
Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children
Apr 27 11

A recent study accepted for publication in The Endocrine Society’s Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM) found that while black and white children… Vitamin D deficiency is associated with different types of obesity in black and white children   


Canada faces obesity epidemic, legislative changes are vital
Apr 26 11

With the increase in numbers of overweight children and young adults, Canada and other developed countries are facing an obesity epidemic and legislative approaches… Canada faces obesity epidemic, legislative changes are vital   


Einstein researchers find link between brain molecule and obesity and diabetes
Apr 19 11

The brain’s hypothalamus plays a key role in obesity and one of its major complications – type 2 diabetes. Nerve cells in the hypothalamus… Einstein researchers find link between brain molecule and obesity and diabetes   


Quality of Parent-Toddler Relationships Could Affect Risk for Childhood Obesity
Apr 19 11

Toddlers who do not have a secure emotional relationship with their parents, and particularly their mothers, could be at increased risk for obesity by… Quality of Parent-Toddler Relationships Could Affect Risk for Childhood Obesity   


Does seeing overweight people make us eat more?
Apr 19 11

Consumers will choose and eat more indulgent food after they see someone who is overweight - unless they consciously think about their health goals,… Does seeing overweight people make us eat more?   


Quality of parent-toddler relationship could affect risk for childhood obesity
Apr 19 11

Toddlers who do not have a secure emotional relationship with their parents, and particularly their mothers, could be at increased risk for obesity by… Quality of parent-toddler relationship could affect risk for childhood obesity   


New link between mother’s pregnancy diet and offspring’s chances of obesity found
Apr 18 11

Scientists have discovered that a mother’s nutrition during pregnancy can strongly influence her child’s risk of obesity many years later.

An international study, led… New link between mother’s pregnancy diet and offspring’s chances of obesity found   


Nurses may help some overweight kids
Apr 07 11

A program including regular follow-ups with nurses and focused attempts to cut back on TV, fast food, and sodas appears to keep some overweight… Nurses may help some overweight kids   


Researchers find link between common dietary fat, intestinal microbes and heart disease
Apr 06 11

A new pathway has been discovered that links a common dietary lipid and intestinal microflora with an increased risk of heart disease, according to… Researchers find link between common dietary fat, intestinal microbes and heart disease   


Tempting foods can trigger urge to indulge
Apr 05 11

Seeing a milkshake can activate the same areas of the brain that light up when an addict sees cocaine, U.S. researchers said on Monday.

Tempting foods can trigger urge to indulge   

New strategic plan for NIH obesity research seeks to curb epidemic
Mar 31 11

To combat the obesity epidemic, the National Institutes of Health is encouraging diverse scientific investigations through a new Strategic Plan for NIH Obesity Research.

New strategic plan for NIH obesity research seeks to curb epidemic   

Bariatric surgery highly cost-effective treatment for type 2 diabetes in the obese
Mar 29 11

Bariatric surgery is an especially cost-effective therapy for managing Type 2 diabetes in moderately and severely obese patients. These findings and others were presented… Bariatric surgery highly cost-effective treatment for type 2 diabetes in the obese   


Nearly 1 in 4 postmenopausal women with fractures is obese
Mar 25 11

Although less likely to suffer a hip or wrist fracture, obese women suffer from fragility fractures at other sites, partly due to poor mobility… Nearly 1 in 4 postmenopausal women with fractures is obese   


Mother’s obesity may lead to infertility in the next generation
Mar 23 11

Levels of the hormone ghrelin are low in obese women and a recent study accepted for publication in Endocrinology, a publication of The Endocrine… Mother’s obesity may lead to infertility in the next generation   


Study Finds That Overweight People Really Are Big-Boned
Mar 22 11

One of the blind spots in forensic science, particularly in identifying unknown remains, is the inability of experts to determine how much an individual… Study Finds That Overweight People Really Are Big-Boned   


Time lived with obesity linked with mortality
Mar 22 11

Monash University researchers have found the number of years individuals live with obesity is directly associated with the risk of mortality.

The research shows… Time lived with obesity linked with mortality   


Antioxidants in pregnancy prevent obesity in animal offspring
Mar 14 11

New biological research may be relevant to the effects of a mother’s high-fat diet during pregnancy on the development of obesity in her children.

Antioxidants in pregnancy prevent obesity in animal offspring   

Alcohol Has Stronger Impact on Gastric Bypass Patients, Study Finds
Mar 10 11

Patients who have had a gastric bypass operation take longer to process alcohol, potentially leading some of them to overindulge when drinking, according to… Alcohol Has Stronger Impact on Gastric Bypass Patients, Study Finds   


Study provides explanation for connection between low birth weight and obesity later in life
Mar 10 11

Providing further understanding of the link between low birth weights and obesity later in life, researchers found nutritionally deprived newborns are “programmed” to eat… Study provides explanation for connection between low birth weight and obesity later in life   


Body mass index and risk of death in Chinese population
Mar 07 11

Chinese people with a body mass index (BMI) of 24-25.9 had the lowest risk of death, according to a study published in CMAJ (Canadian… Body mass index and risk of death in Chinese population   


Better than a BMI? New obesity scale proposed
Mar 07 11

Scientists have developed a new way to measure whether a person is too fat without having people step on the scale.

The new measure,… Better than a BMI? New obesity scale proposed   


Some overweight adolescents may be at risk for weak bones
Mar 04 11

Overweight adolescents already struggling with risk factors such as insulin resistance may need to add weak bones to their list of health concerns, researchers… Some overweight adolescents may be at risk for weak bones   


Stigma weighs heavily on obese people, contributing to greater health problems
Mar 04 11

The discrimination that obese people feel, whether it is poor service at a restaurant or being treated differently in the workplace, may have a… Stigma weighs heavily on obese people, contributing to greater health problems   


$1 Million USDA Grant Aims to Reduce Obesity in Preschoolers
Mar 02 11

The preschool years are a critical period for addressing weight-related behaviors among at-risk groups, say researchers at the University of Illinois at Chicago. Among… $1 Million USDA Grant Aims to Reduce Obesity in Preschoolers   


Clinicians important influencers in weight and related health issues for overweight patients
Mar 01 11

Physicians can have an influence on their overweight and obese patients by counseling them to prevent further weight gain and by helping patients to… Clinicians important influencers in weight and related health issues for overweight patients   

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