Synaptic mechanisms of brain waves
Dec 16 13

How information is processed and encoded in the brain is a central question in neuroscience, as it is essential for high cognitive function such… Synaptic mechanisms of brain waves   


Hong Kong study shows lower survival rates after second hip fractures
Dec 15 13

Research presented today at the 4th Asia-Pacific Osteoporosis Meeting showed that second hip fractures are more deadly than first hip fractures. Based in Hong… Hong Kong study shows lower survival rates after second hip fractures   


Plaque composition, immune activation explain cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected women
Dec 15 13

A Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) research team has discovered a possible mechanism behind the elevated risk of cardiovascular disease in women infected with HIV,… Plaque composition, immune activation explain cardiovascular risk in HIV-infected women   


UCSF research finds new link between obesity, early decline in kidney function
Dec 15 13

A new UCSF-led study of nearly 3,000 individuals links obesity to the development of kidney disease. The work also shows that, when properly measured,… UCSF research finds new link between obesity, early decline in kidney function   


Exercise counters the physiological effects of Christmas excess
Dec 15 13

Daily exercise lessens many of the harmful physiological effects of short-term overeating and inactivity, shows a new study [published 15 December] in The Journal… Exercise counters the physiological effects of Christmas excess   


Regular exercise in middle age protects against muscle weakness later in life
Dec 15 13

A cross-sectional study by investigators from Tokyo University has found that exercising in middle age is a protective factor against sarcopenia and effective in… Regular exercise in middle age protects against muscle weakness later in life   


Study sheds light on risk of life-threatening blood clots in hospitalized children
Dec 12 13

Life-threatening blood clots occur so rarely in children that the condition, known as venous thromboembolism (VTE), is often not on pediatricians’ mental radar screens… Study sheds light on risk of life-threatening blood clots in hospitalized children   


Is laughter really the best medicine?
Dec 12 13

Laughter may not be the best medicine after all and can even be harmful to some patients, suggests the authors of a paper published… Is laughter really the best medicine?   


Caution to pregnant women on red meat diabetes link
Dec 12 13

Pregnant women and women planning to become pregnant can make use of the holiday season to adjust their diets and reduce the risk of… Caution to pregnant women on red meat diabetes link   


Health spending is more efficient for men than for women
Dec 12 13

Health care spending is a large – and ever increasing - portion of government budgets. Improving its efficiency has therefore become critically important. In… Health spending is more efficient for men than for women   


Reconceptualizing the study of population aging
Dec 12 13

Age is not just the number of years one has lived, argue IIASA population researchers. A new study from the group provides a set… Reconceptualizing the study of population aging   


New way to finance health in world’s less developed nations
Dec 10 13

Countries and major donors are changing the way they finance maternal and child, malaria, tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS health programs in low-income countries to increase… New way to finance health in world’s less developed nations   


Stomach acid drugs may increase vitamin deficiency risk
Dec 10 13

Popular drugs that are used to control stomach acid may increase the risk of a serious vitamin deficiency, suggests a new study.

Researchers found… Stomach acid drugs may increase vitamin deficiency risk   


Majority of Americans avoid addressing end-of-life issues, according to new study
Dec 09 13

During the past two decades, high-profile legal cases surrounding end-of-life decisions have received widespread attention in the United States, prompting increased media focus and… Majority of Americans avoid addressing end-of-life issues, according to new study   


Kids movies send mixed messages about eating habits and obesity
Dec 09 13

In a world where animals often take the place of humans, sugar-sweetened beverages, exaggerated portion sizes and unhealthy snacks are common. So is TV… Kids movies send mixed messages about eating habits and obesity   


Marketing loans for fertility treatments raises ethical concerns
Dec 09 13

An increase in the number of lenders specializing in loans for fertility treatments enables more people to afford the treatments, but it also raises… Marketing loans for fertility treatments raises ethical concerns   


Novel method could help bring cancer biomarkers to clinic
Dec 08 13

An international team of scientists led by Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center cancer proteomics expert Amanda Paulovich, M.D., has demonstrated the feasibility of… Novel method could help bring cancer biomarkers to clinic   


Gene promotes 1 in 100 of tumors
Dec 08 13

Researchers have identified a gene that drives the development of tumours in over one per cent of all cancer patients. This is the first… Gene promotes 1 in 100 of tumors   


High chair-related injuries to children on the rise
Dec 08 13

High chairs and booster seats are commonly used to help make feeding young children easier. Although most parents assume these products are safe, millions… High chair-related injuries to children on the rise   


Innovative drug-dispensing contact lens delivers glaucoma medication continuously for a month
Dec 08 13

For nearly half a century, contact lenses have been proposed as a means of ocular drug delivery that may someday replace eye drops, but… Innovative drug-dispensing contact lens delivers glaucoma medication continuously for a month   


Surprising diversity in aging revealed in nature
Dec 08 13

In our youth we are strong and healthy and then we weaken and die - that’s probably how most would describe what ageing is… Surprising diversity in aging revealed in nature   


Tracking exercise as vital sign associated with weight loss and better glucose control for patients
Dec 05 13

Asking patients about their exercise habits was associated with weight loss in overweight patients and improved glucose control for patients with diabetes, according to… Tracking exercise as vital sign associated with weight loss and better glucose control for patients   


Blacks happier at work than whites despite fewer friends, less autonomy
Dec 05 13

Despite working in more routine and less autonomous jobs, having fewer close friends at work, and feeling less supported by their coworkers, blacks… Blacks happier at work than whites despite fewer friends, less autonomy   


Vaccine study reveals link between immunity and cells’ starvation response
Dec 05 13

One of the most effective vaccines in history has been the yellow fever vaccine, which was developed in the 1930s and has been administered… Vaccine study reveals link between immunity and cells’ starvation response   


Home-based exercise as rehabiltation
Dec 05 13

Rapid rehabilitation is a must after a heart attack or other cardiovascular event. Different forms of exercise as a part of rehabilitation have been… Home-based exercise as rehabiltation   

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