TV at lunch affects amount preschooler’s eat
Apr 14 06

For some preschoolers, watching TV during meal or snack time may curb the amount of food they eat. For others, however, the opposite may… TV at lunch affects amount preschooler’s eat   


Paramedics Save More Lives When They Don’t Follow the Rules
Apr 14 06

Survival rates following the most common form of cardiac arrest increased three-fold when emergency medical personnel used a new form of CPR developed at… Paramedics Save More Lives When They Don’t Follow the Rules   


Scientists find more potent anti-TB drugs
Apr 14 06

A team of scientists has synthesized two antibacterial compounds that may prove to be significantly more effective against tuberculosis (TB) than isoniazid, the leading… Scientists find more potent anti-TB drugs   


Crohn’s disease ups risk of death: study
Apr 14 06

The risk of death is increased 10 years after the diagnosis of Crohn’s disease in both men and women, according to a European population-based… Crohn’s disease ups risk of death: study   


Students Step Closer to Technological Breakthrough in Paralysis Treatment
Apr 14 06

After his spinal cord injury, the late actor Christopher Reeve committed his life to finding treatments and cures for paralysis caused by injuries and… Students Step Closer to Technological Breakthrough in Paralysis Treatment   


Sleep testing may miss kid’s breathing problems
Apr 14 06

Laboratory sleep studies using polysomnography conducted on a single night may be suitable for ruling in sleep disordered breathing in children, but with a… Sleep testing may miss kid’s breathing problems   


Researchers suggest drug could block metastasis or reduce pain for bone cancer patients
Apr 13 06

An international research team has identified what may be a critical molecule in the ability of tumours to metastasize - or spread - into… Researchers suggest drug could block metastasis or reduce pain for bone cancer patients   


Computer program lets people with Trigeminal neuralgia diagnose themselves
Apr 13 06

Trigeminal neuralgia, or TN, is a disorder affecting the areas of the face where the trigeminal nerve’s branches are distributed, including the lips, eyes,… Computer program lets people with Trigeminal neuralgia diagnose themselves   


Scientists step closer to new treatments for river blindness
Apr 13 06

Veterinary scientists in Liverpool have found that some African cattle have natural immunity to a parasite, similar to that which causes river blindness in… Scientists step closer to new treatments for river blindness   


Thalidomide may slow Lou Gehrig’s disease
Apr 13 06

Treatment with thalidomide or its analog lenalidomide prolongs life in mice with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), scientists report.

Lead investigator Dr. Mahmoud Kiaei told… Thalidomide may slow Lou Gehrig’s disease   


Combo pill superior to ibuprofen for migraine
Apr 13 06

A combination of acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine is more effective than ibuprofen for treating acute migraine pain, according to results of a head-to-head clinical… Combo pill superior to ibuprofen for migraine   


Test spots acetaminophen-related liver toxicity
Apr 13 06

In patients with acute liver failure, a novel test can determine whether acetaminophen toxicity is involved, research suggests.

The test, which measures chemical byproducts… Test spots acetaminophen-related liver toxicity   


Head injuries do not lead to multiple sclerosis
Apr 13 06

Head injuries do not seem to trigger the development of the degenerative neurological disease multiple sclerosis, according to a report by researchers from the… Head injuries do not lead to multiple sclerosis   


Shoe Fanatics -Latest Spring Trends Might be Better for Your Feet
Apr 12 06

Comfort or fashion? For most women, that question is a no-brainer when it comes to buying shoes. But style-savvy women may have more foot-healthy… Shoe Fanatics -Latest Spring Trends Might be Better for Your Feet   


Diagnosis Can Help Hurt Runners Get Back On Their Feet Faster
Apr 12 06

Spring is here and runners, tennis players, golfers, roller bladers and other fitness fanatics will be out in full force. Unfortunately, many will likely… Diagnosis Can Help Hurt Runners Get Back On Their Feet Faster   


Birth order has no effect on intelligence
Apr 12 06

A recent study provides some of the best evidence to date that birth order really doesn’t have an effect on intelligence.

The findings contradict… Birth order has no effect on intelligence   


Teens turn to pot after parental bust-ups
Apr 12 06

Splitting parents who shack up with new partners can unwittingly push their children towards cannabis use.

University of Queensland research has shown a link… Teens turn to pot after parental bust-ups   


Dealing with children’s misbehavior
Apr 12 06

When children’s misbehavior or delinquency creates problems, it’s not enough to deal with the children alone. Mental health professionals recommend behavioral parent training as… Dealing with children’s misbehavior   


Vitamin K deficiency linked to osteoarthritis
Apr 12 06

Study findings support an association between low blood levels of vitamin K and an increased prevalence of hand and knee osteoarthritis - the most… Vitamin K deficiency linked to osteoarthritis   


Rebound Headaches—How to Stop the Cycle of Pain
Apr 11 06

When you feel a headache coming on, you reach for the pain reliever. But if you are taking pain relievers for headaches more than… Rebound Headaches—How to Stop the Cycle of Pain   


Infant Snoring Linked to Parental Snoring
Apr 11 06

Young children born to parents who snore have an increased risk of snoring. New research published in the April issue of CHEST, the peer-reviewed… Infant Snoring Linked to Parental Snoring   


People with Near Death Experiences Can Differ in Sleep
Apr 11 06

People who have had near death experiences often have different arousal systems controlling the sleep-wake states than people who have not had a near… People with Near Death Experiences Can Differ in Sleep   


A history of stroke is related to a progressive decline in memory
Apr 11 06

A history of stroke may be associated with progressive memory difficulties in patients without dementia or cognitive impairment, according to a study in the… A history of stroke is related to a progressive decline in memory   


Snoring Highest Among Middle-Aged Women
Apr 11 06

A new study finds that habitual snoring in women is strongly tied to body mass index (BMI) and age, with snoring prevalence reaching its… Snoring Highest Among Middle-Aged Women   


Preventing Periodontal Disease
Apr 11 06

Gum disease, not dental cavities, is the primary cause of adult tooth loss. And the bad news is that 95 percent of people over… Preventing Periodontal Disease   

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