MU Researcher Develops Intervention to Help Older Adults Prepare for Emergencies
Oct 21 13

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, one in three adults age 65 and older falls at least once every year.… MU Researcher Develops Intervention to Help Older Adults Prepare for Emergencies   


Contact lens discomfort: What is it, why does it occur and how can it be treated?
Oct 21 13

Contact lens discomfort (CLD) may be the leading cause of patient dissatisfaction with, and discontinuation of, contact lens wear throughout the world —… Contact lens discomfort: What is it, why does it occur and how can it be treated?   


Low vitamin D levels raise anemia risk in children, Hopkins-led study shows
Oct 21 13

Low levels of the “sunshine” vitamin D appear to increase a child’s risk of anemia, according to new research led by investigators at the… Low vitamin D levels raise anemia risk in children, Hopkins-led study shows   


Nearly half million apply for U.S. health insurance despite flaws: officials
Oct 20 13

Roughly half a million Americans have applied for health insurance through new federal- and state-run exchanges under President Barack Obama’s signature healthcare law, an… Nearly half million apply for U.S. health insurance despite flaws: officials   


Study Shows Buying Breast Milk Online is Likely to Cause Illness in Infants
Oct 20 13

Results from a study led by researchers at Nationwide Children’s Hospital found more than three-fourths of breast milk samples purchased over the Internet… Study Shows Buying Breast Milk Online is Likely to Cause Illness in Infants   


Infant pertussis hospitalizations lower than expected after teen vaccinations
Oct 20 13

Widespread vaccination of adolescents for pertussis was associated with lower rates of infant hospitalizations for the respiratory infection than would have been expected had… Infant pertussis hospitalizations lower than expected after teen vaccinations   


Learning new skills keeps an aging mind sharp
Oct 20 13

Older adults are often encouraged to stay active and engaged to keep their minds sharp, that they have to “use it or lose it.”… Learning new skills keeps an aging mind sharp   


Syria snipers targeting pregnant women: British surgeon
Oct 19 13

Syrian snipers appear to be targeting pregnant women, a British surgeon said Saturday after returning from the conflict zone.

David Nott, who spent five… Syria snipers targeting pregnant women: British surgeon   


Suspected polio cases found in Syria for first time in 14 years
Oct 19 13

Two suspected cases of polio have been detected in Syria, the first appearance of the incurable viral disease there in 14 years, the… Suspected polio cases found in Syria for first time in 14 years   


Health habits tied to heart disease, arthritis risk
Oct 19 13

Older women who exercise regularly and don’t smoke may have a substantially lower risk of late-life disability than their peers with less-healthy habits, say… Health habits tied to heart disease, arthritis risk   


Physical activity in parks can be boosted by modest marketing
Oct 19 13

Modest increases in marketing and outreach to local communities can increase the amount of physical activity that occurs in parks, providing a cost-effective way… Physical activity in parks can be boosted by modest marketing   


Study strengthens link between low dietary fiber intake and increased cardiovascular risk
Oct 19 13

A new study published in the December issue of The American Journal of Medicine shows a significant association between low dietary fiber intake… Study strengthens link between low dietary fiber intake and increased cardiovascular risk   


Statin, osteoporosis drug combo may help treat parasitic infections
Oct 18 13

Researchers at the University of Georgia have discovered that a combination of two commonly prescribed drugs used to treat high cholesterol and osteoporosis may… Statin, osteoporosis drug combo may help treat parasitic infections   


High blood pressure during pregnancy could elevate the risk of a future stroke
Oct 18 13

High blood pressure during pregnancy could dramatically raise a woman’s lifetime risk of stroke, according to a study presented today at the Canadian Stroke… High blood pressure during pregnancy could elevate the risk of a future stroke   


Low back pain tied to flat feet: study
Oct 17 13

Women who walk with flat feet are 50 percent more likely than those with normal or high arches to have low back pain, a… Low back pain tied to flat feet: study   


Smartphones, GPS part of UH scientist’s smoking cessation research
Oct 17 13

We use them to text, tweet, post and, sometimes, make a call. Now, smartphones are helping with public health research.

A recently published smoking… Smartphones, GPS part of UH scientist’s smoking cessation research   


Costly cigarettes and smoke-free homes
Oct 17 13

Researchers at the University of California, San Diego School of Medicine say high-priced cigarettes and smoke-free homes effectively reduce smoking behaviors among low-income individuals… Costly cigarettes and smoke-free homes   


Depression twice as likely in migraine sufferers
Oct 17 13

The prevalence of depression among those with migraine is approximately twice as high as for those without the disease (men: 8.4% vs. 3.4%; women… Depression twice as likely in migraine sufferers   


Genetic errors identified in 12 major cancer types
Oct 16 13

Examining 12 major types of cancer, scientists at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis have identified 127 repeatedly mutated genes that appear… Genetic errors identified in 12 major cancer types   


Maximizing broccoli’s cancer-fighting potential
Oct 16 13

Spraying a plant hormone on broccoli - already one of the planet’s most nutritious foods - boosts its cancer-fighting potential, and researchers say they… Maximizing broccoli’s cancer-fighting potential   


Toward a urine test for detecting blood clots
Oct 16 13

Detecting dangerous blood clots, which can cause life-threatening conditions such as strokes and heart attacks, leading causes of death for men and women in… Toward a urine test for detecting blood clots   


Antibiotic use to treat catheter-associated bacteriuria futile in decreasing risk of mortality
Oct 16 13

With 30 million indwelling bladder catheters placed annually nationwide, patients face an increased risk of developing catheter-associated bacteriuria (bacteria in the urine). Many patients… Antibiotic use to treat catheter-associated bacteriuria futile in decreasing risk of mortality   


Job fears and abuse take toll on bankers’ health: study
Oct 15 13

Fears of job cuts and “banker bashing” are taking a toll on the health of bank workers of all levels, according to an international… Job fears and abuse take toll on bankers’ health: study   


Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers
Oct 15 13

Contradicting long-standing conventional wisdom, results of a Johns Hopkins-led analysis of data previously gathered on more than 3,000 family caregivers suggests that those who… Johns Hopkins-led study shows increased life expectancy among family caregivers   


Ghrelin, a stress-induced hormone, primes the brain for PTSD
Oct 15 13

About a dozen years ago, scientists discovered that a hormone called ghrelin enhances appetite. Dubbed the “hunger hormone,” ghrelin was quickly targeted by… Ghrelin, a stress-induced hormone, primes the brain for PTSD   

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