Lifestyle changes cut heart risk without drugs
Jan 05 05

In a new study, a 12-week program designed to change unhealthy lifestyles helped adults with high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and high blood sugar… Lifestyle changes cut heart risk without drugs   


Mental deficits common after very preterm birth
Jan 05 05

More than three-quarters of children who were born before the 26th week of pregnancy are affected by cognitive and neurologic impairments by the time… Mental deficits common after very preterm birth   


Herbal extract reduces migraines
Jan 05 05

An extract of the root of a plant called butterbur (Petasites hybridus) significantly reduces the frequency of migraine headaches, new research findings suggest.

“I’ve… Herbal extract reduces migraines   


Bush launches battle to limit malpractice awards.
Jan 05 05

President George W. Bush charged on Wednesday that trial lawyers pursuing medical malpractice lawsuits are driving doctors out of business and driving up health… Bush launches battle to limit malpractice awards.   


Brain processes whistled language just as spoken
Jan 05 05

Like Snow White’s seven dwarfs, shepherds on one of Spain’s Canary Islands whistle while they work and use the sound to communicate over long… Brain processes whistled language just as spoken   


Secondhand smoke lowers kids’ math, reading scores
Jan 05 05

Kids and teenagers exposed to even trace amounts of secondhand smoke score lower on tests of reading and reasoning, according to new research.

Overall,… Secondhand smoke lowers kids’ math, reading scores   


Antibiotics might be helpful in Lou Gehrig disease
Jan 05 05

Treatment with penicillin-like antibiotics called beta-lactams have been shown to protect neurons from injury in lab-dish experiments.

Moreover, the antibiotics improve movement functioning… Antibiotics might be helpful in Lou Gehrig disease   


Experts dismiss fears of post-tsunami fish
Jan 05 05

Hong Kong’s government has urged residents not to eat seafood from tsunami-affected areas as it may be tainted, but experts brushed off such fears… Experts dismiss fears of post-tsunami fish   


Sperm-sorting machine may help infertile men.
Jan 05 05

Scientists in Australia have developed a sperm-sorting machine that may help infertile men to become fathers.

The device filters out sperm with DNA damage… Sperm-sorting machine may help infertile men.   


Vietnam fights bird flu threat as boy dies
Jan 05 05

Bird flu has killed a 9-year-old boy in Vietnam, a health official said on Wednesday, marking the first reported death in 2005 from a… Vietnam fights bird flu threat as boy dies   


Embryo loss no greater with special IVF technique
Jan 05 05

The rate of embryo losses for an in vitro fertilization (IVF) technique in which sperm is injected directly into an egg is similar to… Embryo loss no greater with special IVF technique   


British school starts random drug tests
Jan 05 05

Students at a school in southeast England returned to class on Wednesday to face a new regime of weekly random drug tests.

A sample… British school starts random drug tests   


Tanners have higher vitamin D levels, bone mass
Jan 05 05

People who try to stay bronze with the help of a tanning bed tend to have higher blood levels of vitamin D than those… Tanners have higher vitamin D levels, bone mass   


Cigarette smoke worsens RSV infection in infants
Jan 05 05

Babies and young children are prone to infection with respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and new research shows that the condition is worsened if they’re… Cigarette smoke worsens RSV infection in infants   


Fruits, veggies lower kids’ blood pressure
Jan 05 05

Preschoolers who eat the recommended four servings of fruits and vegetables - along with two servings of dairy products - each day may have… Fruits, veggies lower kids’ blood pressure   


Antidepressant useful for hot flashes
Jan 04 05

The antidepressant venlafaxine (Effexor) appears to be effective in treating postmenopausal hot flashes in otherwise healthy women, according to a report in the journal… Antidepressant useful for hot flashes   


Light alcohol use doesn’t raise stroke risk
Jan 04 05

New findings from a large study suggest that drinking up to two alcoholic beverages a day does not significantly increase the risk of stroke.

Light alcohol use doesn’t raise stroke risk   

Emergency birth control not linked to risk behavior
Jan 04 05

Readily available emergency contraception does not increase the rate of unprotected intercourse among young women or affect the spread of sexually transmitted infections, according… Emergency birth control not linked to risk behavior   


Hypnosis helps kids during medical procedure
Jan 04 05

Self-hypnosis can relieve distress in children undergoing an uncomfortable medical procedure known as a voiding cystourethrogram (VCUG), according to new research.

VCUG is performed… Hypnosis helps kids during medical procedure   


Eye disease predicts heart failure
Jan 04 05

A common type of disease that involves the back of the eye, known as retinopathy, is a risk factor for heart failure, even in… Eye disease predicts heart failure   


Test can warn of dangerous pregnancy complication
Jan 04 05

Testing for a protein in the urine of pregnant women accurately predicts whether they will develop preeclampsia, a potentially deadly condition that affects one… Test can warn of dangerous pregnancy complication   


Key AIDS study was deeply flawed, expert says
Jan 04 05

A study aimed at showing whether a single dose of an AIDS drug could prevent mothers from passing the virus to their newborns was… Key AIDS study was deeply flawed, expert says   


German team finds new way to block HIV replication
Jan 04 05

German scientists have found a new way to prevent HIV from replicating, offering hope in the face of the virus’ increasing resistance to existing… German team finds new way to block HIV replication   


Disease emerges in wake of tsunami
Jan 04 05

Hungry and filthy, thousands of Indonesians queued for water on Tuesday as aid deliveries to tsunami-ravaged Aceh province hit new snags and cases of… Disease emerges in wake of tsunami   


Statin use may slightly impair brain function
Jan 04 05

The results of a new study suggest that treatment with a cholesterol-lowering statin called simvastatin (Zocor) may have small negative effects on brain function.

Statin use may slightly impair brain function   
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