UK doctors highlight over-the-counter drug risks
Jun 14 05

Patients and health professionals need more training about the potential risks of over-the-counter (OTC) medicines, which are being taken in increasing quantities, British doctors… UK doctors highlight over-the-counter drug risks   


Exercise boosts sex life in men with heart failure
Jun 13 05

Moderate exercise may help boost sexual function in men with heart failure, according to a review of studies on the topic..

The results may… Exercise boosts sex life in men with heart failure   


Surgery may help sleep disorder in young children
Jun 11 05

In children under the age of three who have Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), removal of the tonsils and Surgery may help sleep disorder in young children   


Pain management program useful for low back pain
Jun 11 05

When conducted by physiotherapists, a pain management program that includes exercise advice and strategies to overcome psychosocial barriers is a suitable alternative to physical… Pain management program useful for low back pain   


Rat poison deemed “potential agent of terror”
Jun 11 05

A type of rat poison, which is illegal in the United States, has the potential to be used in an intentional mass poisoning… Rat poison deemed “potential agent of terror”   


Fungal pesticides may reduce malaria transmission
Jun 11 05

Mosquitoes carrying a Malaria parasite that were exposed to surfaces coated with fungus-based pesticides had a dramatically reduced ability to transmit malaria, according to… Fungal pesticides may reduce malaria transmission   


Genes in male-pattern baldness identified
Jun 11 05

Researchers in Germany have found that variations in a gene related to male sex hormones may be at the root of male-pattern Genes in male-pattern baldness identified   


Prompt seizure therapy may have no long-term benefit
Jun 11 05

After a seizure, early intervention with anticonvulsant drugs appears to have little effect on the long-term prognosis of epilepsy, British researchers report… Prompt seizure therapy may have no long-term benefit   


Tracleer helps PAH patients with scleroderma
Jun 11 05

Tracleer has shown positive long-term impact in treating pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) in patients with systemic sclerosis (scleroderma), the drug-maker… Tracleer helps PAH patients with scleroderma   


Bristol-Myers says drug slows joint damage in RA
Jun 10 05

Bristol-Myers Squibb Co. said on Thursday that a late-stage trial showed its experimental Rheumatoid Arthritis drug abatacept slowed the progression of joint damage in… Bristol-Myers says drug slows joint damage in RA   


More research needed on painkiller safety
Jun 10 05

British scientists called for more research on Friday into the safety of painkillers after finding more evidence some may increase the risk of… More research needed on painkiller safety   


Houston man sues Pfizer for Viagra blindness
Jun 09 05

A Houston man filed a lawsuit this week in federal court against Pfizer, claiming he suffered Blindness after taking its best-selling impotence… Houston man sues Pfizer for Viagra blindness   


Lipitor does not prevent narrowing in heart valve
Jun 09 05

The popular cholesterol-reducing drug Lipitor made by Pfizer does not prevent obstruction of the heart valve that leads to the aorta, the body’s largest… Lipitor does not prevent narrowing in heart valve   


China battles new outbreak of deadly bird flu
Jun 09 05

China has discovered a strain of bird flu that is deadly to humans at a farm in the far western region of Xinjiang, the… China battles new outbreak of deadly bird flu   


Morphine fails to control pain in preterm infants
Jun 08 05

Morphine is no better than inactive placebo in preventing pain during procedures performed on preterm infants, according to new study findings.

This issue is… Morphine fails to control pain in preterm infants   


Many parents unclear on genetic testing results
Jun 08 05

Many parents who learn their hearing-impaired child does not carry genetic mutations in either of two genes commonly linked to hearing problems remain confused… Many parents unclear on genetic testing results   


Aspirin raise bleeding risk
Jun 08 05

Aspirin therapy has proven useful in preventing Heart attacks, but even very low doses of the drug taken regularly pose a bleeding… Aspirin raise bleeding risk   


Vancouver may urge Canada to legalize marijuana
Jun 08 05

Vancouver, the West Coast Canadian city whose drug-treatment programs have drawn the wrath of U.S. officials, may press the federal government to legalize and… Vancouver may urge Canada to legalize marijuana   


Genes affect women’s ability to reach orgasm
Jun 08 05

Women who have difficulty reaching orgasm can blame it on their genes. Like Heart disease, anxiety and depression, scientists discovered in a… Genes affect women’s ability to reach orgasm   


Raisins inhibit dental plaque bacteria
Jun 08 05

Raisins contain chemicals that suppress the growth and adherence of two species of oral bacteria associated with the development of cavities and periodontal disease,… Raisins inhibit dental plaque bacteria   


Cynicism starts at a tender age
Jun 08 05

Young children may believe in Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy, but they are more savvy than many adults may think, according to a… Cynicism starts at a tender age   


Sterility following vasectomy may take time
Jun 08 05

Following Vasectomy, about half of the men who initially still have motile sperm will eventually stop producing sperm, according to a new… Sterility following vasectomy may take time   


Drugs preserve fertility of girls receiving chemo
Jun 07 05

Although effective against various cancers, chemotherapy can damage the ovaries, possibly causing a permanent loss of fertility. Treatment with two drugs… Drugs preserve fertility of girls receiving chemo   


Coping skills affect life after breast cancer
Jun 07 05

Young women who are less able to cope with breast cancer and feel ill-prepared for the challenge tend to have a lower… Coping skills affect life after breast cancer   


Low-level jobs linked with increased heart risk
Jun 07 05

Lower social position is associated with faster and less variable heart rates, according to a new study. Both conditions are “almost certainly bad for… Low-level jobs linked with increased heart risk   

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