Virtual colonoscopy shows promise
Sep 01 04

Virtual colonoscopy, which uses X-ray imaging to scan for colon cancer, shows promise, but is not ready to replace traditional colonoscopies yet, experts said… Virtual colonoscopy shows promise   


Blacks more likely to develop bedsores
Sep 01 04

Black residents of nursing homes are more likely to develop bedsores, or “pressure ulcers,” than whites are, according to the results of a study… Blacks more likely to develop bedsores   


Low-birthweight kids prone to poorer eyesight
Sep 01 04

Children whose weight was low when they were born have “a small but statistically significant deficit” in their vision by the time they are… Low-birthweight kids prone to poorer eyesight   


Increase gym time to combat obesity in girls
Sep 01 04

A new report suggests a simple strategy for combating obesity among young girls - increasing their gym time.

Giving first graders just one more… Increase gym time to combat obesity in girls   


Culture plays a role in dyslexia, scientists say
Sep 01 04

Dyslexia, a common reading and learning disorder, could be influenced by culture, researchers said on Wednesday.

They discovered that a different area of… Culture plays a role in dyslexia, scientists say   


Disaster workers have high rate of stress disorders
Sep 01 04

Firefighters and other first-responders to disasters often face both immediate and long-term psychological effects, researchers report, but early symptoms may help identify those at… Disaster workers have high rate of stress disorders   


Anti-calcium drug blocks cervical cancer in mice
Sep 01 04

Treatment with Zometa (zoledronic acid), a drug used to reduce high calcium levels, can block the development of cervical cancer in mice, according to… Anti-calcium drug blocks cervical cancer in mice   


Low-dose estrogen slows bone loss
Aug 31 04

Treatment with an ultralow-dose of the hormone estradiol, administered as a patch, reduces the rate of bone loss in older women without promoting the… Low-dose estrogen slows bone loss   


Chronic fatigue differs from depression
Aug 31 04

Chronic fatigue syndrome and depression have distinct biological features, researchers in Canada report, suggesting that the two conditions have unique causes.

Unlike patients with… Chronic fatigue differs from depression   


Little racial difference seen in atherosclerosis rates
Aug 31 04

African Americans and Caucasians in the general U.S. population have a similar prevalence of coronary atherosclerosis, according to new study findings. Most previous studies… Little racial difference seen in atherosclerosis rates   


Full-body scans raise cancer risk
Aug 31 04

People who pay for whole-body X-ray scans in the hope of finding tumors at their earliest stages may, ironically, be raising their overall risk… Full-body scans raise cancer risk   


Mammography-detected cancers have better prognosis
Aug 31 04

Breast cancers detected by mammographic screening have a better prognosis than those found outside of screening, even when other factors that influence disease… Mammography-detected cancers have better prognosis   


New benefit found from blood pressure drug
Aug 31 04

Doctors have unraveled a new way in which a widely used kind of blood pressure drug, known as an ACE inhibitor, can help prevent… New benefit found from blood pressure drug   


Improvements in women’s health have been mixed
Aug 31 04

Some countries have taken major strides to improve the rights and reproductive health of women, but more must be done to meet goals set… Improvements in women’s health have been mixed   


Deconditioning may help athletes with heart condition
Aug 31 04

A brief period of deconditioning in athletes with heartbeat irregularities, or “arrhythmias,” may help trainers and doctors identify athletes who should stop training and… Deconditioning may help athletes with heart condition   


Death risk in breast cancer patients can vary widely
Aug 31 04

In women with breast cancer, the probability of dying from that malignancy, as opposed to some other cause, can range from 3 percent to… Death risk in breast cancer patients can vary widely   


Make exercise a family affair, experts say
Aug 31 04

Parents should try to encourage their children to exercise by scheduling at least 30 minutes of family physical activities each day, according to the… Make exercise a family affair, experts say   


Cancer survivors’ quality of life below the norm
Aug 31 04

Even after more than a decade after diagnosis, cancer survivors may have a poorer quality of life and more health limitations than others their… Cancer survivors’ quality of life below the norm   


Counterfeit Cialis recalled in Britain
Aug 30 04

Health authorities in Britain have recalled two lots of counterfeit Cialis tablets after fake versions of the erectile dysfunction drug were sold in… Counterfeit Cialis recalled in Britain   


Cold weather snaps are bad for your heart
Aug 30 04

Cold weather snaps can trigger heart attacks, particularly in people suffering from high blood pressure, researchers said on Monday.

The increased rate of… Cold weather snaps are bad for your heart   


Mental Marijuana
Aug 30 04

Can reefers cure madness? There is some evidence that cannabis - or ‘green Prozac’ - has potential in the treatment of some psychiatric… Mental Marijuana   


Anti-psychotic drugs useful for severe depression
Aug 30 04

Treatment with anti-psychotic agents, such as Risperdal (risperidone) or Geodon (ziprasidone), is useful for patients with severe depression who have failed to respond to… Anti-psychotic drugs useful for severe depression   


Quick statin dose marginally helps heart patients
Aug 30 04

Putting patients with heart trouble on a high dosage of statin drugs quickly to lower their blood cholesterol levels offers only a marginal benefit… Quick statin dose marginally helps heart patients   


Obesity linked to worse prostate cancer outcome
Aug 30 04

Obese men who undergo surgery for prostate cancer are more likely than their non-obese peers to experience a rise in prostate-specific antigen (PSA) levels,… Obesity linked to worse prostate cancer outcome   


Diabetes undetected in many heart patients
Aug 30 04

Diabetes is an undetected and silent threat for many people who develop heart disease, according to new research reported on Monday.

Professor John… Diabetes undetected in many heart patients   

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