
Deadly Link Between High Salt Intake And Obesity May Be Explained
Sep 21 11

Deadly Link Between High Salt Intake And Obesity May Be Explained By Abnormal Activation Of A Protein

Dietary salt intake and obesity are… Deadly Link Between High Salt Intake And Obesity May Be Explained   


Abnormal activation of a protein may explain deadly link between high salt intake and obesity
Sep 20 11

Dietary salt intake and obesity are two important risk factors in the development of high blood pressure. Each packs its own punch, but when… Abnormal activation of a protein may explain deadly link between high salt intake and obesity   


Michigan to track childhood obesity as part of health push
Sep 14 11

Michigan’s Republican governor said on Wednesday he will ask doctors in the state to begin reporting information on their young patients’ body fat levels… Michigan to track childhood obesity as part of health push   


Cardiotrophin 1 shows promising results for treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome
Sep 13 11

Scientists from the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) of the University of Navarra (Spain) have discovered that cardiotrophin 1, a protein synthesized by… Cardiotrophin 1 shows promising results for treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome   


Weight Watchers works, scientific study finds
Sep 08 11

Overweight patients told by their doctors to go to Weight Watchers lose around twice as much weight as people receiving standard weight loss care… Weight Watchers works, scientific study finds   


Study finds payment for pediatric obesity services now can save money later
Sep 06 11

Pediatric obesity ends up costing $3 billion annually in the U.S., but a significant amount of that could be saved by streamlining medical coverage… Study finds payment for pediatric obesity services now can save money later   


Obese kids have more asthma flare-ups
Sep 04 11

Shaving off extra pounds might help asthmatic kids prevent flare-ups of the disease, according to a study that found obese children have a harder… Obese kids have more asthma flare-ups   


22,000 Members Of Czech Army Are Overweight
Sep 03 11

The Czech army has shrunk to just a quarter of its size since Prague shrugged off the yoke of Communism two decades ago, but… 22,000 Members Of Czech Army Are Overweight   


Obesity in America Projected to Affect 164 Million by 2030
Sep 01 11

If rates of obesity continue to follow the current trends, half of the United States population will suffer from obesity within the next two… Obesity in America Projected to Affect 164 Million by 2030   


65 million more obese adults in the US and 11 million more in the UK expected by 2030
Aug 28 11

The rising prevalence of obesity around the globe places an increasing burden on the health of populations, on healthcare systems and on overall economies.… 65 million more obese adults in the US and 11 million more in the UK expected by 2030   


Obesity to worsen, weigh heavily on healthcare costs
Aug 26 11

Obesity is most widespread in Britain and the United States among the world’s leading economies and if present trends continue, about half of both… Obesity to worsen, weigh heavily on healthcare costs   


Global Rates of Obesity Doubled in 30 Years
Aug 26 11

The world is becoming a heavier place, especially in the West.

Obesity rates worldwide have doubled in the last three decades, even as blood… Global Rates of Obesity Doubled in 30 Years   


Call to measure duration of obesity
Aug 26 11

Experts say the health hazards of obesity may have been grossly underestimated because we are not measuring the condition adequately.

Risk calculations have focused… Call to measure duration of obesity   


Medical Expenses Related to Obesity Costs States Billions
Aug 19 11

States spend up to $15 billion a year in medical expenses related to obesity, according to a new study by researchers at RTI International,… Medical Expenses Related to Obesity Costs States Billions   


Positive impact of growing public awareness of obesity epidemic
Aug 15 11

Increasing public awareness of the childhood obesity epidemic may be contributing to evidence of overall reductions in body mass index (BMI), a measure of… Positive impact of growing public awareness of obesity epidemic   


York U researchers zero in on protein that may help treat obesity, diabetes
Aug 09 11

A newly-identified protein may hold the key to keeping appetite and blood sugar in check, according to a study by York University researchers.

Suraj… York U researchers zero in on protein that may help treat obesity, diabetes   


Obesity counseling should focus on neurobehavioral processes, not personal choice, researchers say
Aug 01 11

Current approaches to dietary counseling for obesity are heavily rooted in the notion of personal choice and will power – the ability to choose… Obesity counseling should focus on neurobehavioral processes, not personal choice, researchers say   


Stronger social safety net leads to decrease in stress, childhood obesity
Jul 22 11

Social safety net programs that reduce psychosocial stressors for low-income families also ultimately lead to a reduction in childhood obesity, according to research by… Stronger social safety net leads to decrease in stress, childhood obesity   


Liver, belly fat may identify high risks of heart disease in obese people
Jul 22 11

Obese people with high levels of abdominal fat and liver fat may face increased risks for heart disease and other serious health problems, according… Liver, belly fat may identify high risks of heart disease in obese people   


Teen Weight Began to Rise in 1990s
Jul 12 11

A new study that looks at weight change over decades finds that the obesity epidemic in teens and young adults has its roots in… Teen Weight Began to Rise in 1990s   


‘Healthy’ habits linked to childhood obesity in China
Jul 11 11

Teenaged boys from well-off Chinese families who say they are physically active and eat plenty of vegetables but few sweets are more likely to… ‘Healthy’ habits linked to childhood obesity in China   


Obese patients less likely to develop and die from respiratory distress syndromes after surgery
Jul 11 11

Researchers have discovered that obese adults undergoing surgery are less frequently developing respiratory insufficiency (RI) and adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), and that when… Obese patients less likely to develop and die from respiratory distress syndromes after surgery   


Is Obesity Contagious? Authors Explain How Obesity “Spreads”
Jul 08 11

Researchers out of Arizona State University recently published an article in the American Journal of Public Health titled “Shared Norms and Their Explanation for… Is Obesity Contagious? Authors Explain How Obesity “Spreads”   


Mississippi most obese state, Colorado least
Jul 07 11

The number of obese U.S. adults rose in 16 states in the last year, helping to push obesity rates in a dozen states above… Mississippi most obese state, Colorado least   


NIH findings in mice have potential to curb obesity and Type 2 diabetes
Jul 05 11

Scientists at the National Institutes of Health have uncovered a pathway in mice that allows white fat – a contributor to obesity and type… NIH findings in mice have potential to curb obesity and Type 2 diabetes   

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