Penn Medicine researchers discover link between fear and sound perception
Jul 01 13

Anyone who’s ever heard a Beethoven sonata or a Beatles song knows how powerfully sound can affect our emotions. But it can work… Penn Medicine researchers discover link between fear and sound perception   


Different neuronal groups govern right-left alternation when walking
Jul 01 13

Scientists at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden have identified the neuronal circuits in the spinal cord of mice that control the ability to produce the… Different neuronal groups govern right-left alternation when walking   


Can watching an avatar translate to real-life weight loss?
Jul 01 13

An estimated two-thirds of all Americans are overweight or obese and many find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off. They’ve tried… Can watching an avatar translate to real-life weight loss?   


After Midnight, Night Owls Gorge, Piling On The Calories
Jun 30 13

Now we know what you’re doing when you’re staying up late. You’re eating 553 calories.

That’s the equivalent of a Big Mac, and also… After Midnight, Night Owls Gorge, Piling On The Calories   


Headache Docs Hard to Find in Many States
Jun 30 13

Only 416 physicians in the U.S. are certified headache specialists, meaning there is just one for every 73,661 migraine sufferers, researchers reported here.

With… Headache Docs Hard to Find in Many States   


Drug Combo May Cut Stroke Risk After TIA
Jun 30 13

Stroke risk declined by a third in people who took a combination of antiplatelet drugs after having a transient ischemic attack (TIA) or minor… Drug Combo May Cut Stroke Risk After TIA   


USF study links cardiac hormone-related inflammatory pathway with tumor growth
Jun 29 13

A cardiac hormone signaling receptor abundantly expressed both in inflamed tissues and cancers appears to recruit stem cells that form the blood vessels needed… USF study links cardiac hormone-related inflammatory pathway with tumor growth   


Rare Weight Lifting Injury Required Surgery
Jun 29 13

A young, healthy man injured himself so severely while weight lifting that he required surgery and nearly a full week in the hospital to… Rare Weight Lifting Injury Required Surgery   


Scientists discover new mechanism regulating the immune response
Jun 28 13

Scientists at an Academy of Finland Centre of Excellence have discovered a new mechanism regulating the immune response that can leave a person susceptible… Scientists discover new mechanism regulating the immune response   


Registered dietitians help critically ill children get necessary nutrition for recovery
Jun 28 13

For the first time, researchers investigated enteral nutrition and caloric requirements (CR) among critically ill children in a new report published in the Journal… Registered dietitians help critically ill children get necessary nutrition for recovery   


Govt bans popular diabetes drug and analgin
Jun 27 13

The government has banned three popular medicines - the widely prescribed anti-diabetes drug pioglitazone, painkiller analgin and anti-depressant deanxit - in the wake of… Govt bans popular diabetes drug and analgin   


Curious reaction to honey ‘can cause heart arrhythmia’
Jun 27 13

Eating honey made from the pollen of rhododendrons can trigger heart arrhythmias, warn experts.

Cardiologists told a European meeting about an… Curious reaction to honey ‘can cause heart arrhythmia’   


Stress: it should never be ignored!
Jun 27 13

Work pressure, tension at home, financial difficulties … the list of causes of stress grows longer every day. There have been several studies in… Stress: it should never be ignored!   


People with a disability more likely to be obese, have chronic illnesses
Jun 27 13

Adults with a disability are more likely to be obese or extremely obese than those without a disability according to a study led by… People with a disability more likely to be obese, have chronic illnesses   


Nurse practitioners can boost quality of care for older patients with chronic conditions
Jun 27 13

U.S. residents today are living longer than previous generations, thanks to improved public health and medical treatment. But they’re also living longer with chronic… Nurse practitioners can boost quality of care for older patients with chronic conditions   


Toward broad-spectrum antiviral drugs for common cold and other infections
Jun 27 13

Scientists are reporting progress in the search for the first broad-spectrum drugs to combat human rhinoviruses (HRVs), which cause humanity’s most common infectious diseases.… Toward broad-spectrum antiviral drugs for common cold and other infections   


Have a brain injury? You may be at higher risk for stroke
Jun 27 13

People who have a traumatic brain injury (TBI) may be more likely to have a future stroke, according to research that appears in the… Have a brain injury? You may be at higher risk for stroke   


Race apparently a factor in sleep apnea, Wayne State University researcher finds
Jun 26 13

A Wayne State University researcher has found that sleep apnea severity is higher among African-American men in certain age ranges, even after controlling for… Race apparently a factor in sleep apnea, Wayne State University researcher finds   


New Data Support Community-Wide Approach to Addressing Child Obesity
Jun 26 13

Community wide interventions hold promise as an effective approach to reducing childhood obesity rates according to new research from the Friedman School of Nutrition… New Data Support Community-Wide Approach to Addressing Child Obesity   


Huge falls in diabetes mortality in UK and Canada since mid-1990s
Jun 26 13

Both the UK and Canada have experienced huge falls in diabetes-related mortality since the mid-1990s, with the result that the gap in mortality risk… Huge falls in diabetes mortality in UK and Canada since mid-1990s   


Exercise benefits patients with type 2 diabetes
Jun 25 13

Moderate-intensity exercise reduces fat stored around the heart, in the liver and in the abdomen of people with type 2 diabetes mellitus, even in… Exercise benefits patients with type 2 diabetes   


Patient factors play key role in emergency department imaging
Jun 25 13

Despite concerns to the contrary, very little of the variation in Emergency Department (ED) imaging utilization is attributable to physician experience, training or gender,… Patient factors play key role in emergency department imaging   


New understanding of why anti-cancer therapy stops working at a specific stage
Jun 24 13

Researchers at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and in California have achieved a breakthrough in understanding how and why a promising anti-cancer therapy has… New understanding of why anti-cancer therapy stops working at a specific stage   


No evidence of increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccination
Jun 24 13

Patients are not at increased risk of Guillain-Barré syndrome in the six-week period after vaccination with any vaccine, including influenza, according to a… No evidence of increased risk of Guillain-Barre syndrome following vaccination   


U-shaped curve revealed for association between fish consumption and atrial fibrillation
Jun 24 13

Moderation seems to be key when it comes to eating fish to prevent atrial fibrillation (AF) according to an observational study presented at the… U-shaped curve revealed for association between fish consumption and atrial fibrillation   

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