Caffeine May Chip A Couple Strokes Off Golf Score
Aug 31 15

A moderate dose of caffeine may help combat fatigue and shave about two strokes off the scores of skilled collegiate players, according to a… Caffeine May Chip A Couple Strokes Off Golf Score   


Watching more TV as a young adult predicts obesity
Aug 31 15

The more hours young adults spend watching television each day, the greater the likelihood that they’ll have a higher body mass index and bigger… Watching more TV as a young adult predicts obesity   


Physics meets biology to defeat aging
Aug 28 15

The scientific team of a new biotech company Gero in collaboration with one of the leading academics in the field of aging Prof. Robert… Physics meets biology to defeat aging   


Researchers use brain scans to predict response to antipsychotic medications
Aug 28 15

Investigators at The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research have discovered that brain scans can be used to predict patients’ response to antipsychotic drug… Researchers use brain scans to predict response to antipsychotic medications   


UEA research shows high protein foods boost cardiovascular health
Aug 27 15

Eating foods rich in amino acids could be as good for your heart as stopping smoking or getting more exercise - according to new… UEA research shows high protein foods boost cardiovascular health   


High use of alternative medicine in senior oncology patients
Aug 26 15

Alternative medicines are widely thought to be at least harmless and very often helpful for a wide range of discomforts and illnesses. However, although… High use of alternative medicine in senior oncology patients   


Low-level arsenic exposure before birth associated with early puberty and obesity
Aug 26 15

Female mice exposed in utero, or in the womb, to low levels of arsenic through drinking water displayed signs of early puberty and became… Low-level arsenic exposure before birth associated with early puberty and obesity   


‘Lazy eye’ may bully the brain into altering its wiring
Aug 25 15

Colorful and expressive, the eyes are central to the way people interact with each other, as well as take in their surroundings.

That makes… ‘Lazy eye’ may bully the brain into altering its wiring   


Is incense bad for your health?
Aug 25 15

The burning of incense might need to come with a health warning. This follows the first study evaluating the health risks associated with its… Is incense bad for your health?   


Breastfeeding keeps my four-year-old’s ADHD at bay, so I won’t stop
Aug 24 15

Vickie Krevatin’s four-year-old son Jessy was at a party last week that left him uncontrollable with excitement. When Vickie’s attempts to stop him… Breastfeeding keeps my four-year-old’s ADHD at bay, so I won’t stop   


Study links physical activity to greater mental flexibility in older adults
Aug 24 15

One day soon, doctors may determine how physically active you are simply by imaging your brain. Physically fit people tend to have larger brain… Study links physical activity to greater mental flexibility in older adults   


Scientists show how exposure to brief trauma and sudden sounds form lasting memories
Aug 24 15

Researchers at NYU Langone Medical Center have found how even brief exposure to sudden sounds or mild trauma can form permanent, long-term brain connections,… Scientists show how exposure to brief trauma and sudden sounds form lasting memories   


Study backs flu vaccinations for elderly
Aug 24 15

A new study of the records of millions of nursing home residents affirms the value of influenza vaccination among the elderly. The Brown University… Study backs flu vaccinations for elderly   


High sugar consumption among children relates to poor family functioning, study finds
Aug 22 15

The quality of general family functioning is a major determinant of healthy dietary habits - according to new research published in the Journal of… High sugar consumption among children relates to poor family functioning, study finds   


Food is community
Aug 22 15

More Americans than ever before are supporting their local food markets, and it’s not just because they believe the food is fresher and tastes… Food is community   


New diagnostic tools for dehydration severity in children
Aug 21 15

Dehydration from diarrhea, either from viral infection or cholera, accounts for 10 percent of all child deaths worldwide. Though it’s a pervasive problem, there… New diagnostic tools for dehydration severity in children   


Intractable pain may find relief in tiny gold rods
Aug 21 15

A team of scientists at Kyoto University’s Institute for Integrated Cell-Material Sciences (iCeMS) has developed a novel technique using tiny gold rods to target… Intractable pain may find relief in tiny gold rods   


Something to chew on - millions of lives blighted by smokeless tobacco
Aug 21 15

More than a quarter of a million people die each year from using smokeless tobacco, researchers at the University of York have concluded.

Millions… Something to chew on - millions of lives blighted by smokeless tobacco   


New clues to the genetic origins of obesity
Aug 20 15

Like many other conditions, obesity is caused by an interplay between genetic and environmental factors. While efforts to combat the obesity epidemic will need… New clues to the genetic origins of obesity   


Hypertensive patients benefit from acupuncture treatments, UCI study finds
Aug 20 15

Patients with hypertension treated with acupuncture experienced drops in their blood pressure that lasted up to a month and a half, researchers with the… Hypertensive patients benefit from acupuncture treatments, UCI study finds   


Tall, masculine men aged around 35 years old perceived to be most dominant
Aug 19 15

The study, by scientists at the University of St Andrews, shows that simple increases in a man’s height and age automatically makes them appear… Tall, masculine men aged around 35 years old perceived to be most dominant   


Foresight food security: From hunger and poverty to food system approach
Aug 18 15

Long considered in relation to malnutrition and humanitarian aid, food security policy should be moving towards a much broader landscape and focusing on regular… Foresight food security: From hunger and poverty to food system approach   


Breastfeeding could reduce common infections among Indigenous infants
Aug 17 15

Promoting breastfeeding could lead to a substantial reduction in common infections and even deaths that are more common in Indigenous infants than non-Indigenous infants,… Breastfeeding could reduce common infections among Indigenous infants   


What clinicians need to know about bilingual development in children
Aug 17 15

Bilingual children pose unique challenges for clinicians, and, until recently, there was little research on young bilinguals to guide clinical practice. In the past… What clinicians need to know about bilingual development in children   


Smoking ban linked to drop in stillbirths and newborn deaths
Aug 13 15

Stillbirths have dropped by almost eight per cent in England since the smoking ban was introduced, research shows.

The number of babies dying shortly… Smoking ban linked to drop in stillbirths and newborn deaths   

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