U.S. dietary guidelines get personal
Apr 19 05

The US Department of Agriculture today presented its new guidelines that for the first time advise consumers to personalize their diet and exercise, geared… U.S. dietary guidelines get personal   


Osteoporosis drug may reduce mental decline risk
Apr 19 05

Postmenopausal women taking the drug Evista to prevent and treat the bone-thinning disease Osteoporosis may also reduce their risk of mild cognitive impairment and… Osteoporosis drug may reduce mental decline risk   


Rheumatoid arthritis drugs may up lymphoma risk
Apr 19 05

Taking “TNF blockers,” such as Remicade and Enbrel, to treat Rheumatoid Arthritis does not increase the overall cancer risk, but the drugs may heighten… Rheumatoid arthritis drugs may up lymphoma risk   


Diet, exercise best for preventing pre-diabetes
Apr 19 05

Lifestyle changes are more effective than drug treatment in preventing metabolic syndrome, the cluster of disorders that can lead to diabetes and Heart disease,… Diet, exercise best for preventing pre-diabetes   


Post-Attack Vaccine Plus Antibiotics Best Against Anthrax Release
Apr 19 05

A combination of immunization plus antibiotics is the most cost-effective way to treat people who may have been exposed to Anthrax during… Post-Attack Vaccine Plus Antibiotics Best Against Anthrax Release   


Bird Flu and SARS: Are You Prepared For The Next Pandemic?
Apr 19 05

The warnings for this flu season are ominous. Although it has been mild so far, we are being told to prepare, for the worst… Bird Flu and SARS: Are You Prepared For The Next Pandemic?   


Government Issues 12 New Food Pyramids
Apr 19 05

Concerned about steadily expanding waistlines, the government flipped the food pyramid on its side, adding a staircase for exercise and giving consumers 12 individually-tailored… Government Issues 12 New Food Pyramids   


Kids with blood in urine should be closely watched
Apr 19 05

It’s relatively common to discover that children sometimes have blood in their urine, either visible to the unaided eye or under a… Kids with blood in urine should be closely watched   


Many seniors won’t take prescribed drugs -study
Apr 19 05

Up to 40 percent of U.S. seniors do not take all their prescription drugs, either because of the cost or because they do not… Many seniors won’t take prescribed drugs -study   


U.S. drug case against Towson doctor to start
Apr 18 05

An ordinary diet doctor or an illegal drug dealer?

That question should take center stage in federal court today when a once-prominent Towson… U.S. drug case against Towson doctor to start   


Heart experts target childhood obesity
Apr 18 05

The dire health effects associated with the ballooning waistlines of children and adolescents in the United States have prompted the American Heart Association to… Heart experts target childhood obesity   


New stents as effective for women as men
Apr 18 05

The benefits of the TAXUS coronary artery stent, which slowly releases a drug to prevent re-clogging of the artery, appear to apply to women… New stents as effective for women as men   


Aldara cream remedies skin damage from sun
Apr 18 05

A particular type of skin lesion called actinic keratosis, caused by long-term exposure to the sun, responds well to thrice-weekly application of… Aldara cream remedies skin damage from sun   


Deadlier form of cancer found in black women
Apr 18 05

Women of African descent are more likely than whites to suffer an earlier and more virulent form of breast cancer, and… Deadlier form of cancer found in black women   


Study finds ear tube surgery safe for youngsters
Apr 18 05

Children with ear infections so severe that tubes have to be inserted in their ears early in life hear as well as… Study finds ear tube surgery safe for youngsters   


Statins lower advanced prostate cancer risk
Apr 18 05

Cholesterol-lowering drugs known as statins may slash a man’s risk of advanced Prostate cancer, according to research presented Monday.

A study that… Statins lower advanced prostate cancer risk   


New partnership needed for child cancer - report
Apr 18 05

The National Cancer Institute should work more closely with drug companies to help them find new and better drugs to treat childhood cancer, a… New partnership needed for child cancer - report   


Traditional medicine derivatives kill cancer cells
Apr 18 05

Compounds derived from indirubin, a component of a Chinese herbal medicine, can cause human cancer cells to self-destruct, researchers have shown.

A traditional Chinese… Traditional medicine derivatives kill cancer cells   


Painkillers protect against oral cancer in smokers
Apr 18 05

A class of painkillers - nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs or NSAIDs - cuts the risk Oral cancer in active, moderate cigarette Painkillers protect against oral cancer in smokers   


Top court to hear US appeal on hallucinogenic tea
Apr 18 05

The U.S. Supreme Court said on Monday it would decide whether the federal government must allow the U.S. branch of a Brazilian-based religion to… Top court to hear US appeal on hallucinogenic tea   


More US college students drinking and driving
Apr 18 05

The number of US college students who drive while intoxicated has risen to 2.8 million, new study findings indicate.

In addition, the number of… More US college students drinking and driving   


Most IVF parents plan to tell kids: survey
Apr 18 05

The majority of parents who conceived through assisted reproduction plan to tell their children about their conception, but they’re often uncertain how to go… Most IVF parents plan to tell kids: survey   


Long-term Strattera seen OK for adults with ADHD
Apr 18 05

The non-stimulant treatment for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, Strattera, is safe and effective when taken long-term by adults with the condition, according to interim… Long-term Strattera seen OK for adults with ADHD   


Treadmill test for heart disease iffy for women
Apr 18 05

Exercise treadmill testing is not a very accurate method of detecting clogged coronary arteries in women, new research suggests, even when a specially designed… Treadmill test for heart disease iffy for women   


WHO: Last killer flu lab samples seen destroyed soon
Apr 18 05

All laboratories that received a killer flu bug in test kits have destroyed the virus, except for a few in the United States where… WHO: Last killer flu lab samples seen destroyed soon   

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