan suggests obesity can be seen as one of the unintended side effects of free market policies.

A… Wealthier Nations Have More Fast Food and More Obesity   


Overall Fatness, Not Just BMI, Weight, for Measuring Obesity?
Jan 04 12

A new JAMA study published online on Wednesday suggests that when people consistently eat more calories than their bodies can burn each day, it… Overall Fatness, Not Just BMI, Weight, for Measuring Obesity?   


Teen Obesity Tied to Poor Mom-Child Relationship
Jan 03 12

Toddlers who have poor relationships with their moms are more likely to pack on extra pounds as they grow up, a new U.S. study… Teen Obesity Tied to Poor Mom-Child Relationship   


How obesity alters the brain area involved in body weight control
Dec 27 11

The number of people who suffer from one or more of the adverse complications of obesity, including type 2 diabetes and heart disease is… How obesity alters the brain area involved in body weight control   


Obesity and diabetes epidemics spur increase in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
Dec 14 11

Nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH) occurs when fat builds up in the liver. This accumulation of fat damages the liver and leads to cirrhosis. NASH is… Obesity and diabetes epidemics spur increase in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis   


Being overweight not such a stigma for African American women
Dec 07 11

While all obese women are less satisfied with the weight-related quality of their lives than women of ‘normal’ weight, black women report a higher… Being overweight not such a stigma for African American women   

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