Cuts, Scrapes & Punctures
May 28 04

Cuts, scrapes, and punctures can all result in bleeding.

  * Cuts slice the skin open. Close a cut so it won’t get infected.Cuts, Scrapes & Punctures   


First Aid for Dental Emergencies
May 28 04

Things that need emergency dental and/or first aid care include:

  * Broken tooth
  * Knocked-out tooth
  * Fractured jawFirst Aid for Dental Emergencies   


First Aid for Dislocations
May 28 04

A dislocation is a separation of the end of a bone and the joint it meets. Bones that touch in the joints sometimes separate… First Aid for Dislocations   


Electrical burns
May 28 04

An electrical burn may appear minor, but the damage can extend deep into the tissues beneath your skin. If a strong electrical current passes… Electrical burns   


Heart attack: First aid
May 28 04

A heart attack occurs when one or more arteries supplying your heart with blood and oxygen become blocked. This loss of blood flow injures… Heart attack: First aid   


You Can Stop Your Migraine Pain
May 28 04

“Many migraineurs suffer needlessly,” says Seymour Diamond, MD, director of the Diamond Headache Clinic and executive chairperson of the National Headache Foundation. A… You Can Stop Your Migraine Pain   


Identifying and Treating Tension Headache’s Underlying Causes
May 28 04

Tension-type headaches, as doctors call them, are caused by muscle contractions in the head, face, neck and shoulders, are usually related to stress, fatigue,… Identifying and Treating Tension Headache’s Underlying Causes   


Dental Headaches
May 28 04

One in eight Americans suffers from headaches, according to the U.S. Army Medical Department. While diet, stress and fatigue can be leading causes, a… Dental Headaches   


Migraines in Children
May 28 04

Many adults who suffer from migraines can tell the difference between a severe headache and a true migraine.

But when your child complains… Migraines in Children   


Migraines Can Be a Financial Headache
May 28 04

Migraines can drain your pocketbook, says an article in the current issue of the American Journal of Managed Care.

Families with at least one… Migraines Can Be a Financial Headache   


Brain Freeze
May 28 04

Have you ever wondered what triggers an ice cream headache?

Brain Freeze   

Hogwarts Headaches
May 28 04

The patients were remarkably similar: They were all between the ages of 8 and 10, all complained of headaches that had lasted two to… Hogwarts Headaches   


Diagnosing Migraines the No-Fuss Way
May 28 04

A simple, three-question test can identify people with migraines with about the same degree of accuracy as widely used screening tests for other illnesses,… Diagnosing Migraines the No-Fuss Way   


Migraines May Be Linked to Childhood Disorder
May 28 04

There may be a connection between migraines and oppositional defiant disorder (ODD), one of the most common childhood behavioral disorders, a Columbus (Ohio) Children’s… Migraines May Be Linked to Childhood Disorder   


If You Feel a Migraine Coming On . . .
May 28 04

If you sense your migraines seem to get worse with changes in barometric pressure, experts say it’s probably not just in your head.

In… If You Feel a Migraine Coming On . . .   


Plastic Surgeons Frown on Reality TV Shows
May 28 04

Let’‘s face it, you don’‘t need a pretty face to get on television anymore; nowadays it helps to have an ugly one.

And if… Plastic Surgeons Frown on Reality TV Shows   


A Revolution in Migraine Care
May 28 04

Not long ago, migraine sufferers had no choice but to head for darkened bedrooms to wait out the pain. Or they could down powerful… A Revolution in Migraine Care   


Botox May Ease Enlarged Prostate Symptoms
May 28 04

Botox, which has already proven its worth banishing wrinkles and battling migraines, is now emerging as a possible treatment for prostate problems.

Researchers from… Botox May Ease Enlarged Prostate Symptoms   


May 28 04

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition in which new skin cells grow too fast. This causes thick, dry, scaly patches of skin to form… Psoriasis   


Contact Sports and Skin Infections
May 28 04

Because of the close body contact involved in sports like football, rugby or hockey, participants face an increased risk of skin infection, according to… Contact Sports and Skin Infections   


Cosmetic Foot Surgery Discouraged
May 28 04

If you’re thinking about having cosmetic surgery on your feet, think again, say doctors from the American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society.

The group… Cosmetic Foot Surgery Discouraged   


If Frostbite Strikes
May 28 04

Frigid temperatures mean skin that’‘s exposed for too long are prone to frostbite, when affected areas feels rock hard and develops a white, waxy,… If Frostbite Strikes   


Modern Orthodontics
May 28 04

Modern orthodontics is more than what it used to be.

Once primarily about straightening teeth, today’s orthodontists can help correct underlying skeletal problems of… Modern Orthodontics   


Dry Hands?
May 28 04

Is the cold winter air causing your hands to become dry and flaky?

If so, the National Jewish Medical and Research Center in Denver… Dry Hands?   


Big Bellies Can Cause Backache
May 28 04

If you’re suffering from backache, your potbelly may be to blame.

The weight of a bulging tummy increases the curvature of the back,… Big Bellies Can Cause Backache   

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