
Body’s natural marijuana-like chemicals make fatty foods hard to resist
Jul 04 11

Recent studies have revealed potato chips and french fries to be the worst contributors to weight gain – and with good reason. Have you… Body’s natural marijuana-like chemicals make fatty foods hard to resist   


Surgical Complications Twelve Times More Likely in Obese Patients
Jun 29 11

Obese patients are nearly 12 times more likely to suffer a complication following elective plastic surgery than their normal-weight counterparts, according to new research… Surgical Complications Twelve Times More Likely in Obese Patients   


New study shows children and adolescents who eat candy are less overweight or obese
Jun 28 11

Children and adolescents who eat candy tend to weigh less than their non-consuming counterparts, according to a new study published in Food & Nutrition… New study shows children and adolescents who eat candy are less overweight or obese   


Can soda tax curb obesity?
Jun 28 11

To many, a tax on soda is a no-brainer in advancing the nation’s war on obesity. Advocates point to a number of studies in… Can soda tax curb obesity?   


TV and soda: small habits cause weight creep
Jun 23 11

Just a few bad habits - watching TV, eating potato chips, having a sugary soda at lunch or staying up too late at night… TV and soda: small habits cause weight creep   


News source may steer perceived solution to childhood obesity
Jun 20 11

Where you get your news could play a significant role in determining what you perceive as the best strategy for addressing childhood obesity. According… News source may steer perceived solution to childhood obesity   


Genetic Factor Controls Health-Harming Inflammation in Obese
Jun 13 11

Researchers at Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine have discovered a genetic factor that can regulate obesity-induced inflammation that contributes to chronic health… Genetic Factor Controls Health-Harming Inflammation in Obese   


Children eschew the fat if dads aren’t lenient
Jun 09 11

This Father’s Day, dad’s choice of where to eat could literally tip the scales on his children’s health.

A father’s use of restaurants and… Children eschew the fat if dads aren’t lenient   


Finnish twin study yields new information on how fat cells cope with obesity
Jun 08 11

The mechanisms by which obesity leads towards metabolic co-morbidities, such as diabetes mellitus, are poorly understood and of great public health interest. A study… Finnish twin study yields new information on how fat cells cope with obesity   


“Active” video games may be better for kids’ weight
Jun 08 11

Overweight kids might benefit from swapping their traditional video games for “active” ones that get them off the couch, a new study suggests.

The… “Active” video games may be better for kids’ weight   


Irregular periods in teens linked to health risks
May 22 11

Teenagers who have irregular periods are more likely to be overweight and obese and to have early warning signs of diabetes and heart disease… Irregular periods in teens linked to health risks   


McDonald’s stockholders reject obesity proposal
May 22 11

McDonald’s Corp spurned calls to assess the impact of its food on childhood obesity, and said its trademark clown Ronald McDonald would be hawking… McDonald’s stockholders reject obesity proposal   


Excess weight in elderly makes daily tasks harder
May 17 11

Older adults who are obese are more likely to develop problems with day-to-day activities, such as bathing, getting dressed, and going to the bathroom,… Excess weight in elderly makes daily tasks harder   


Sleepiness in children linked to obesity, asthma
May 17 11

Obese, asthmatic, anxious or depressed children are more likely to experience excessive daytime sleepiness, or EDS, according to Penn State College of Medicine sleep… Sleepiness in children linked to obesity, asthma   


‘Master switch’ gene for obesity and diabetes discovered
May 16 11

A team of researchers, led by King’s College London and the University of Oxford, have found that a gene linked to type 2 diabetes… ‘Master switch’ gene for obesity and diabetes discovered   


Study: Surge in obesity correlates with increased automobile usage
May 12 11

Junk food, video games and a lack of exercise all have received their fair share of blame for the spiraling epidemic of obesity in… Study: Surge in obesity correlates with increased automobile usage   


Mild obesity appears to improve survival in ALS patients
May 11 11

Patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease, may be an exception to the rule that being overweight is a… Mild obesity appears to improve survival in ALS patients   


BMI differences: The immigrant equation
May 05 11

The obesity problem plaguing Canadians is a story heard frequently these days. For Katerina Maximova, making connections between the rising body mass index, or… BMI differences: The immigrant equation   


Making the move to exercise for overweight and obese people
May 04 11

How much exercise are overweight and obese people getting? More than many might think, according to research findings by nurses from Case Western Reserve… Making the move to exercise for overweight and obese people   


Night owls at risk for weight gain and bad diet
May 04 11

Staying up late every night and sleeping in is a habit that could put you at risk for gaining weight. People who go to… Night owls at risk for weight gain and bad diet   


Family meals might help kids keep a healthy weight
May 03 11

Kids who sit down to eat with their families are less likely to be overweight and eat unhealthy foods, according to U.S. researchers who… Family meals might help kids keep a healthy weight   


Turning ‘Bad’ Fat Into ‘Good’: a Future Treatment for Obesity?
May 03 11

By knocking down the expression of a protein in rat brains known to stimulate eating, Johns Hopkins researchers say they not only reduced the… Turning ‘Bad’ Fat Into ‘Good’: a Future Treatment for Obesity?   


Traveler’s alert: Business travel linked to obesity and poor health
May 02 11

Road warriors who travel for business two weeks or more a month have higher body mass index, higher rates of obesity and poorer self-rated… Traveler’s alert: Business travel linked to obesity and poor health   


2 tests better than 1 to diagnose diabetes in overweight children
May 02 11

A new study found that the recommended blood test may not be enough to catch type 2 diabetes in overweight children, missing more than… 2 tests better than 1 to diagnose diabetes in overweight children   


Melatonin might help in controlling weight gain and preventing heart diseases associated with obesity
Apr 28 11

University of Granada researchers have proven that melatonin –a natural hormone produced by the body– helps in controlling weight gain –even without reducing the… Melatonin might help in controlling weight gain and preventing heart diseases associated with obesity   

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