FDA to Establish New Drug Oversight Board
Feb 15 05

The Food and Drug Administration will establish a new independent Drug Safety Oversight Board to monitor FDA-approved medicines once they’re on the market… FDA to Establish New Drug Oversight Board   


New pain relievers boost blood pressure more - study
Feb 15 05

Arthritis drugs known as COX-2 inhibitors raise blood pressure more than older pain relievers, which may explain why the newer medicines have been linked… New pain relievers boost blood pressure more - study   


Facelift Without Surgery? Patients Turn To Acupuncture
Feb 15 05

If you’re afraid of the surgeon’s knife, how are you with needles?

That’s a new question popping up for those who want a facelift… Facelift Without Surgery? Patients Turn To Acupuncture   


Twin doctors accused of switching IDs, rape
Feb 15 05

An attorney has filed the latest in a series of civil lawsuits against twin physician brothers, accusing them of impersonating one another and sexually… Twin doctors accused of switching IDs, rape   


Study Links Prenatal Pollutant Exposure To Genetic Changes In Babies
Feb 15 05

A study of New York City newborns suggests that prenatal exposure to air pollution may be linked to genetic changes associated with an… Study Links Prenatal Pollutant Exposure To Genetic Changes In Babies   


8 On Your Side: Non-Surgical Facelifts
Feb 15 05

Tulsa - Many movie stars deny plastic surgery. But, that doesn’t mean they haven’t had a little help. 8 On Your Side investigator Cindy… 8 On Your Side: Non-Surgical Facelifts   


Vaccine-in-a-potato seems to work
Feb 14 05

The idea of using genetically modified plants to produce medicines for humans seems to be becoming a reality. In a new study, US researchers… Vaccine-in-a-potato seems to work   


Flu shots may not save lives - U.S. study
Feb 14 05

The flu vaccinations that doctors hoped would save the lives of fragile elderly people have apparently failed to lower death rates, U.S. researchers said… Flu shots may not save lives - U.S. study   


Peru ‘Mermaid’ has oxygen therapy, doing ‘great’
Feb 14 05

A Peruvian baby dubbed the “Little Mermaid” because of a rare birth defect in which her legs are fused, is making good progress after… Peru ‘Mermaid’ has oxygen therapy, doing ‘great’   


U.S. says J&J arthritis drug promotion misleading
Feb 14 05

A Johnson & Johnson promotion for rheumatoid arthritis drug Remicade is misleading because it makes unsupported claims about the drug’s effectiveness and omits important… U.S. says J&J arthritis drug promotion misleading   


Quitting smoking improves blood tests in days
Feb 14 05

It takes only days for your body to start thanking you for butting out for good, according to new study findings reported on… Quitting smoking improves blood tests in days   


Splenda ad campaign comes under fresh fire
Feb 14 05

The marketing campaign for Johnson & Johnson’s Splenda sweetener drew fresh criticism on Monday, as agriculture and public interest groups added their voices to… Splenda ad campaign comes under fresh fire   


Arthritis drug seen to cut heart risk
Feb 14 05

Methotrexate, used for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and psoriasis, may also reduce the risk of atherosclerosis and circulatory diseases affecting the heart and… Arthritis drug seen to cut heart risk   


Cold sore virus may raise risk of type 2 diabetes
Feb 14 05

People who have been infected with herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) - the variety that usually causes ‘cold sores’ rather than genital infections… Cold sore virus may raise risk of type 2 diabetes   


Caffeine intake tied to teens’ blood pressure
Feb 14 05

The amount of caffeine consumed by teenagers is directly related to their daytime blood pressure - and this effect is especially pronounced among African… Caffeine intake tied to teens’ blood pressure   


Low cholesterol may mean poorer mental powers
Feb 14 05

We hear plenty about the dangers of high cholesterol levels, but low levels apparently confer their own risks. Naturally low cholesterol levels are associated… Low cholesterol may mean poorer mental powers   


Trimetazidine best heart drug for Viagra users
Feb 14 05

Trimetazidine, a drug that prevents heart-related chest pain, is a better choice than “nitrate” drugs, such as Nitro-DUR and Isordil, for men with heart… Trimetazidine best heart drug for Viagra users   


Teen binge drinking can do long-term brain damage
Feb 14 05

Mounting evidence shows that the still-maturing teenage brain is particularly susceptible to damage from heavy drinking, according to a report published Monday.

A number… Teen binge drinking can do long-term brain damage   


I like what I see. Let’s date
Feb 14 05

Men and women often decide in minutes who they want to date, and base that decision on largely superficial factors, new research from a… I like what I see. Let’s date   


U.N. talks seek compromise on human cloning ban
Feb 14 05

U.N. diplomats, deadlocked for years over the drafting of treaty to ban the cloning of human beings worldwide, open negotiations on Monday on an… U.N. talks seek compromise on human cloning ban   


Key senator says Medicare benefit costs too much
Feb 14 05

A senior Senate Republican said on Sunday Congress should adjust the Medicare drug benefit to rein in costs, even though President Bush has threatened… Key senator says Medicare benefit costs too much   


UK parents brush off cell phone health worries-survey
Feb 14 05

Almost five million British children - some as young as five years old - will own a mobile phone by the end of this… UK parents brush off cell phone health worries-survey   


Sociologists are not love doctors, but they can offer some insights
Feb 14 05

The phrase “falling in love” must come from some universal sense of romance as a slippery slope.

Other words, such as “mystery” and “spontaneity”… Sociologists are not love doctors, but they can offer some insights   


Gene therapy restores hearing in deaf animals
Feb 14 05

By transferring a gene that regulates fundamental cell development into the inner ear of deafened guinea pigs, researchers have regenerated so-called hair cells and… Gene therapy restores hearing in deaf animals   


Breast cancer drug tied to fewer heart attacks
Feb 14 05

Women with breast cancer who take tamoxifen are less likely to have a heart attack than women with other types of cancer who… Breast cancer drug tied to fewer heart attacks   

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