Novel rehabilitation device improves motor skills after stroke
Dec 01 13

Using a novel stroke rehabilitation device that converts an individual’s thoughts to electrical impulses to move upper extremities, stroke patients reported improvements in their… Novel rehabilitation device improves motor skills after stroke   


Don’t ignore persistent coughs, check for signs of lung cancer
Nov 30 13

Lung cancer, like all cancers, arises when there is an unrestrained growth of lung cells due to mutations caused by various factors. It is… Don’t ignore persistent coughs, check for signs of lung cancer   


Risk factors may point to less-safe senior drivers
Nov 29 13

Tests of physical abilities, such as balance and strength, may reveal how well an elderly driver will perform on the road, according to a… Risk factors may point to less-safe senior drivers   


Music-based program may boost seniors’ brain function, mood
Nov 29 13

A music-based training program that challenges both the body and the mind may improve brain function and mood among seniors, suggests a new study… Music-based program may boost seniors’ brain function, mood   


Staying active all day linked to healthy aging
Nov 29 13

A generally active life, even without regular exercise sessions, was tied to better heart health and greater longevity in a study of older Swedes.

Staying active all day linked to healthy aging   

Are you carrying adrenal Cushing’s syndrome without knowing it?
Nov 29 13

Genetic research that will be published tomorrow in the New England Journal of Medicine suggests to Dr. Andre Lacroix, professor at the University of… Are you carrying adrenal Cushing’s syndrome without knowing it?   


Geriatric care may help older patients become independent again after car accident or other trauma
Nov 27 13

Older patients who received extra geriatric care following a traumatic injury were able to return to roughly two thirds more daily activities than those… Geriatric care may help older patients become independent again after car accident or other trauma   


Scientists identify key protein responsible for controlling communication between brain cells
Nov 27 13

Scientists are a step closer to understanding how some of the brain’s 100 billion nerve cells co-ordinate their communication. The study is published today… Scientists identify key protein responsible for controlling communication between brain cells   


Post-Menopause Brain Drain Tied to Progesterone
Nov 27 13

Estrogen levels after menopause may have no impact on cognitive function, but progesterone levels might, researchers found.

In an analysis of data from a… Post-Menopause Brain Drain Tied to Progesterone   


Older adults don’t see as well at home as in the clinic
Nov 27 13

When older people have their vision tested in a doctor’s office, the results might not reflect how well they actually see at home, according… Older adults don’t see as well at home as in the clinic   


Health insurance increases preventive care but not risky behaviors
Nov 26 13

People with health insurance are more likely to use preventive services such as flu shots and health screenings to reduce their risk of… Health insurance increases preventive care but not risky behaviors   


For many older adults, vision prescription differs between eyes
Nov 26 13

Follow-up in older adults shows a high rate of anisometropia, or differing levels of visual abnormalities between eyes, reports a study in Optometry and… For many older adults, vision prescription differs between eyes   


Parents rarely talk to teens about hearing loss
Nov 26 13

Teenagers are at risk for serious long-term hearing problems caused by excessively loud music or other loud noises. But parents don’t always grasp the… Parents rarely talk to teens about hearing loss   


Syria polio cases spread to Damascus and Aleppo: WHO
Nov 26 13

The World Health Organization said on Tuesday that additional polio cases had been confirmed in two new areas of Syria, including near Damascus… Syria polio cases spread to Damascus and Aleppo: WHO   


Russia bans abortion advertisements
Nov 25 13

Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a law banning advertisements for abortion, the Kremlin said on Monday, a step activists said would infringe on… Russia bans abortion advertisements   


Graphic warning labels on cigarette packages reduce smoking rates
Nov 25 13

The U.S. would have several million fewer smokers if graphic warning labels similar to those introduced in Canada nearly a decade ago were required… Graphic warning labels on cigarette packages reduce smoking rates   


Screen time again linked to kids’ extra weight
Nov 25 13

Children and teenagers who spend lots of time in front of screens - especially TVs - tend to gain more weight as they age,… Screen time again linked to kids’ extra weight   


Breastfeeding provides babies with iodine
Nov 25 13

WHO recommends that breastfeeding mothers without access to iodised salt should take an iodine supplement capsule to provide a year’s worth of iodine for… Breastfeeding provides babies with iodine   


Teens ‘Eat More, Cheat More’ After Playing Violent Video Games
Nov 25 13

Playing violent video games not only increases aggression, it also leads to less self-control and more cheating, a new study finds.

Researchers found that… Teens ‘Eat More, Cheat More’ After Playing Violent Video Games   


‘Rare’ gene is common in african descendants and may contribute to risk of heart disease
Nov 25 13

Researchers at Weill Cornell Medical College have found that a genetic variation that is linked to increased levels of triglycerides - fats in the… ‘Rare’ gene is common in african descendants and may contribute to risk of heart disease   


Many men with sudden cardiac arrest had early warnings
Nov 24 13

Cardiac arrest symptoms: chest pain, shortness of breath, dizziness, faintness or heart palpitations.

Many sudden cardiac arrests leave a calling card in advance.

More… Many men with sudden cardiac arrest had early warnings   


Kids less fit than their parents were, study finds
Nov 24 13

Today’s kids can’t keep up with their parents. An analysis of studies on millions of children around the world finds they don’t run… Kids less fit than their parents were, study finds   


7 nutrients lacking in your diet
Nov 24 13

Think you eat pretty well and get enough key nutrients? Hopefully you do, but unfortunately the diets of most Americans are far from ideal.

7 nutrients lacking in your diet   

Just 2 genes from Y chromosome needed for male reproduction
Nov 24 13

The Y chromosome is often thought of as defining the male sex. Now scientists find that only two genes on the Y chromosome are… Just 2 genes from Y chromosome needed for male reproduction   


More walking tied to lower stroke risk among men
Nov 23 13

Older men who spend several hours walking each day are less likely to have a stroke than their peers who rarely walk, a new… More walking tied to lower stroke risk among men   

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