Stopping the itch - new clues into how to treat eczema
Oct 12 12

More than 15% of children suffer with eczema, or atopic dermatitis, an inflammatory skin disease that in some cases can be debilitating and disfiguring.… Stopping the itch - new clues into how to treat eczema   


All healthcare professionals need training to deal with the sexual needs of patients
Oct 12 12

Providing healthcare staff with a one-day training course on dealing with the sexual needs of people with an acquired physical disability gave them greater… All healthcare professionals need training to deal with the sexual needs of patients   


New treatments for epilepsy, behavioral disorders could result from Wayne State studies
Oct 12 12

Three studies conducted as part of Wayne State University’s Systems Biology of Epilepsy Project (SBEP) could result in new types of treatment for the… New treatments for epilepsy, behavioral disorders could result from Wayne State studies   


Safety results of intra-arterial stem cell clinical trial for stroke presented
Oct 12 12

Early results of a Phase II intra-arterial stem cell trial for ischemic stroke showed no adverse events associated with the first 10 patients,… Safety results of intra-arterial stem cell clinical trial for stroke presented   


Quiz, already used in elderly, could determine death risk for kidney dialysis patients of all ages
Oct 12 12

A simple six-question quiz, typically used to assess disabilities in the elderly, could help doctors determine which kidney dialysis patients of any age are… Quiz, already used in elderly, could determine death risk for kidney dialysis patients of all ages   


Study sees rise in young stroke sufferers
Oct 11 12

Strokes are most common in old age, but U.S. research suggests that lifestyle is putting younger people increasingly at risk for suffering strokes too.

Study sees rise in young stroke sufferers   

Eat chocolate, win the Nobel Prize?
Oct 11 12

Of all the chocolate research out there, the most unabashed tribute to the “dark gold” has to be a study just published in one… Eat chocolate, win the Nobel Prize?   


Is your boss watching your cholesterol?
Oct 10 12

If you’re an employee who’s looking to save money or make more of it, here’s a little advice: Step away from the cigarettes and… Is your boss watching your cholesterol?   


German cabinet approves bill allowing circumcision of boys
Oct 10 12

Germany’s cabinet approved a draft law on Wednesday protecting the right to circumcise infant boys, which it says will end months of legal… German cabinet approves bill allowing circumcision of boys   


Satiation hormone could increase risk of diabetes, heart attack and breast cancer in women
Oct 10 12

The findings have been presented in a study from Lund University in Sweden, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association.

“It was… Satiation hormone could increase risk of diabetes, heart attack and breast cancer in women   


Vigorous physical activity may increase risk of bleeding for children with hemophilia
Oct 10 12

In children and adolescents with hemophilia, vigorous physical activity was associated with an elevated risk of bleeding, although it appears the absolute increase in… Vigorous physical activity may increase risk of bleeding for children with hemophilia   


Hormone level linked with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, death
Oct 10 12

Plasma levels of proneurotensin are associated with the development of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, cardiovascular and total mortality, and breast cancer in women during long-term… Hormone level linked with increased risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, breast cancer, death   


UMass Amherst biochemists open path to molecular ‘chaperone’ therapy for metabolic disease
Oct 10 12

University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers, experts in revealing molecular structure by X-ray crystallography, have identified two new small “chaperone” molecules that may be useful… UMass Amherst biochemists open path to molecular ‘chaperone’ therapy for metabolic disease   


Electronic health records shown to improve the quality of patient care
Oct 10 12

A new study by Weill Cornell Medical College researchers, published in the Journal of General Internal Medicine, provides compelling evidence that electronic health records… Electronic health records shown to improve the quality of patient care   


Study: Non-genetic factors play role in non-diabetic kidney disease among African-Americans
Oct 09 12

The high rate of non-diabetic kidney disease in African-Americans is strongly associated with variations in a particular gene. Yet, not everyone who inherits these… Study: Non-genetic factors play role in non-diabetic kidney disease among African-Americans   


Glowing DNA invention points towards high speed disease detection
Oct 09 12

Many diseases, including cancers, leave genetic clues in the body just as criminals leave DNA at the scene of a crime. But tools to… Glowing DNA invention points towards high speed disease detection   


Scientists discover gene behind rare disorders
Oct 09 12

Scientists at the Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital – The Neuro, McGill University working with a team at Oxford University have uncovered the genetic… Scientists discover gene behind rare disorders   


When implanted medical devices go wrong, who pays?
Oct 08 12

Insurance companies, often stuck with the tab for health services when a medical device fails, are ready to share the pain.

As the number… When implanted medical devices go wrong, who pays?   


UK nitrogen cocktail drinker has stomach removed
Oct 08 12

British surgeons removed a teenager’s stomach to save her life after she drank a cocktail made with liquid nitrogen during a night out with… UK nitrogen cocktail drinker has stomach removed   


Genome-wide study identifies 8 new susceptibility loci for atopic dermatitis
Oct 08 12

Researchers at the RIKEN Center for Genomic Medicine (CGM) and their colleagues have identified 8 new loci associated with susceptibility to atopic dermatitis in… Genome-wide study identifies 8 new susceptibility loci for atopic dermatitis   


More Canadians fall sick in huge E. coli beef recall
Oct 08 12

Ten people have now fallen sick from contaminated beef products from a Canadian plant that sent its meat across Canada and the United States,… More Canadians fall sick in huge E. coli beef recall   


Deadly meningitis outbreak increases to 91 cases
Oct 08 12

U.S. health officials on Sunday reported an additional 27 cases in a fungal meningitis outbreak linked to steroid injections that has killed seven people… Deadly meningitis outbreak increases to 91 cases   


Study finds “dramatic” rise in kids’ CT scans
Oct 08 12

Emergency rooms across the U.S. have seen a steep increase in CT scans of kids presenting with belly ache, while the appendicitis rate hasn’t… Study finds “dramatic” rise in kids’ CT scans   


Getting paid to quit may work for some smokers
Oct 08 12

During a single year when the Dutch government covered the costs of counseling and drugs to help smokers quit, calls to a national smoking-cessation… Getting paid to quit may work for some smokers   


Gum disease linked to psoriasis: study
Oct 04 12

People with chronic gum disease seem to be slightly more likely to develop the skin condition psoriasis, according to a new study.

Taiwanese researchers… Gum disease linked to psoriasis: study   

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