
Evidence shows how childhood obesity can be prevented
Dec 07 11

Targeting children aged six to 12 with school-based programmes that encourage healthy eating, physical activity and positive attitudes to body image are among a… Evidence shows how childhood obesity can be prevented   


Obese people use more meds: study
Dec 04 11

Obese adults in the United States use a number of prescription drug types more frequently than normal-weight adults, says a new study from researchers… Obese people use more meds: study   


Growth hormone increases bone formation in obese women
Nov 29 11

In a new study presented today at the annual meeting of the Radiological Society of North America (RSNA), growth hormone replacement for six months… Growth hormone increases bone formation in obese women   


UK women are ‘fattest in Europe’
Nov 28 11

The UK has more obese women than any other country in Europe, according to European Union figures.

Data agency Eurostat, which looked at 19… UK women are ‘fattest in Europe’   


Restricted calorie diet improves heart function in obese patients with diabetes
Nov 28 11

A low-calorie diet eliminates insulin dependence and leads to improved heart function in obese patients with type 2 diabetes, according to a study presented… Restricted calorie diet improves heart function in obese patients with diabetes   


Overweight individuals more susceptible to risk factors for further weight gain
Nov 24 11

Some risk factors for obesity become stronger the more overweight a person is, according to a study published Nov. 23 in the online journal… Overweight individuals more susceptible to risk factors for further weight gain   


Underweight people at higher post-surgery risk: study
Nov 22 11

People who are underweight have a 40 percent higher risk of dying in the first month after surgery than patients who are overweight, according… Underweight people at higher post-surgery risk: study   


Overweight people eat less often: study
Nov 21 11

Overweight adults eat less often than people in the normal body weight range, but still take in more calories and are less active over… Overweight people eat less often: study   


Overweight people eat fewer meals than others
Nov 20 11

Normal weight adults, including those who had lost a lot of weight and kept it off, ate more often than overweight people in a… Overweight people eat fewer meals than others   


Childhood obesity - what are the health risks?
Nov 16 11

It is widely suspected that the current wave of obesity among children will result in greater rates of cardiovascular disease and diabetes over the… Childhood obesity - what are the health risks?   


Future obesity may be predicted at 3.5 years of age
Nov 14 11

Researchers can predict which children are most likely to become obese by examining their mothers’ behaviour around their birth, according to a recent University… Future obesity may be predicted at 3.5 years of age   


Behavioral therapy for obesity may help family too
Nov 10 11

When obese people lose weight with behavioral therapy, their family members may get a bit trimmer as well, a new study suggests.

Cognitive-behavioral therapy… Behavioral therapy for obesity may help family too   


California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven
Nov 10 11

A new study released today offers hope that California may finally be getting a handle on its 30-year battle with childhood obesity, but it… California making headway in battle against childhood obesity but successes are uneven   


Cooking in the classroom to fight childhood obesity
Nov 08 11

Based on Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and other reports that childhood obesity has tripled over the past 30 years, we recognize the… Cooking in the classroom to fight childhood obesity   


Sowing the seeds of the obesity epidemic in babyhood
Nov 08 11

The growth charts pediatricians use at well-baby visits can predict a baby’s risk for obesity later in life, finds a population-based study from Children’s… Sowing the seeds of the obesity epidemic in babyhood   


Sleep Apnea Linked to Teen Obesity
Nov 05 11

Obese adolescents have an increased risk of sleep apnea or abnormal breathing during sleep, according to a study presented at the American College of… Sleep Apnea Linked to Teen Obesity   


Study finds overweight teens want to lose weight, going about it the wrong way
Nov 01 11

About 14 percent of Philadelphia’s high school students are considered overweight, and while a myriad of research has been published on what schools, communities… Study finds overweight teens want to lose weight, going about it the wrong way   


Insight: Firms to charge smokers, obese more for healthcare
Oct 31 11

Like a lot of companies, Veridian Credit Union wants its employees to be healthier. In January, the Waterloo, Iowa-company rolled out a wellness program… Insight: Firms to charge smokers, obese more for healthcare   


Obese people regain weight after dieting due to hormones
Oct 28 11

Obese people may regain weight after dieting due to hormonal changes, a University of Melbourne and Austin Health study has shown.

The study was… Obese people regain weight after dieting due to hormones   


Study: Obesity limits effectiveness of flu vaccines
Oct 25 11

People carrying extra pounds may need extra protection from influenza.

New research from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill shows that obesity… Study: Obesity limits effectiveness of flu vaccines   


For Obese Children, Less is More When it Comes to General Anesthesia
Oct 18 11

A study presented at ANESTHESIOLOGY 2011 this week found that obese children required much smaller doses of the anesthetic propofol than non-obese children to… For Obese Children, Less is More When it Comes to General Anesthesia   


Another clue to how obesity works
Oct 14 11

The effects of obesity - both on our bodies and on the health budget - are well known, and now, scientists are getting closer… Another clue to how obesity works   


Obesity rate declines slightly, study finds
Oct 10 11

The percentage of Americans of “normal weight” has slightly increased in the past year, but overweight and obese people still command a solid majority,… Obesity rate declines slightly, study finds   


Obese mothers put children at higher risk of asthma
Oct 10 11

Pregnant women who are obese put their children at higher risk of developing asthma compared to mothers of normal weight, a large study in… Obese mothers put children at higher risk of asthma   


Cell dysfunction linked to obesity and metabolic disorders
Sep 26 11

By measuring the radioactive isotope carbon-14, scientists at Karolinska Institutet have revealed an association between lipid cell dysfunction and diseases such as obesity, diabetes… Cell dysfunction linked to obesity and metabolic disorders   

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