Woman’s weight nearly halved after growth removed
Jun 04 04

A Tanzanian doctor said on Friday he had removed a growth six times the weight of an average healthy baby from the uterus of… Woman’s weight nearly halved after growth removed   


Imagining helps in remembering medication - study
Jun 04 04

Teaching patients to imagine taking their medications helps them to remember to do so later, researchers reported on Friday.

Older adults who spent a… Imagining helps in remembering medication - study   


More Britons than ever living with heart disease
Jun 04 04

Fewer people are dying from it but more Britons than ever before are living with coronary heart disease, the British Heart Foundation said… More Britons than ever living with heart disease   


Scientists Still Looking for Fat-Fighting Pill
Jun 04 04

Scientists are unlikely to find one magic pill for shedding pounds and an effective obesity-fighter may not help people lose weight, but rather just… Scientists Still Looking for Fat-Fighting Pill   


Milk powder suspected in China mass poisoning.
Jun 04 04

Just weeks after fake milk power killed at least 13 Chinese babies, 80 children were rushed to hospital with high fever and symptoms of… Milk powder suspected in China mass poisoning.   


Lotion takes the sting out of jellyfish encounters
Jun 04 04

Just in time for summer, researchers say an over-the-counter lotion sold as a jellyfish repellant does indeed seem to render the beachgoer’s nemesis powerless… Lotion takes the sting out of jellyfish encounters   


Think about statins for every diabetic - group
Jun 04 04

Almost everyone with diabetes should consider taking a statin drug to lower cholesterol, even if they already have low cholesterol levels, the American Diabetes… Think about statins for every diabetic - group   


Junk about one-third of U.S. diet
Jun 03 04

Junk foods such as sugary sodas and chips make up nearly one-third of calories in the U.S. diet, researchers said.

A study of… Junk about one-third of U.S. diet   


Obese Kids At Risk For Diabetes
Jun 03 04

A study of very obese children suggests half may have a worrisome cluster of health conditions that increase their risk of developing diabetes and… Obese Kids At Risk For Diabetes   


New Drugs Improve Survival After Colon Cancer Surgery
Jun 03 04

Two drugs can help extend the lives of people with colon cancer, the third most common type of tumor in the United States, medical… New Drugs Improve Survival After Colon Cancer Surgery   


Vaccine critics attack mercury report
Jun 03 04

Several members of Congress who believe that vaccines can cause autism in children criticized an official report meant to lay such fears to rest,… Vaccine critics attack mercury report   


Yo-Yo Diets An Immune System Risk
Jun 03 04

A new study has found that “yo-yo dieting” � repeatedly losing, then regaining weight � may harm a woman’s immune system.

The study by… Yo-Yo Diets An Immune System Risk   


Obesity: Small Steps Help
Jun 03 04

For the obese, a small loss may be a big victory.

Evidence is building that really heavy people may be able to greatly improve… Obesity: Small Steps Help   


Obesity rising among poor in developing world- study
Jun 03 04

Obesity, once a problem chiefly in the world’s richest countries, is increasingly prevalent among poor and less educated women in developing nations, a study… Obesity rising among poor in developing world- study   


New drugs often give patients problems
Jun 03 04

A considerable number of people who are prescribed drugs for a newly diagnosed condition such as heart disease, asthma, diabetes, or rheumatoid arthritis, soon… New drugs often give patients problems   


Schizophrenia families not shielded from cancer
Jun 03 04

A number of previous studies have documented a low rate of cancer in patients with schizophrenia. However, the results of a large study conducted… Schizophrenia families not shielded from cancer   


Moderate alcohol use not bad after heart attack
Jun 03 04

Drinking up to 10 alcoholic beverages a week does not increase the risk of heart failure in patients who’ve had a heart attack, new… Moderate alcohol use not bad after heart attack   


Pipe smoking carries high cancer risk - study
Jun 03 04

Pipe smokers have five times the risk of lung cancer and nearly four times the risk of throat cancer as people who use no… Pipe smoking carries high cancer risk - study   


Mental illness undertreated globally, study shows
Jun 03 04

Mental disorders from severe depression to uncontrolled anger are surprisingly common around the world, and most of the worst cases are not being treated,… Mental illness undertreated globally, study shows   


Fewer women than men take aspirin for heart health
Jun 03 04

Despite evidence that an aspirin a day can ward off heart attacks, many high-risk people - especially women - are not taking the drug,… Fewer women than men take aspirin for heart health   


Obesity ups kids’ health risk more than expected
Jun 03 04

Obese children are more likely than previously thought to develop a cluster of health conditions that put them at increased risk of diabetes and… Obesity ups kids’ health risk more than expected   


Full moon doesn’t trigger epileptic seizures
Jun 03 04

Contrary to what many people believe, a full moon does not cause seizures in patients with epilepsy, new research indicates. However, non-epileptic type seizures… Full moon doesn’t trigger epileptic seizures   


Hoarders show unique brain pattern, study finds
Jun 03 04

New research into the brain patterns of compulsive hoarders shows the disorder may have been misclassified and victims could be getting the wrong treatment,… Hoarders show unique brain pattern, study finds   


Antidepressant use in teens seen as effective
Jun 03 04

A U.S. study has found that the antidepressant Prozac helps teenagers overcome depression far better than talk therapy, but that a combination of the… Antidepressant use in teens seen as effective   


In-flight radiation no big worry for pregnant women
Jun 03 04

The earth’s atmosphere blocks most cosmic rays, but at higher altitudes exposure increases. Nonetheless, pregnant women who occasionally travel by air can be assured… In-flight radiation no big worry for pregnant women   

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