Severity of emphysema predicts mortality
Jan 18 13

Severity of emphysema, as measured by computed tomography (CT), is a strong independent predictor of all-cause, cardiovascular, and respiratory mortality in ever-smokers with or… Severity of emphysema predicts mortality   


Researchers find that simple blood test can help identify trauma patients at greatest risk of death
Jan 18 13

A simple, inexpensive blood test performed on trauma patients upon admission can help doctors easily identify patients at greatest risk of death, according… Researchers find that simple blood test can help identify trauma patients at greatest risk of death   


Deodorants: Do we really need them?
Jan 17 13

New research shows that more than 75 per cent of people with a particular version of a gene don’t produce under-arm odour but use… Deodorants: Do we really need them?   


Is athleticism linked to brain size?
Jan 17 13

Is athleticism linked to brain size? To find out, researchers at the University of California, Riverside performed laboratory experiments on house mice and found… Is athleticism linked to brain size?   


Flu vaccine not linked to fetal death
Jan 17 13

Getting the flu vaccine while pregnant does not increase the odds that the fetus will die in the womb, according to a new study… Flu vaccine not linked to fetal death   


Vaccine timetable for children is safe, experts say
Jan 17 13

The current guideline for immunizing children against polio, whooping cough, measles and other infectious diseases is safe, but should still be monitored, federal health… Vaccine timetable for children is safe, experts say   


Black, poor youth consume more sugar-laden drinks
Jan 17 13

Black children and teens in the U.S. are almost twice as likely as their white peers to consume more than 500 calories a day… Black, poor youth consume more sugar-laden drinks   


China media train fire on U.S. food giants over chicken scare
Jan 17 13

Just weeks after Chinese authorities cleared Yum Brands Inc and McDonald’s Corp of charges they had served chicken laced with excessive chemicals, local media… China media train fire on U.S. food giants over chicken scare   


All-metal hip implants can damage soft tissue: FDA
Jan 17 13

Metal-on-metal hip implants can cause soft-tissue damage and pain, which could lead to further surgery to replace the implant, the U.S. health regulator said,… All-metal hip implants can damage soft tissue: FDA   


Vaccination responsible for dramatic fall in salmonella infections
Jan 16 13

Mass poultry vaccination programmes introduced to combat Salmonella infections have led to a dramatic fall in the number of cases since the late 1990s,… Vaccination responsible for dramatic fall in salmonella infections   


Surgical-site infections may increase risk of deadly blood clots after colorectal surgery
Jan 16 13

Despite receiving blood thinners and other clot prevention treatment, some patients still develop potentially lethal blood clots in the first month after their operations… Surgical-site infections may increase risk of deadly blood clots after colorectal surgery   


Studies provide new insights into brain-behavior relationships
Jan 16 13

Approximately half a million individuals suffer strokes in the US each year, and about one in five develops some form of post-stroke aphasia, the… Studies provide new insights into brain-behavior relationships   


No exercise, more than couch, tied to fat in kids
Jan 15 13

For kids, time spent inactive seems less of a factor in higher body fat than does a lack of exercise, according to a new… No exercise, more than couch, tied to fat in kids   


Low birth weight not associated with asthma risk
Jan 15 13

Asthma is a serious condition that affects more than 25.7 million Americans, and is responsible for nearly 4,000 deaths annually. While the cause of… Low birth weight not associated with asthma risk   


Fetal exposure to PVC plastic chemical linked to obesity in offspring
Jan 15 13

Exposing pregnant mice to low doses of the chemical tributyltin – which is used in marine hull paint and PVC plastic – can lead… Fetal exposure to PVC plastic chemical linked to obesity in offspring   


Coughs take longer to clear up than people think
Jan 15 13

The gap between how long people expect their cough to last and how long it actually does may drive some to the doctor for… Coughs take longer to clear up than people think   


Coca-Cola to air U.S. commercials addressing obesity
Jan 15 13

Coca-Cola Co will air a two-minute commercial on U.S. cable television on Monday that highlights its efforts in fighting obesity, as the soft drink… Coca-Cola to air U.S. commercials addressing obesity   


Childhood obesity linked to more immediate health problems than previously thought
Jan 14 13

While a great deal of research on childhood obesity has spotlighted the long-term health problems that emerge in adulthood, a new UCLA study focuses… Childhood obesity linked to more immediate health problems than previously thought   


Can Acupuncture Improve Exercise Performance and Post-Exercise Recovery?
Jan 14 13

The effects of acute acupuncture applied during exercise on performance factors such as power and blood pressure and on the body’s ability to recover… Can Acupuncture Improve Exercise Performance and Post-Exercise Recovery?   


Drug fails to help kidney transplant recipients
Jan 13 13

A drug that protects the kidneys of patients with chronic kidney disease does not seem to provide the same benefit to kidney transplant recipients,… Drug fails to help kidney transplant recipients   


Marriage linked to better survival in middle age
Jan 13 13

Could marriage, and associated companionship, be one key to a longer life? According to new research, not having a permanent partner, or spouse, during… Marriage linked to better survival in middle age   


New tool to help brain surgeons one step closer to operating room
Jan 13 13

A new tool that could allow for faster, more comprehensive testing of brain tissue during surgery successfully identified the cancer type, grade and tumor… New tool to help brain surgeons one step closer to operating room   


Depressed stroke survivors may face triple the risk of death
Jan 13 13

People who are depressed after a stroke may have a tripled risk of dying early and four times the risk of death from… Depressed stroke survivors may face triple the risk of death   


Multiple sclerosis study reveals how killer T cells learn to recognize nerve fiber insulators
Jan 13 13

Misguided killer T cells may be the missing link in sustained tissue damage in the brains and spines of people with multiple sclerosis, findings… Multiple sclerosis study reveals how killer T cells learn to recognize nerve fiber insulators   


To protect against injuries, young athletes may need to play more just for fun
Jan 13 13

One way to avoid injuries in young athletes may be for them to simply spend more time in unorganized free play such as… To protect against injuries, young athletes may need to play more just for fun   

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