Atkins diet can harm
Nov 14 04

PEOPLE who stay on the high-protein Atkins diet for too long could be harming their heart, kidneys and bones, Australian doctors have warned.

The… Atkins diet can harm   


Vaccine Stops Food Allergy in Dogs
Nov 14 04

Dogs with allergies to peanuts, milk and wheat experienced sharply fewer reactions after being vaccinated for those specific food allergens, researchers in California report.

Vaccine Stops Food Allergy in Dogs   

Natural Solutions for Acne
Nov 14 04

Conventional approaches to treating acne is to use antibiotics merely focus on treating the symptoms and virtually never address the cause. For resistant acne… Natural Solutions for Acne   


Drug Company’s Greed Coming Around to Bite Them
Nov 14 04

Merck faces not only Congressional and Justice Department investigations, but also potentially thousands of personal-injury lawsuits that could tie the company up in litigation… Drug Company’s Greed Coming Around to Bite Them   


Fight Childhood Obesity to Help Prevent Diabetes, Say WHO & IDF
Nov 14 04

Worldwide, it is estimated that more than 22 million children under five years old are obese or overweight, and more than 17… Fight Childhood Obesity to Help Prevent Diabetes, Say WHO & IDF   


New Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients
Nov 14 04

Advances in treatment may slow dementia’s progression

Watching a loved one slowly succumb to the memory-robbing illness known as Alzheimer’s disease can be devastating.

New Hope for Alzheimer’s Patients   

Officials Face Off on European Flu Vaccine
Nov 14 04

From the sunny south to the chilly north, lines of those waiting outside clinics for flu shots may be slightly shorter this weekend because… Officials Face Off on European Flu Vaccine   


Vaccine stops virus tied to cervical cancer
Nov 12 04

It’s one of the most common cancers in women and kills about a quarter of a million patients each year, but scientists said on… Vaccine stops virus tied to cervical cancer   


Euthanasia distorts medical ethics, Pope says
Nov 12 04

Pope John Paul called euthanasia a distortion of medical ethics on Friday, saying doctors should not decide “who can live and who must die.”

Euthanasia distorts medical ethics, Pope says   

Dutch re-open some farms after dioxin scare
Nov 12 04

The Dutch authorities on Friday re-opened 96 livestock farms out of nearly 200 it had sealed off as a precaution after discovering cancer-causing dioxin… Dutch re-open some farms after dioxin scare   


Smoking and salt bad for stomach reflux
Nov 12 04

People who smoke or use high amounts of table salt on their food appear to be at increased risk for gastroesophageal reflux, a disease… Smoking and salt bad for stomach reflux   


HIV rate higher than expected in London drug users
Nov 12 04

Due possibly to public health strategies implemented in the late 1980s, England had some of the lowest rates of HIV and hepatitis C virus… HIV rate higher than expected in London drug users   


“Kangaroo care"good for all premature infants: experts
Nov 12 04

Continuous skin-to-skin contact between a mother and her premature infant appears to help them to thrive just as well as traditional care in… “Kangaroo care   


Britain on public health warpath, targets smoking
Nov 12 04

The British government will launch a long-awaited policy paper on public health next week with plans to curb public smoking, tackle obesity and… Britain on public health warpath, targets smoking   


Cholesterol drugs may not reduce risk of dementia
Nov 12 04

New study findings suggest that the cholesterol-lowering drugs know as “statins” do not appear to lower the risk of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, except… Cholesterol drugs may not reduce risk of dementia   


Paxil appears to be effective for OCD in kids
Nov 12 04

Paxil is a safe and effective treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) in children and adolescents, according to the results of a short-term study published… Paxil appears to be effective for OCD in kids   


Plaques cut survival in young heart attack patients
Nov 12 04

Blood vessel plaques and the heart’s pumping ability influence survival in people under 40 who’ve suffered a heart attack, new research shows.

The… Plaques cut survival in young heart attack patients   


Blood transfusions at birth often unneeded
Nov 12 04

A significant proportion of blood transfusions given to mothers around the time of birth may be unnecessary, Canadian researchers report in the journal Obstetrics… Blood transfusions at birth often unneeded   


Response to hepatitis C therapy can last for years
Nov 12 04

A sustained response to successful treatment with interferon for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection can persist for up to 12 years, according to a… Response to hepatitis C therapy can last for years   


Tadalafil may interact with prostate medication
Nov 12 04

Tadalafil may increase the blood pressure-lowering effects of doxazosin, which is commonly prescribed for the treatment of enlarged prostate, or benign prostatic hyperplasia… Tadalafil may interact with prostate medication   


Chinese herb lowers cholesterol in new way
Nov 11 04

Berberine, an herb used in traditional Chinese medicine, lowers LDL (“bad”) cholesterol and works in a way that is distinct from statin drugs like… Chinese herb lowers cholesterol in new way   


Black-white differences in HIV care seen in US
Nov 11 04

The level of care given to black patients with HIV in the US seems to depend on the whether the doctor is black or… Black-white differences in HIV care seen in US   


Patch plus pill ups chances of quitting smoking
Nov 11 04

Smokers can double the likelihood of kicking the habit by using the antidepressant drug nortriptyline along with a nicotine patch, new research indicates.

Patch plus pill ups chances of quitting smoking   

DHEA cuts abdominal fat in elderly
Nov 11 04

DHEA is a popular dietary supplement among older people, but its positive or negative effects are unclear. Now, there’s scientific proof that DHEA has… DHEA cuts abdominal fat in elderly   


Botox-type drug helpful for vaginal spasm disorder
Nov 11 04

About one woman in every 100 may suffer from vaginismus, a painful condition in which muscles around the vagina go into involuntary spasm with… Botox-type drug helpful for vaginal spasm disorder   

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