Cannabis sativa vs cannabis indica
Sep 29 15

Is all marijuana from a singles species, cannabis sativa? Or are there three distinct species: cannabis sativa, cannabis indica, and cannabis ruderalis?

Weed connoisseurs… Cannabis sativa vs cannabis indica   


Canadian multicenter study examines safety of medical cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain
Sep 29 15

A Canadian research team led by Dr. Mark Ware from the Research Institute of the McGill University Health Centre (RI-MUHC) in Montréal has completed… Canadian multicenter study examines safety of medical cannabis in the treatment of chronic pain   


Early life infections may be a risk factor for celiac disease in childhood
Sep 28 15

Children with frequent infections in the first 18 months of life have a slightly increased risk of later developing coeliac disease compared with children… Early life infections may be a risk factor for celiac disease in childhood   


Hope against disease targeting children
Sep 24 15

Harvard Stem Cell Institute (HSCI) researchers studying spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) have found what they term “surprising similarities” between this childhood disorder that attacks… Hope against disease targeting children   


Mexico City’s air pollution has detrimental impact on Alzheimer’s disease gene
Sep 24 15

A new study by researchers at the Universities of Montana, Valle de México, Boise State, and North Carolina, the Centro de Ciencias de… Mexico City’s air pollution has detrimental impact on Alzheimer’s disease gene   


Inflammatory response may fan the flame of dietary fats’ role in obesity-related diseases
Sep 24 15

An enhanced inflammatory response could be the key link between high saturated fat intake - a recognized risk factor for obesity-related disorders - and… Inflammatory response may fan the flame of dietary fats’ role in obesity-related diseases   


Increased chances for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease
Sep 22 15

A method for detecting early signs of Alzheimer’s disease using amyloid PET imaging works as well as the previously used cerebrospinal fluid sample method.… Increased chances for early detection of Alzheimer’s disease   


Childhood kidney stones associated with atherosclerosis, study shows
Sep 21 15

A recent study published in the Journal of Pediatrics is the first to examine and identify a link between kidney stones in children and… Childhood kidney stones associated with atherosclerosis, study shows   


Using ultrasound to clean medical instruments
Sep 16 15

Researchers from the University of Southampton have demonstrated how a pioneering ultrasonic device can significantly improve the cleaning of medical instruments and reduce contamination… Using ultrasound to clean medical instruments   


Maternal Lupus Linked With Kid’s Autism
Sep 15 15

Children born to mothers with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) have more than double the risk of being diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder, Canadian… Maternal Lupus Linked With Kid’s Autism   


Is Home Pesticide Use a Cancer Risk?
Sep 14 15

Children who were exposed to indoor-based pesticides appear to have a higher risk of developing leukemia and lymphoma, according to a small meta-analysis on… Is Home Pesticide Use a Cancer Risk?   


Switzerland best place in the world for older people to live
Sep 09 15

Switzerland is the best place in the world for older people to live, closely followed by Norway and Sweden, according to a new report… Switzerland best place in the world for older people to live   


IASLC issues new statement on tobacco control and smoking cessation
Sep 08 15

The International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer (IASLC) today issued a new statement on Tobacco Control and Smoking Cessation at the 16th… IASLC issues new statement on tobacco control and smoking cessation   


Brain damage during stroke may point to source of addiction
Sep 08 15

A pair of studies suggests that a region of the brain - called the insular cortex - may hold the key to treating addiction.… Brain damage during stroke may point to source of addiction   


Thinking people are born fat or born thin is bad for your health
Sep 08 15

Though the belief that DNA determines weight is highly debated, it appears to be shaping people’s lives. A new study finds that those who… Thinking people are born fat or born thin is bad for your health   


Food insecurity linked to adolescent obesity, metabolic syndrome
Sep 03 15

New research indicates that household food insecurity dramatically increases the likelihood of metabolic diseases in children, with many showing chronic disease markers before they… Food insecurity linked to adolescent obesity, metabolic syndrome   


Arabs or Jews, children who need pain relief in the ER get it
Sep 03 15

Children with broken bones or joint dislocations in northern Israel emergency departments received equal pain treatment, regardless of their ethnicity or the ethnicity… Arabs or Jews, children who need pain relief in the ER get it   


Do antipsychotic medications affect cortical thinning?
Sep 03 15

People diagnosed with schizophrenia critically rely upon treatment with antipsychotic medications to manage their symptoms and help them function at home and in the… Do antipsychotic medications affect cortical thinning?   


An app twice a day keeps the dentist away
Sep 03 15

Research published in the British Dental Journal shows that Brush DJ, an app designed to encourage youngsters to adopt and maintain an effective oral… An app twice a day keeps the dentist away   


The risk of cognitive impairment in children born prematurely may be predicted using MRI after birth
Sep 02 15

School age children who are born prematurely are more likely to have low mathematical achievement, thought to be associated with reduced working memory and… The risk of cognitive impairment in children born prematurely may be predicted using MRI after birth   


When stroke patients undergo surgery to remove blood clots, what anesthesia works best?
Sep 02 15

In carefully selected patients, minimally invasive surgery is enabling physicians to stop strokes in their tracks.

And as more stroke patients undergo such procedures,… When stroke patients undergo surgery to remove blood clots, what anesthesia works best?   


Completely paralyzed man voluntarily moves his legs, UCLA scientists report
Sep 02 15

A 39-year-old man who had had been completely paralyzed for four years was able to voluntarily control his leg muscles and take thousands of… Completely paralyzed man voluntarily moves his legs, UCLA scientists report   


Studies show exercise is safe, improves quality of life for pulmonary hypertension patients
Sep 02 15

Exercise training for patients with pulmonary hypertension was shown to be safe and to improve quality of life, according to an analysis by… Studies show exercise is safe, improves quality of life for pulmonary hypertension patients   


Can marijuanna help transplant patients?
Sep 01 15

Here’s another discovery to bolster the case for medical marijuana: New research in mice suggests that THC, the active ingredient in marijuana, may delay… Can marijuanna help transplant patients?   


Redefining pediatric malnutrition to improve treatment
Sep 01 15

In recent years, an effort has been underway to redefine malnutrition in pediatric patients to include both the acute clinical population and the more… Redefining pediatric malnutrition to improve treatment   

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