Rheumatoid arthritis raises heart death risk
Feb 03 05

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to raise the risk of silent heart disease in patients, even before they are diagnosed with the chronic condition, U.S.… Rheumatoid arthritis raises heart death risk   


Bush signals tougher embryo research limits
Feb 03 05

U.S. President George W. Bush plans to press for even stricter limits on human embryo research and has no intention of softening restrictions… Bush signals tougher embryo research limits   


St. Louis Rams hit with drug-resistant bacteria
Feb 03 05

During the 2003 football season, several members of the St. Louis Rams were diagnosed with skin infections caused by an antibiotic-resistant microbe called MRSA,… St. Louis Rams hit with drug-resistant bacteria   


Welders show elevated rate of Parkinson symptoms
Feb 03 05

Welders may have a higher-than-average rate of Parkinson’s disease symptoms, the results of a new study suggest.

Researchers found that among more… Welders show elevated rate of Parkinson symptoms   


Poverty worsening HIV among U.S. black women
Feb 03 05

Poverty, unemployment and other socioeconomic factors are helping to fuel a growing HIV problem among black women, a U.S. study released on Thursday suggests.

Poverty worsening HIV among U.S. black women   

Kidney disease tied to mental impairment
Feb 03 05

Menopausal women with chronic kidney disease have lower scores on tests of mental proficiency (cognitive function) than those without chronic kidney disease, according to… Kidney disease tied to mental impairment   


Drug use in strict Singapore waning, gov’t says
Feb 03 05

Drug use in Singapore is waning after aggressive police crackdowns netted a “high society” cocaine ring last year and targeted synthetic “club drugs,” such… Drug use in strict Singapore waning, gov’t says   


Bexxar effective first-line treatment for lymphoma
Feb 03 05

The Bexxar therapeutic regimen (GlaxoSmithKline), which combines the anti-CD20 antibody tositumomab with radioactive iodine, can induce prolonged remissions in patients with follicular lymphoma when… Bexxar effective first-line treatment for lymphoma   


Whooping cough kills six Afghans, 200 ill - paper
Feb 03 05

Six Afghans have been killed by an outbreak of whooping cough in the remote central province of Ghor, a government newspaper said on Thursday.

Whooping cough kills six Afghans, 200 ill - paper   

BP control key to preeclampsia prevention
Feb 03 05

In pregnant women with high blood pressure, both the top measure (systolic) and the bottom measure (diastolic) of blood pressure are important predictors of… BP control key to preeclampsia prevention   


U.S. to double AIDS-fighting support to Haiti
Feb 03 05

U.S. funding to fight HIV/AIDS will nearly double to $40 million this year in Haiti, where the United Nations says one in 10… U.S. to double AIDS-fighting support to Haiti   


Stroke risk rises if stroke survivors stop aspirin
Feb 03 05

The risk of having another stroke is tripled within one month if aspirin therapy is discontinued, Swiss researchers reported here at the American Stroke… Stroke risk rises if stroke survivors stop aspirin   


Jury orders Brown & Williamson to pay $22 mln
Feb 03 05

A jury in Independence, Missouri on Wednesday ordered Brown & Williamson Tobacco Corp. to pay $22 million to the family of a 73-year-old woman… Jury orders Brown & Williamson to pay $22 mln   


Canada’s blood supply wins top marks in study
Feb 03 05

Canada’s blood supply, rocked by a public health disaster in the 1980s when thousands were infected by tainted blood, is now one of the… Canada’s blood supply wins top marks in study   


Highest number of road deaths in U.S. on 4th July
Feb 03 05

More people are killed in road accidents in the United States on July 4th, Independence Day, than any other day of the year, researchers… Highest number of road deaths in U.S. on 4th July   


Vietnam appeals for help in bird flu fight
Feb 03 05

Vietnam said on Thursday it has appealed for international help in its desperate battle against a rapidly spreading outbreak of bird flu, which has… Vietnam appeals for help in bird flu fight   


Vaccine program reduces chickenpox deaths
Feb 03 05

Since the universal childhood varicella vaccination program was implemented in the United States in 1995, there has been a sharp decline in chickenpox-related deaths,… Vaccine program reduces chickenpox deaths   


European cancer patients using alternative therapy
Feb 03 05

Whether it is herbs, homeopathy or vitamin and mineral supplements, more than one third of cancer patients in Europe use alternative medicines.

Usage varies… European cancer patients using alternative therapy   


NY officials bar rabbi from circumcision ritual
Feb 03 05

New York City health officials have gone to court to stop a rabbi from performing a type of ritual circumcision they believe may have… NY officials bar rabbi from circumcision ritual   


England gets cleaner but London remains filthy
Feb 03 05

While parks and leafy lanes are getting cleaner, a survey published on Wednesday showed that London still holds the ignoble title as the dirtiest… England gets cleaner but London remains filthy   


Silica issue clouds outlook for asbestos bill
Feb 03 05

A bill to establish a $140-billion asbestos compensation fund was undergoing a rewrite on Wednesday after warnings that a provision affecting claims for silica,… Silica issue clouds outlook for asbestos bill   


Two New York Men Diagnosed With Rare Sexually Transmitted Disease
Feb 03 05

A rare sexually transmitted disease that can scar the genitals has been found in two patients in New York, and the strain is the… Two New York Men Diagnosed With Rare Sexually Transmitted Disease   


Rheumatoid Arthritis Attacks the Heart
Feb 03 05

A new study confirms the strong link between rheumatoid arthritis and life-endangering congestive heart failure.

The 165 Minnesota residents in the study with rheumatoid… Rheumatoid Arthritis Attacks the Heart   


Gilead HIV Combo Beats Glaxo Drug in Trial
Feb 03 05

Gilead Sciences on Thursday said preliminary data from a 48-week trial show that two of its two drugs, Viread and Emtriva, were better able… Gilead HIV Combo Beats Glaxo Drug in Trial   


Rheumatoid arthritis patients at higher risk for unrecognized heart disease and cardiac sudden death
Feb 03 05

People with rheumatoid arthritis not only have a higher risk of coronary heart disease than those in the general population, but they have more… Rheumatoid arthritis patients at higher risk for unrecognized heart disease and cardiac sudden death   

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