Certain treatments for childhood cancer may increase obesity risk later in life
May 11 15

Individuals who had cancer as a child may be at increased risk of being obese due to the therapies they received during their youth.… Certain treatments for childhood cancer may increase obesity risk later in life   


Competitive high-school sports linked to gambling
May 11 15

The soft signs of compulsive gambling -  high energy levels, unreasonable expectations, extreme competitiveness, distorted optimism and above-average IQs -  are often the very… Competitive high-school sports linked to gambling   


California may require warnings on products containing chemical BPA
May 09 15

Plastic drinking bottles, canned goods and other items containing the chemical bisphenol-A (BPA) distributed in California might soon be required to carry a label… California may require warnings on products containing chemical BPA   


Food ads during children’s TV don’t meet proposed guidelines
May 09 15

On network and cable TV, during shows aimed at kids under age 12, the vast majority of commercials are for products with too much… Food ads during children’s TV don’t meet proposed guidelines   


Heroin sends more young adults to California emergency rooms
May 09 15

The number of young adults admitted to California hospital emergency rooms with heroin poisoning increased sixfold over the past decade, the state said, the… Heroin sends more young adults to California emergency rooms   


Moving to a depressed neighborhood linked to weight gain
May 08 15

Certain regions in the United States are characterized by a higher prevalence of obesity, which suggests that a person’s socioeconomic, physical, and social environments… Moving to a depressed neighborhood linked to weight gain   


Will Mexico’s aging population see cancer care as a priority?
May 08 15

Mexico is undergoing a transformation: ranked as the second largest economy in Latin America, it’s an increasingly dynamic middle-income country - and its population… Will Mexico’s aging population see cancer care as a priority?   


Healthcare spending for privately insured children with diabetes rises sharply, 2011-2013
May 07 15

Per capita health care spending for children with diabetes covered by employer-sponsored insurance (ESI) grew faster than for any other age group with… Healthcare spending for privately insured children with diabetes rises sharply, 2011-2013   


Popular media influences choice of childbirth
May 07 15

Women’s magazines influence whether women decide to have a more natural childbirth or not, with most of the messages biased towards promoting the benefits… Popular media influences choice of childbirth   


Antioxidant effects of coffee by-products 500 times greater than vitamin C
May 07 15

It has traditionally been assumed that these by-products - coffee grounds and coffee silverskin, have few practical uses and applications. Spent coffee grounds are… Antioxidant effects of coffee by-products 500 times greater than vitamin C   


Are parents oblivious to obesity in their children?
May 06 15

When parents ignore a child’s weight problem, they make it harder for the child to achieve a healthy weight and undermine ongoing efforts to… Are parents oblivious to obesity in their children?   


Is diet or exercise the best way to reduce diabetes risk?
May 06 15

In a paper recently published in Diabetes Care, Saint Louis University associate professor of nutrition and dietetics Edward Weiss, Ph.D, and colleagues found that,… Is diet or exercise the best way to reduce diabetes risk?   


Brain chemical may offer new clues in treating chronic pain
May 06 15

A chemical in the brain typically associated with cognition, movement and reward-motivation behavior—among others—may also play a role in promoting chronic pain, according to… Brain chemical may offer new clues in treating chronic pain   


How noise changes the way the brain gets information
May 05 15

Cells that relay information from the ear to the brain can change in significant ways in response to the noise level in the environment.

How noise changes the way the brain gets information   

Youth just as likely to try e-cigarettes as smoking
May 05 15

Young people are just as likely to try electronic cigarettes as smoking, according to a new report from the Propel Centre for Population Health… Youth just as likely to try e-cigarettes as smoking   


Late-night snacking: It it your brain’s fault?
May 05 15

After gobbling the fourth Oreo in a row while bathed in refrigerator light, have you ever thought, “That wasn’t enough,” and then proceeded to… Late-night snacking: It it your brain’s fault?   


Green tea extract and exercise hinder progress of Alzheimer’s disease in mice
May 05 15

According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), Alzheimer’s disease (AD) may affect as many as 5.5 million Americans. Scientists currently are seeking treatments… Green tea extract and exercise hinder progress of Alzheimer’s disease in mice   


Interferon-free therapy clears hepatitis C in 93 percent of patients in trial
May 05 15

A 12-week dose of an investigational three-drug hepatitis C combination cleared the virus in 93 percent of patients with liver cirrhosis who hadn’t… Interferon-free therapy clears hepatitis C in 93 percent of patients in trial   


Treatment reduces risk of recurrence of C. difficile infection
May 05 15

Among patients with Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) who recovered following standard treatment with the antibiotics metronidazole or vancomycin, oral administration of spores of a… Treatment reduces risk of recurrence of C. difficile infection   


Connecting uninsured patients to primary care could reduce emergency department use
May 05 15

An intervention to connect low-income uninsured and Medicaid patients to a reliable source of primary health care shows promise for reducing avoidable use of… Connecting uninsured patients to primary care could reduce emergency department use   


Ontario adults who reported a TBI also reported more road rage than people who did not have a TBI
May 05 15

Ontario adult drivers who say they have experienced at least one traumatic brain injury in their lifetime also report significantly higher incidents of serious… Ontario adults who reported a TBI also reported more road rage than people who did not have a TBI   


Rheumatoid arthritis patients at increased risk of surprise heart attack
May 04 15

Patients with rheumatoid arthritis are at increased risk of a surprise heart attack, according to new research presented today at ICNC 12 by Dr… Rheumatoid arthritis patients at increased risk of surprise heart attack   


Kids of severely obese moms have higher risk of ADHD
May 01 15

Six-year-olds whose mothers were severely obese before pregnancy are more likely to have developmental or emotional problems than kids of healthy-weight moms, according to… Kids of severely obese moms have higher risk of ADHD   


U.S. CDC cautions against unprotected sex with Ebola survivors
May 01 15

U.S. health officials are now recommending people avoid contact with the semen of Ebola survivors after a woman in Liberia contracted Ebola through sexual… U.S. CDC cautions against unprotected sex with Ebola survivors   


Study questions quality of US health data
May 01 15

A new study by Johns Hopkins researchers concludes that most U.S. clinical registries that collect data on patient outcomes are substandard and lack critical… Study questions quality of US health data   

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