Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS
Jan 29 13

New research suggests that increased consumption of foods containing colorful carotenoids, particularly beta-carotene and lutein, may prevent or delay the onset of amyotrophic lateral… Eating bright-colored fruits and vegetables may prevent or delay ALS   


Indoor air puts Chinese women nonsmokers at risk
Jan 29 13

The hazards of breathing outdoor air in some Chinese cities have been well-documented. Now a University at Buffalo study confirms that breathing indoor air… Indoor air puts Chinese women nonsmokers at risk   


Placebo as good as most drugs for kids’ migraines
Jan 29 13

A drug-free placebo pill prevents migraines in kids and teens just as well as most headache medicines, according to a new review of past… Placebo as good as most drugs for kids’ migraines   


Heart Disease, Cognitive Decline Linked in Women
Jan 29 13

Heart disease in older women tripled their likelihood of mild cognitive impairment, data from a large cohort study showed.

The association between heart disease… Heart Disease, Cognitive Decline Linked in Women   


‘Significant brain activity’ in comatose Ariel Sharon
Jan 29 13

Comatose for seven years, Israel’s iconic former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is showing “significant brain activity.”

The 84-year-old suffered a devastating stroke January 4,… ‘Significant brain activity’ in comatose Ariel Sharon   


Fewer people adding salt at the table
Jan 28 13

The number of people in England adding salt to food at the table fell by more than a quarter in the five years following… Fewer people adding salt at the table   


Some Health Benefits Of Berries May Not Make It Past Your Mouth
Jan 28 13

Research has suggested that compounds that give colorful fruits their rich hues, especially berries, promote health and might even prevent cancer. But for the… Some Health Benefits Of Berries May Not Make It Past Your Mouth   


A safer way to vaccinate
Jan 28 13

Vaccines usually consist of inactivated viruses that prompt the immune system to remember the invader and launch a strong defense if it later encounters… A safer way to vaccinate   


Stem cells aid recovery from stroke
Jan 28 13

Stem cells from bone marrow or fat improve recovery after stroke in rats, finds a study published in BioMed Central’s open access journal Stem… Stem cells aid recovery from stroke   


Poor sleep in old age prevents the brain from storing memories
Jan 28 13

The connection between poor sleep, memory loss and brain deterioration as we grow older has been elusive. But for the first time, scientists at… Poor sleep in old age prevents the brain from storing memories   


Diet, Parental Behavior, and Preschool Can Boost Children’s IQ
Jan 26 13

Supplementing children’s diets with fish oil, enrolling them in quality preschool, and engaging them in interactive reading all turn out to be effective ways… Diet, Parental Behavior, and Preschool Can Boost Children’s IQ   


Researchers identify new target for rheumatoid arthritis
Jan 26 13

Researchers at Hospital for Special Surgery have identified a potential new target for drugs to treat patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA), a protein known… Researchers identify new target for rheumatoid arthritis   


How To Quit Smoking
Jan 25 13

Among the main stumbling blocks to stopping smoking is coping with the drawback urges. I need to create a daring declaration and report that… How To Quit Smoking   


Quitting smoking increases life span up to 10 years
Jan 24 13

At 15, Chris Price and his friends knew all the stores and employees from which they could get cigarettes to smoke.

He grew up… Quitting smoking increases life span up to 10 years   


Ractopamine is safe for use in Brazilian pork
Jan 24 13

Animal scientists in Brazil have found that a small dose of the feed additive ractopamine can boost pork production without changing how pork looks… Ractopamine is safe for use in Brazilian pork   


Researchers say it’s time to treat anemia seriously
Jan 24 13

Up to one-third of patients undergoing surgery in Ontario have a treatable form of anemia but are not optimally treated for it.

A paper… Researchers say it’s time to treat anemia seriously   


Fetal exposure to tributyltin linked to obesity in offspring and subsequent generations
Jan 24 13

Exposing pregnant mice to low doses of the chemical tributyltin (TBT) – which was used in marine antifouling paints and is used as an… Fetal exposure to tributyltin linked to obesity in offspring and subsequent generations   


Davos divided on tackling the scourge of obesity
Jan 24 13

Obesity, a major factor in diabetes and heart disease, imposes costs on both public and private sectors and is a drag on economic growth,… Davos divided on tackling the scourge of obesity   


Queen’s and NSPCC publish Northern Ireland’s first child death and serious injury review
Jan 24 13

The first ever review of abuse cases related to child death or serious injury in Northern Ireland will be launched at Queen’s University today… Queen’s and NSPCC publish Northern Ireland’s first child death and serious injury review   


Newly approved oral medication slows rheumatoid arthritis joint damage
Jan 24 13

A Phase 3 clinical trial demonstrates that tofacitinib improves disease activity and inhibits progression of joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients who did… Newly approved oral medication slows rheumatoid arthritis joint damage   


Vaccinating children against rotavirus may indirectly protect adults too, study finds
Jan 24 13

Pediatric rotavirus vaccination also indirectly protects unvaccinated adults from the highly contagious cause of severe diarrhea and vomiting, suggests a new study published in… Vaccinating children against rotavirus may indirectly protect adults too, study finds   


Health and environment: a closer look at plastics
Jan 24 13

Plastics have transformed modern society, providing attractive benefits but also befouling waterways and aquifers, depleting petroleum supplies and disrupting human health.

Rolf Halden,… Health and environment: a closer look at plastics   


Oxygen Chamber Can Boost Brain Repair
Jan 24 13

Stroke, traumatic injury, and metabolic disorder are major causes of brain damage and permanent disabilities, including motor dysfunction, psychological disorders, memory loss, and more.… Oxygen Chamber Can Boost Brain Repair   


Scientists Identify New Strategy to Fight Deadly Infection in Cystic Fibrosis
Jan 24 13

New research suggests that lowering excessive levels of a protein in immune system cells could be a strategy to clear an infection that is… Scientists Identify New Strategy to Fight Deadly Infection in Cystic Fibrosis   


Effect of taking smaller bites outweighs tendency to eat more when distracted
Jan 24 13

Eating while distracted generally makes people eat more without being aware of it, but reducing bite sizes may be able to counter this effect,… Effect of taking smaller bites outweighs tendency to eat more when distracted   

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