Violations of Prescription Drugs’ Black Box Warnings in Outpatient Settings
Feb 14 06

Less than 1 percent of outpatients who received medication in 2002 were prescribed a medication that violated a prescription drug’s black box warning,… Violations of Prescription Drugs’ Black Box Warnings in Outpatient Settings   


Civil Partnerships Likely to Boost Health of Gay and Lesbian People
Feb 14 06

Gay marriage could boost the mental and physical health of gay and lesbian people, suggests an analysis in the Journal of Epidemiology and Community… Civil Partnerships Likely to Boost Health of Gay and Lesbian People   


Less Is More, Gene Study Shows
Feb 14 06

Humans and chimps share most of their genes, yet they differ dramatically in many ways -their walk, the sizes of their brains and their… Less Is More, Gene Study Shows   


20 percent of people with chronic pain do not seek help
Feb 14 06

A Rochester-based study has found more than 20 percent of people with chronic pain did not seek physician help for their pain. The study… 20 percent of people with chronic pain do not seek help   


Study looks at why many couples tend to look similar to each other
Feb 14 06

A new study to examine facial preference, has found that people are attracted to facial characteristics indicative of personality traits similar to their own.

Study looks at why many couples tend to look similar to each other   

Second-hand smoke levels still worryingly high throughout all areas of pubs
Feb 14 06

UK scientists have questioned the use of partial smoking bans in pubs and clubs, following alarming new figures about how much non-smokers actually breathe… Second-hand smoke levels still worryingly high throughout all areas of pubs   


Women find G.S.O.H. in men attractive, study shows
Feb 14 06

It’s a trait often requested in lonely hearts ads and scientists have now shown that a good sense of humour is important for women,… Women find G.S.O.H. in men attractive, study shows   


Students embracing virtual sex
Feb 14 06

Call it a sexual revolution of the virtual kind - young Canadians are practicing a new style of safe sex and the only touching… Students embracing virtual sex   


New sensor to provide early warning of oxygen loss to unborn children
Feb 14 06

Researchers at the University of Warwick, and the University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust, have devised a new sensor which dramatically improves the… New sensor to provide early warning of oxygen loss to unborn children   


Japanese women bitter at Valentine chocolate duty
Feb 14 06

Japanese women are fed up with a longstanding Valentine’s Day custom requiring them to give chocolates to men without getting any in return.

According… Japanese women bitter at Valentine chocolate duty   


Risk of Alzheimer’s 80% genetic
Feb 14 06

In the largest twin study to date, researchers in the U.S. looked at the Swedish Twin Registry to see which factors lead to Alzheimer’s… Risk of Alzheimer’s 80% genetic   


Preservative-free eye drops may be contaminated
Feb 14 06

There is a risk of microbial contamination of preservative-free eye drops in multiple application containers, warn doctors in a report in the British Journal… Preservative-free eye drops may be contaminated   


Study Finds Some People in Pain Unlikely to Seek Treatment
Feb 13 06

A Rochester-based study has found more than 20 percent of people with chronic pain did not seek physician help for their pain. The study… Study Finds Some People in Pain Unlikely to Seek Treatment   


Few Stroke Patients Get to Hospital in Time for Treatment
Feb 13 06

Few people who are having a stroke get to the hospital in time to receive the clot-busting drug that reduces the chance of disability,… Few Stroke Patients Get to Hospital in Time for Treatment   


Biopsy Remains Best Way to Verify Mammography Results
Feb 13 06

Biopsy remains the gold standard for evaluating women who have abnormal mammography findings, according to a government report that found noninvasive imaging tests such… Biopsy Remains Best Way to Verify Mammography Results   


Common genetic variation increases SIDS risk in African Americans
Feb 13 06

About five percent of deaths from SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) in African Americans can be traced to defects in one gene and half… Common genetic variation increases SIDS risk in African Americans   


Statins show beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis
Feb 13 06

Statins, a class of drugs widely used to treat high cholesterol, have also recently been studied for their potential role in inflammation and other… Statins show beneficial effect on rheumatoid arthritis   


Control interventions crucial for stopping the spread of bird flu in Africa
Feb 13 06

The outbreak of the deadly Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza virus (H5N1) in Nigeria confirms the fears expressed by FAO for quite some time that… Control interventions crucial for stopping the spread of bird flu in Africa   


Cellular discovery suggests possibilities for drug therapy for kidney disease
Feb 13 06

Scientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara have reported a discovery at the cellular level that suggests possibilities for drug therapy for kidney… Cellular discovery suggests possibilities for drug therapy for kidney disease   


Simple diagnostic imaging procedure changes treatment for lower back pain
Feb 13 06

A simple diagnostic imaging procedure can help identify patients with lower back pain who would benefit from spinal injections and spare those who would… Simple diagnostic imaging procedure changes treatment for lower back pain   


Program gets adolescents to eat better, move more
Feb 13 06

A home-based program that combines a doctor’s advice with computer assessment, mailings and phone calls may help teens become more active and improve their… Program gets adolescents to eat better, move more   


Vardenafil improves peripheral blood flow in Raynaud disease
Feb 12 06

The phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5) inhibitor vardenafil (Levitra) improves symptoms and digital blood flow, both at room temperature and during a cold-exposure test, in… Vardenafil improves peripheral blood flow in Raynaud disease   


Alfuzosin safe for older patients with cardiovascular disease
Feb 12 06

Older age, cardiovascular comorbidity and the use of antihypertensive medication do not affect a patient’s tolerance of alfusozin, an alpha-1-blocker used to treat lower… Alfuzosin safe for older patients with cardiovascular disease   


Parental Conflict Produces More Than Fleeting Distress for Children
Feb 10 06

Six-year-olds whose parents displayed frequent disagreements in their relationship responded to subsequent parental conflicts with elevated distress and negative thoughts, according to a team… Parental Conflict Produces More Than Fleeting Distress for Children   


Alzheimer’s disease appears to be highly heritable
Feb 10 06

In a large study of twins, Alzheimer’s disease appears to be highly heritable and genetic factors may also influence timing of the disease, according… Alzheimer’s disease appears to be highly heritable   

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