Kids’ incontinence improved with magnetic therapy
Jun 23 05

Magnetic stimulation of the pelvic floor seems to be an effective treatment for children with an overactive bladder, according to a new… Kids’ incontinence improved with magnetic therapy   


Measures how to clamp down on Internet pharmacies
Jun 23 05

Canada will soon announce measures to clamp down on Internet pharmacies that send cheap medicine to the United States, often without Canadian doctors seeing… Measures how to clamp down on Internet pharmacies   


Celebrity photos prompt memory study breakthrough
Jun 23 05

Scientists at two California universities have isolated single neurons responsible for holding the memory of an image, in what they called an unprecedented finding… Celebrity photos prompt memory study breakthrough   


Nasal spray works for kids with migraine
Jun 23 05

A nasal spray prescribed for adults with migraines can also help teenagers and younger children, even though their headaches are often different, a new… Nasal spray works for kids with migraine   


Vivus says impotence drug data good
Jun 23 05

An experimental impotence drug being developed by Vivus Inc. showed promise in promoting sex in a mid-stage clinical trial, the company said on Thursday,… Vivus says impotence drug data good   


Lung infections late problem for tsunami survivors
Jun 23 05

The December tsunami that left over 200,000 people dead or missing in Asia and Africa appears to have caused some unusual lung and sinus… Lung infections late problem for tsunami survivors   


Merck sought to reformulate Vioxx in 2000
Jun 23 05

Merck & Co. Inc. researchers sought to reformulate the arthritis drug Vioxx five years ago to reduce its cardiovascular side effects, even… Merck sought to reformulate Vioxx in 2000   


Steel workers at risk for kidney stones
Jun 22 05

Men who work in the steel industry and are exposed to high temperatures are prone to develop kidney or urinary stones, Brazilian… Steel workers at risk for kidney stones   


Body fat pattern abnormal in recovered anorexics
Jun 22 05

Women suffering from Anorexia but who successfully normalize their weight tend to deposit the added pounds around the abdomen, at least in… Body fat pattern abnormal in recovered anorexics   


Sleep troubles tied to mental problems in kids
Jun 22 05

The results of a study in the Journal of Pediatrics suggest that there is an association between sleep difficulties and mental problems in children.

Sleep troubles tied to mental problems in kids   

Young women with arthritis have marked bone loss
Jun 22 05

Even before they reach menopause, women with Rheumatoid Arthritis show a significant degree of bone loss compared with similar but arthritis-free women,… Young women with arthritis have marked bone loss   


Bigger brains mean higher IQ
Jun 22 05

People with bigger brains tend to score higher on standardized tests of intelligence, new research shows.

However, study author Dr. Michael A. McDaniel of… Bigger brains mean higher IQ   


Plant chemical may harm male fertility
Jun 22 05

A plant chemical found in soya, tofu and legumes could potentially damage sperm and affect male fertility, a British researcher suggest.

Professor Lynn Fraser,… Plant chemical may harm male fertility   


Suspected cholera kills 50 in northeast Nigeria
Jun 22 05

At least 50 people have died in an outbreak of suspected cholera in the remote northeastern Nigerian state of Borno, lawmakers said… Suspected cholera kills 50 in northeast Nigeria   


Italian fertilty law hinders IVF success
Jun 21 05

Italy’s strict law on assisted reproduction has reduced some women’s chances of conceiving because doctors can no longer select the best embryos for Italian fertilty law hinders IVF success   


Heavy exercise may worsen arthritis damage
Jun 21 05

For people with extensive damage in large joints from Rheumatoid Arthritis, high-intensity, weight-bearing exercise apparently accelerates the progression of joint damage, Dutch researchers suggest.

Heavy exercise may worsen arthritis damage   

Doctors overly optimistic about back surgery
Jun 21 05

Nearly 4 out of 10 patients told by surgeons that they could expect a “great improvement” from lower back surgery reported no abatement in… Doctors overly optimistic about back surgery   


Bacterial virus may underlie meningitis
Jun 20 05

The cause of bacterial meningitis is, by definition, a bacterial infection - but it may not be quite that simple. The true… Bacterial virus may underlie meningitis   


Conception tourism spreads as infertility soars
Jun 20 05

Couples wanting babies are criss-crossing the globe in search of treatment as infertility in the developed world looks set to double within a decade,… Conception tourism spreads as infertility soars   


Mystery infection kills 7 babies in Turk hospital
Jun 20 05

Seven premature newly born babies - nearly half the number in a Turkish hospital’s intensive care unit - have died after contracting a bacterial… Mystery infection kills 7 babies in Turk hospital   


No faking female orgasm in scientific research
Jun 20 05

Women may be able to fool their partners by faking an orgasm but a brain scanner will catch them out every time, researchers said… No faking female orgasm in scientific research   


Surgery better than collagen for incontinence
Jun 20 05

For women with urine leakage related to coughing or exertion, surgery to correct the problem is more effective than collagen injections - although… Surgery better than collagen for incontinence   


Vietnam finds two bird flu patients, kills birds
Jun 20 05

Two more Vietnamese have contracted bird flu in the country’s north, a state-run newspaper reported on Monday, as more than 6,000 chickens were slaughtered… Vietnam finds two bird flu patients, kills birds   


Your job may give you asthma
Jun 20 05

Work-related Asthma is fast becoming one of the most commonly diagnosed occupational respiratory diseases in this country, and people who work in certain industries… Your job may give you asthma   


UK’s GW Pharma launches cannabis drug in Canada
Jun 20 05

GW Pharmaceuticals Plc’s pioneering cannabis-based medicine has been launched in Canada, the British firm said on Monday.

GW said its Sativex medicine was now… UK’s GW Pharma launches cannabis drug in Canada   

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