Parkinson’s-Alzheimer’s link seen unlikely
Aug 06 04

It has been thought that there might be a genetic link between Alzheimer’s disease and Parkinson’s disease, but that seems not to be the… Parkinson’s-Alzheimer’s link seen unlikely   


Parkinson’s drug linked to heart valve damage
Aug 06 04

Heart valve disease appears to be relatively common in Parkinson’s disease patients treated with pergolide (Permax), according to results of a new study. Evidence… Parkinson’s drug linked to heart valve damage   


Antioxidants don’t protect heart of male smokers
Aug 06 04

Neither vitamin E nor beta-carotene supplements protect male smokers against heart disease. The antioxidants may actually be harmful, cardiologists report in the European Heart… Antioxidants don’t protect heart of male smokers   


Bowel ‘pacemaker’ relieves severe constipation
Aug 06 04

A condition called “total colonic inertia” leads to severe constipation, but a device similar to a heart pacemaker can relieve the problem, an Egyptian… Bowel ‘pacemaker’ relieves severe constipation   


Fear of terror may raise heart disease risk
Aug 06 04

Israeli women who are extremely afraid of terrorism appear to have higher levels of a marker of blood vessel inflammation, a sign they may… Fear of terror may raise heart disease risk   


Newer heart surgeons as safe as older hands
Aug 06 04

Heart patients heading for surgery can be reassured that they are in safe hands with a newly appointed surgeon.

The patient mortality rate among… Newer heart surgeons as safe as older hands   


New study offers hope for Alzheimer’s treatment
Aug 06 04

Early treatment of brain lesions associated with Alzheimer’s disease can halt and even reverse the course of the mind-erasing ailment, according to authors of… New study offers hope for Alzheimer’s treatment   


Fish oil helps some cancer patients with wasting
Aug 06 04

Loss of weight and muscle mass, common among people with cancer, may be improved with fish oil supplements, according to a new report.… Fish oil helps some cancer patients with wasting   


Delay in premature births cuts risk of disability
Aug 06 04

Delaying the birth of premature babies by just a few days can prevent brain damage and disability, researchers said on Friday.

Some obstetricians… Delay in premature births cuts risk of disability   


Soy protein may benefit diabetics’ kidneys
Aug 06 04

The kidney function of people with type 2 diabetes seems to be improved by dietary soy protein, with the added benefit that their levels… Soy protein may benefit diabetics’ kidneys   


Parents can help kids prepare for school
Aug 06 04

The first day of school can be a lot of fun for many children, giving them a chance to meet up with friends they… Parents can help kids prepare for school   


Celebrex May Be Best Therapy for Osteoarthritis
Aug 05 04

Although acetaminophen (Tylenol) is recommended as initial treatment for osteoarthritis of the knee and hip, Celebrex (celecoxib) may be more effective, and just as… Celebrex May Be Best Therapy for Osteoarthritis   


Few mothers meet breastfeeding goals, study shows
Aug 05 04

Only 14 percent of U.S. mothers exclusively breastfeed their babies for the minimum recommended six months, according to government data released on Thursday.

Few mothers meet breastfeeding goals, study shows   

Benzodiazepine use imperils elderly hips
Aug 05 04

Elderly people who take benzodiazepine sedatives and sleeping aids have an increased risk of breaking a hip, according to researchers reporting in the… Benzodiazepine use imperils elderly hips   


New anti-inflammatory drugs increase TB risk
Aug 05 04

Recently developed drugs called TNF-blockers have brought relief to many people with inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis or the intestinal disorder, Crohn’s disease.… New anti-inflammatory drugs increase TB risk   


Surgery OK after prostate “seed” treatment
Aug 05 04

If necessary, the prostate can be removed after six months of prostate cancer treatment with implanted radioactive seeds, or brachytherapy, a French group reports.

Surgery OK after prostate “seed” treatment   

Exercise safe for people with defibrillators
Aug 05 04

With supervision, patients prone to heartbeat irregularities who have an implanted cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) can exercise safely, and derive benefits, according to European investigators.

Exercise safe for people with defibrillators   

It’s not so hard to switch to a vegan diet
Aug 05 04

Making the switch from a regular meat-and-dairy diet to an all plant-based, vegan diet may be easier than it would seem, new research suggests.

It’s not so hard to switch to a vegan diet   

Blacks suffer from disparities in US health care
Aug 05 04

Inferior qualifications and less access to resources among doctors who treat black patients may contribute to racial disparities in the quality of U.S. health… Blacks suffer from disparities in US health care   


Gene profile predicts leukemia relaps
Aug 05 04

Altered expression of genes - either turned on or off abnormally - is a hallmark of cancer. Researchers have now found that differences in… Gene profile predicts leukemia relaps   


Hormone replacement doesn’t curb cataracts
Aug 05 04

Women who use hormone replacement therapy (HRT) after menopause do not appear to have a reduced risk of developing cataracts, or a slower worsening… Hormone replacement doesn’t curb cataracts   


Deer in headlights pose dilemma for motorists
Aug 05 04

Motorists who swerve to avoid deer, cattle and other large animals are almost as likely to end up in the emergency room as those… Deer in headlights pose dilemma for motorists   


Family meals boost teens’ well-being
Aug 05 04

Teens who regularly eat family meals may get more than a home-cooked meal, researchers report.

Adolescents who ate with their family most often did… Family meals boost teens’ well-being   


High hepatitis B rates in prisons are preventable
Aug 05 04

Rates of hepatitis B virus infection are high in state correctional facilities. However, most inmates appear to be willing to undergo vaccination, which would… High hepatitis B rates in prisons are preventable   


Dutch docs often help terminal patients die
Aug 04 04

In face-to-face interviews with 410 physicians in the Netherlands, 52 percent said that in the previous two years they had administered sedating medications while… Dutch docs often help terminal patients die   

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