
UTHealth Receives $3.7 Million Grant for Child Obesity Prevention and Research
Feb 23 11

To continue their efforts to fight childhood obesity, The Michael & Susan Dell Center for Healthy Living, part of The University of Texas Health… UTHealth Receives $3.7 Million Grant for Child Obesity Prevention and Research   


Obesity is heart disease killer in its own right, irrespective of other risk factors
Feb 15 11

Obesity is a killer in its own right, irrespective of other biological or social risk factors traditionally associated with coronary heart disease, suggests research… Obesity is heart disease killer in its own right, irrespective of other risk factors   


Obesity takes heavy toll on knee arthritis
Feb 14 11

New studies will help patients better understand the role that obesity plays in knee arthritis and recovery from knee surgery

More than 14 million… Obesity takes heavy toll on knee arthritis   


Obese women may be less likely to develop glaucoma
Feb 14 11

Obesity may be associated with higher eye pressure and a decreased risk of open-angle glaucoma in women but not men, according to a report… Obese women may be less likely to develop glaucoma   


Severely obese women may need to gain less weight during pregnancy
Feb 12 11

Extremely obese women may not need to gain as much weight during pregnancy as current guidelines suggest, according to a new study presented today… Severely obese women may need to gain less weight during pregnancy   


Obesity Tied to Education, Income, but Not Suburbia: Study
Feb 11 11

Low levels of education and income, but not suburban sprawl, are associated with higher rates of obesity, researchers report.

The finding challenges the widely… Obesity Tied to Education, Income, but Not Suburbia: Study   


Exercise helps overweight children think better, do better in math
Feb 10 11

Regular exercise improves the ability of overweight, previously inactive children to think, plan and even do math, Georgia Health Sciences University researchers report.

They… Exercise helps overweight children think better, do better in math   


Solid food for infants should be carefully timed to lower obesity risk
Feb 09 11

Solid foods should not be given to infants before 4 months of age, according to guidelines from the American Academy of Pediatrics. A new… Solid food for infants should be carefully timed to lower obesity risk   


Study: Global obesity rates double since 1980
Feb 09 11

The world is becoming a heavier place, especially in the West.

Obesity rates worldwide have doubled in the last three decades even as blood… Study: Global obesity rates double since 1980   


Obesity, cheese politics and the USDA
Feb 09 11

The U.S. is in the midst of an obesity epidemic, one of the most pressing public health issues today. Two-thirds of Americans, including 37… Obesity, cheese politics and the USDA   


We need to listen to doctors and lower smoking and obesity rates
Feb 09 11

A recent message from the acting chief of professional staff at Bluewater Health offered a strong message about the dire need to decrease obesity… We need to listen to doctors and lower smoking and obesity rates   


Local Grants Awarded To Fight Childhood Obesity
Feb 09 11

On Tuesday, UnitedHealth Group announced its plans to award $1,000 grants to two Lexington-based organizations that have developed programs to fight childhood obesity in… Local Grants Awarded To Fight Childhood Obesity   


Obesity Linked to Income, Education; Not Sprawl
Feb 08 11

Obesity is more prevalent in areas with lower educational attainment and certain ethnic profiles than in areas of suburban sprawl, according to researchers at… Obesity Linked to Income, Education; Not Sprawl   


Starting solid foods earlier linked to obesity risk
Feb 07 11

Babies raised on formula who start eating solid foods before they are 4 months old may be more likely to become obese than those… Starting solid foods earlier linked to obesity risk   


Obesity epidemic risks heart disease “tsunami”
Feb 04 11

More than half a billion people, or one in 10 adults worldwide, are obese - more than double the number in 1980 - as… Obesity epidemic risks heart disease “tsunami”   


Childhood obesity linked to health habits, not heredity: U-M study
Jan 31 11

Are some children genetically tuned to be overweight, or is lifestyle to blame for childhood obesity?

Check-ups of 1,003 Michigan 6th graders in a… Childhood obesity linked to health habits, not heredity: U-M study   


Rising indoor winter temperatures linked to obesity?
Jan 25 11

Increases in winter indoor temperatures in the United Kingdom, United States and other developed countries may be contributing to rises in obesity in those… Rising indoor winter temperatures linked to obesity?   


Fat associated with chemical changes in DNA that may help explain obesity-related disease
Jan 20 11

Fat appears to associate with some distinctive chemical changes in the DNA – a finding that may help explain why obesity can increase the… Fat associated with chemical changes in DNA that may help explain obesity-related disease   


Trauma in Childhood Could Contribute to Obesity in Adults
Jan 18 11

Scientific studies often attribute obesity to poor nutrition and lack of activity, but recent research has identified childhood traumatic stress as a potential risk… Trauma in Childhood Could Contribute to Obesity in Adults   


Family, friends, social ties influence weight status in young adults
Jan 12 11

Does obesity tend to “cluster” among young adults? And if so, what impact does it have on both their weight and weight-related behaviors? That’s… Family, friends, social ties influence weight status in young adults   


School-based interventions for obesity
Jan 07 11

Thanks to the Let’s Move initiative, society is becoming more aware of alarming statistics like 1 in 4 children are obese and childhood obesity… School-based interventions for obesity   


Drugs may level fertility playing field for obese
Jan 07 11

Heavy women often have a harder time getting pregnant than their slimmer peers, but new findings suggest weight may cease to matter when women… Drugs may level fertility playing field for obese   


Extreme obesity associated with higher risk of death for 2009 H1N1 patients
Jan 05 11

For those infected with the 2009 pandemic influenza A (H1N1) virus, extreme obesity was a powerful risk factor for death, according to an analysis… Extreme obesity associated with higher risk of death for 2009 H1N1 patients   


Family history of alcoholism raises obesity risk
Jan 01 11

People with a family history of alcoholism may be turning to high-calorie treats instead of booze to satisfy their addiction, U.S. researchers say, a… Family history of alcoholism raises obesity risk   


Study Probes Obesity Link to Fibromyalgia
Dec 29 10

Afflicting up to 5 percent of the U.S. population, mostly women, fibromyalgia is characterized by widespread pain and range of function problems. A new… Study Probes Obesity Link to Fibromyalgia   

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