High-Potency ‘Blowtorch’ Marijuana Gaining Ground
Jun 18 15

A novel form of marijuana involving the inhalation of highly potent tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) created via butane extraction is becoming increasingly common, placing both producers… High-Potency ‘Blowtorch’ Marijuana Gaining Ground   


More than just picky eating
Jun 18 15

essie is a five-year-old girl who doesn’t like foods with much texture or flavour. She prefers to eat foods that don’t require lots of… More than just picky eating   


Best practices highlighted to prevent infections during healthcare laundry process
Jun 18 15

Proper laundering and handling are important in achieving and maintaining the hygienically-clean quality of healthcare fabrics and textiles delivered to the point of care,… Best practices highlighted to prevent infections during healthcare laundry process   


Social Anxiety? Fermented Foods May Help
Jun 17 15

A diet rich in fermented foods and beverages likely to contain probiotics may help curb social anxiety in young adults, especially those who are… Social Anxiety? Fermented Foods May Help   


SCOPE program developed to engage communities in preventing childhood obesity
Jun 16 15

A multidisciplinary group of researchers from British Columbia has developed a participatory action research program to help address healthy body weight in children.

The… SCOPE program developed to engage communities in preventing childhood obesity   


Extreme exercise linked to blood poisoning
Jun 16 15

Researchers have discovered that extreme exercise can cause intestinal bacteria to leak into the bloodstream, leading to blood poisoning.

Experts at Monash University monitored… Extreme exercise linked to blood poisoning   


Night driving restriction reduces young driver crashes
Jun 16 15

Restricting teenagers from driving unsupervised at night, and introducing strict penalties and other licensing requirements, could reduce crashes significantly, according to research.

Published in… Night driving restriction reduces young driver crashes   


Study finds novel population health management program yields major health improvement
Jun 16 15

The Aging Brain Care Medical Home, a novel population health management program implemented in the homes of older adults achieves significant health improvement for… Study finds novel population health management program yields major health improvement   


Nut consumption associated with reduced risk of some types of cancer
Jun 16 15

Cancer and type 2 diabetes are two of the most significant public health burdens facing the world today, and currently available data suggests their… Nut consumption associated with reduced risk of some types of cancer   


New mechanism that attacks viral infections discovered
Jun 15 15

An innovative mechanism that the innate immune system uses to control viral infections has been uncovered by researchers at the University Medical Centers in… New mechanism that attacks viral infections discovered   


New study finds that orange sweet potato reduces diarrhea in children
Jun 15 15

A new study has found that orange sweet potato (OSP) reduced both the prevalence and duration of diarrhea in young children in Mozambique.

The… New study finds that orange sweet potato reduces diarrhea in children   


Active clinician support and assistance are critical to successfully quitting smoking
Jun 15 15

Does participation in the annual lung cancer screening currently recommended for people with high-risk smoking histories encourage those who are still smoking to quit?… Active clinician support and assistance are critical to successfully quitting smoking   


Poor sleep associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Jun 15 15

EuroHeartCare is the official annual meeting of the Council on Cardiovascular Nursing and Allied Professions (CCNAP) of the European Society of Cardiology (ESC). The… Poor sleep associated with increased risk of heart attack and stroke   


Severely impaired stroke survivors regain arm function after intensive physical therapy
Jun 15 15

Time may heal all wounds, but in the case of stroke survivors, the key to better recovery is to spend more time in an… Severely impaired stroke survivors regain arm function after intensive physical therapy   


High salt prevents weight gain in mice on a high-fat diet
Jun 11 15

In a study that seems to defy conventional dietary wisdom, University of Iowa scientists have found that adding high salt to a high-fat diet… High salt prevents weight gain in mice on a high-fat diet   


Interactions between cortical and subcortical regions important in hypersensitivity in ASD
Jun 11 15

The increased interaction between cortical and subcortical brain regions highlights the central role of hypersensitivity and other sensory symptoms in defining Autism Spectrum Disorder… Interactions between cortical and subcortical regions important in hypersensitivity in ASD   


Obese patients at high risk of post-surgery complications
Jun 10 15

Research from the University of Alberta’s Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry is revealing the heavy surgical consequences of severe obesity.

The study, published in… Obese patients at high risk of post-surgery complications   


Teenagers should exercise like kids to achieve best health outcomes
Jun 10 15

As little as two minutes of high-intensity exercise four times a day improves health outcomes in adolescents, but the same amount of moderate-intensity exercise… Teenagers should exercise like kids to achieve best health outcomes   


Partial sleep deprivation linked to biological aging in older adults
Jun 10 15

A new study suggests that one night of partial sleep deprivation promotes biological aging in older adults.

Results show that one night of partial… Partial sleep deprivation linked to biological aging in older adults   


Impact of insecticides on the cognitive development of 6-year-old children
Jun 10 15

In an article published in the journal Environment International, researchers from Inserm (Inserm Unit 1085 - IRSET, the Institute of Research in Environmental and… Impact of insecticides on the cognitive development of 6-year-old children   


Patients with moderate RA as likely to need joint surgery as those with high disease
Jun 10 15

The results of a study presented today at the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Congress (EULAR 2015) Press Conference showed that patients with Rheumatoid… Patients with moderate RA as likely to need joint surgery as those with high disease   


Early intensive intervention improves outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder
Jun 10 15

Early intensive intervention improves outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder

A recent study published in the July 2015 issue of the… Early intensive intervention improves outcomes for children with autism spectrum disorder   


Cannabis Harms Brain, Imaging Shows
Jun 09 15

The heavy, long-term use of cannabis is associated with negative changes in parts of the brain not previously implicated, and is linked to deficits… Cannabis Harms Brain, Imaging Shows   


Effect of Statins on Memory Loss Remains Uncertain
Jun 09 15

A study involving nearly half a million statin users and the same number of nonusers failed to determine whether statin drugs harm memory.

Although… Effect of Statins on Memory Loss Remains Uncertain   


Keep calm and carry on - for the sake of your long-term health
Jun 09 15

Reacting positively to stressful situations may play a key role in long-term health, according to researchers.

In a study measuring adults’ reactions to stress… Keep calm and carry on - for the sake of your long-term health   

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