Protein associated with aggressiveness in breast & ovarian cancer
Oct 24 04

A research team led by The University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center has found a potential new protein marker for prognosis of… Protein associated with aggressiveness in breast & ovarian cancer   


Learning about fat
Oct 23 04

Until recently the halls of North High in Minneapolis were lined with vending machines where students could buy soda pop and other sugary drinks,… Learning about fat   


Expert raises awareness of breast cancer
Oct 23 04

Dr JoAnne Zujewski, a senior oncologist at the US National Cancer Institute, has visited Oman to support the efforts of the Omani National Association… Expert raises awareness of breast cancer   


Surgeon General Says No Shortage of Flu Vaccine
Oct 23 04

The nation’s top doctor hit the road to prescribe patience for Americans waiting to get their flu shots.

The U.S. Surgeon General Richard Carmona… Surgeon General Says No Shortage of Flu Vaccine   


Depression may be a problem after heart transplantation
Oct 23 04

A new study shows that depression among those who’ve received a new heart is as common as among those with chronic illness.
Depression… Depression may be a problem after heart transplantation   


High drug prices
Oct 23 04

Medication costs are skyrocketing, thanks to increasing prescription drug costs and a growing number of people taking drugs for chronic conditions. People with multiple… High drug prices   


Obesity More And More Costly
Oct 23 04

ATLANTA - Emory University researchers say rising obesity rates account for more than a quarter of the growth in health spending.

Treating obesity-related conditions… Obesity More And More Costly   


Diet-pill seller agrees $155 mln fraud settlement
Oct 22 04

A Texas diet-pill marketer has agreed to pay back up to $155 million he earned from selling weight-loss pills that did not work as… Diet-pill seller agrees $155 mln fraud settlement   


Record number of pool-related diseases in U.S.
Oct 22 04

The number of Americans who got sick from swimming or bathing in tainted pools, spas and other facilities jumped 21 percent to a record… Record number of pool-related diseases in U.S.   


Antivirals don’t completely suppress herpes
Oct 22 04

People with genital herpes are often prescribed a drug, such as valacyclovir or acyclovir, to take on an ongoing basis to reduce recurrences.… Antivirals don’t completely suppress herpes   


Infant heart transplant may have down side
Oct 22 04

Children who were given a heart transplant in infancy score in the low-average range on tests of neurological development and IQ, according to a… Infant heart transplant may have down side   


Drug may aid quality of life in early Parkinson’s
Oct 22 04

Adding a drug called entacapone to standard treatment with levodopa for people with early Parkinson’s disease appears to enhance some aspects of their quality… Drug may aid quality of life in early Parkinson’s   


Single moms more likely to have girls
Oct 22 04

Whether a woman is living with her partner or not when she conceives seems to influence the sex of her child, new research reports.

Single moms more likely to have girls   

MS drugs cut patient brain tissue loss - study
Oct 22 04

Drugs given to patients with multiple sclerosis can reduce brain tissue loss and slow down the progression of the illness, scientists said on Friday.

MS drugs cut patient brain tissue loss - study   

Study links sleep loss to teens’ suicide behaviors
Oct 22 04

Teenagers who usually fall into bed at 2 am each night and get up a few hours later to make their 8 am classes… Study links sleep loss to teens’ suicide behaviors   


EU unveils grisly photo warnings for cigarettes
Oct 22 04

The European Union unveiled grisly photos of rotten lungs, throat tumors and decayed teeth on Friday, which it hopes will be used on cigarette… EU unveils grisly photo warnings for cigarettes   


New method may improve therapy prostate cancer
Oct 22 04

British scientists have discovered a new way to improve the effectiveness of drugs used to treat prostate cancer.

Researchers at the Weatherall Institute of… New method may improve therapy prostate cancer   


U.S. military short of flu vaccine too - Pentagon
Oct 22 04

The U.S. military will give flu shots to troops in Iraq and other key areas overseas and to high-risk family dependents, but thousands of… U.S. military short of flu vaccine too - Pentagon   


UK court rules on seriously ill baby Luke
Oct 22 04

London’s High Court has decided a seriously ill baby can be refused potentially life-saving mechanical ventilation if he stops breathing, mirroring a ruling for… UK court rules on seriously ill baby Luke   


Europe orders full safety probe of Cox-2 drugs
Oct 22 04

The European Commission has ordered a full-scale probe into the safety of five remaining Cox-2 arthritis drugs, following last month’s worldwide withdrawal of Merck… Europe orders full safety probe of Cox-2 drugs   


Study backs link between father’s age, schizophrenia
Oct 22 04

Children born to older fathers have a higher than normal risk of developing schizophrenia later in life, Swedish scientists said on Friday.

They suspect… Study backs link between father’s age, schizophrenia   


More nasal spray flu vaccine coming - officials
Oct 22 04

Another 1 million doses of a nasal spray influenza vaccine will be available in the United States this year, Bush administration officials said on… More nasal spray flu vaccine coming - officials   


Height treatment could reduce fertility - study
Oct 22 04

Oestrogen treatment given to tall adolescent girls to reduce their final adult height can lead to fertility problems, Australian scientists said on Friday.

They… Height treatment could reduce fertility - study   


You see auras, researchers see brain signals
Oct 21 04

People who see colorful “auras” in response to people or words may simply have a brain condition, not psychic powers, according to a new… You see auras, researchers see brain signals   


Antioxidants reduced in stored breast milk
Oct 21 04

Breast milk that is refrigerated or frozen loses its antioxidant capacity over time, new study results suggest.

“To preserve the antioxidant activity of human… Antioxidants reduced in stored breast milk   

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