
Little screening of kids for obesity complications
Dec 23 10

Only a minority of obese youths are screened for diabetes, liver problems and high cholesterol, electronic medical records from an Ohio healthcare system show.

Little screening of kids for obesity complications   

KISSing a theory goodbye in the link between puberty and nutrition status
Dec 23 10

The timing of the onset of puberty is linked to levels of nutrition: later onset is associated with malnutrition, while earlier onset is linked… KISSing a theory goodbye in the link between puberty and nutrition status   


Designer probiotics could reduce obesity
Dec 23 10

Specially designed probiotics can modulate the physiology of host fat cells say scientists writing in Microbiology. The findings could lead to specialised probiotics that… Designer probiotics could reduce obesity   


Obesity increases risk of death in severe vehicle crashes, study shows
Dec 22 10

Moderately and morbidly obese persons face many health issues - heart disease, diabetes, hypertension, stroke, gallbladder disease and others.

Now, increased chances of dying… Obesity increases risk of death in severe vehicle crashes, study shows   


Feast, famine and the genetics of obesity: You can’t have it both ways
Dec 16 10

In addition to fast food, desk jobs, and inertia, there is one more thing to blame for unwanted pounds-our genome, which has apparently not… Feast, famine and the genetics of obesity: You can’t have it both ways   


Poverty equals obesity? Study bucks common wisdom
Dec 15 10

Women who are poor are much more likely to be obese but men are not, U.S. government researchers said on Tuesday in a report… Poverty equals obesity? Study bucks common wisdom   


Girls Who Start School Earlier Might Have Lower Obesity Risk
Dec 14 10

Effective strategies to fight the epidemic of childhood and adolescent obesity — one-third of kids under 20 weigh more than they should — have… Girls Who Start School Earlier Might Have Lower Obesity Risk   


Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk in Young Animals
Dec 02 10

Exposure to polluted air early in life led to an accumulation of abdominal fat and insulin resistance in mice even if they ate a… Polluted Air Increases Obesity Risk in Young Animals   


Allergan stomach band works in less obese group
Dec 02 10

Allergan Inc’s already approved stomach band was effective for reducing weight in a broader group of obese patients, U.S. reviewers said in documents released… Allergan stomach band works in less obese group   


New genomic technique reveals obesity gene variants
Nov 30 10

Obesity is highly heritable, but so far genetic association studies have only explained a small fraction of this heritability. Now, in a study published… New genomic technique reveals obesity gene variants   


A high BMI in childhood linked to greater heart disease risk in adolescence
Nov 26 10

Children who have a high body mass index (BMI) between 9 and 12 years of age are more likely to have high blood pressure,… A high BMI in childhood linked to greater heart disease risk in adolescence   


Danish researchers finally solve the obesity riddle
Nov 25 10

Researchers at the Faculty of Life Sciences (LIFE), University of Copenhagen, can now unveil the results of the world’s largest diet study: If you… Danish researchers finally solve the obesity riddle   


Obesity weighs on wealthy in poor countries
Nov 22 10

The obesity epidemic has spread to poorer nations, where it almost entirely affects wealthy citizens, while the poor in the same nations still remain… Obesity weighs on wealthy in poor countries   


Kidney disease patient health: Moderate alcohol and calcium help, obesity harms
Nov 22 10

1. Moderate Drinking Benefits Kidney Transplant Recipients
Modest Amounts of Alcohol Prevent Diabetes and Premature Death

Moderate alcohol consumption reduces one’s risk for… Kidney disease patient health: Moderate alcohol and calcium help, obesity harms   


Community Rallies to Fight Obesity in Cleveland’s Urban Youth
Nov 16 10

Cleveland’s childhood overweight and obesity rate is approximately 40 percent and show no sign of plateauing. A team of local researchers has set out… Community Rallies to Fight Obesity in Cleveland’s Urban Youth   


Obesity Linked with Increased Asthma Risk in Brooklyn
Nov 15 10

Asthma is reaching epidemic levels in the U.S., with 8 percent of the total population and 10 percent of the African-American population suffering from… Obesity Linked with Increased Asthma Risk in Brooklyn   


Is ADHD tied to adulthood obesity?
Nov 11 10

Young adults with a history of symptoms of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) may be more likely than their peers to be obese, a new… Is ADHD tied to adulthood obesity?   


Cheap obesity steps could have major health impact
Nov 11 10

Taxing junk food, limiting food adverts and making labels clearer could be the best way to curb rising obesity levels in countries like India… Cheap obesity steps could have major health impact   


Obesity not linked to breast cancer in Mexican-American women
Nov 09 10

Obesity was not associated with breast cancer risk in Mexican-American women, even when measured at numerous ages throughout a woman’s lifetime, according to data… Obesity not linked to breast cancer in Mexican-American women   


Overweight children have different eating patterns than normal weight children
Nov 08 10

Overweight children reported more frequent intake of healthy foods such as fruit, vegetables, fish, brown bread and potatoes as well as low-energy cheese and… Overweight children have different eating patterns than normal weight children   


Experts issue recommendations for treatment of post-bariatric surgery patients
Nov 03 10

Today, The Endocrine Society released a new clinical practice guideline for the nutritional and endocrine management of adults after bariatric surgery, including those with… Experts issue recommendations for treatment of post-bariatric surgery patients   


In flies, a search for the essence of obesity
Nov 02 10

Fruit flies that grow obese after eating a diet loaded with fat could lead the way to the core elements of obesity, according to… In flies, a search for the essence of obesity   


Fight that obesity!
Nov 01 10

Being overweight can trigger multiple health problems. It’s essential to maintain a balance

Obesity is defined as an excessively high amount of body fat… Fight that obesity!   


Is morbid obesity the new normal?
Nov 01 10

Obesity is to the rising generation what smoking was to the Greatest Generation.

This occurred to me while on a very scary Halloween-eve visit… Is morbid obesity the new normal?   


Burning off fat
Nov 01 10

OVERWEIGHT and obesity are increasing at an alarming rate across the world.

Obesity represents a serious health risk, as it increases the risk of… Burning off fat   

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