Huntington’s Disease Protects Against Cancer
Apr 17 12

People with motor neuron diseases such as Huntington’s disease seem to be protected against cancer, researchers reported.

The underlying cause of the “PolyQ” diseases… Huntington’s Disease Protects Against Cancer   


Medtronic to boost safety monitoring of devices
Apr 17 12

Medtronic Inc plans to ramp up monitoring of its medical devices after they are implanted in order to catch potential safety problems earlier, as… Medtronic to boost safety monitoring of devices   


U.S. cites Assurant unit over health premium hike
Apr 17 12

U.S. officials on Monday cited two health insurers for excessive premium increases, under consumer protection rules of President Barack Obama’s healthcare reform law that… U.S. cites Assurant unit over health premium hike   


Spinal injections may not aid lower back pain
Apr 17 12

A new study suggests that injections of steroids or arthritis drugs in the spine may not provide much extra relief for people with chronic… Spinal injections may not aid lower back pain   


Fast-food salt content varies by country: study
Apr 17 12

Fast food may often be high in salt, but the exact levels seem to vary based on the country you live in, according to… Fast-food salt content varies by country: study   


Schmallenberg spread a warning to Europe, scientists say
Apr 17 12

The outbreak of a new livestock disease in western Europe last year, particularly harmful to offspring, could move further into areas surrounding the worst… Schmallenberg spread a warning to Europe, scientists say   


Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity
Apr 16 12

Overall, 17% of children in the United States are obese, and in inner-city neighborhoods, the prevalence is as high as 25%. While poor diets… Prenatal exposure to air pollution linked to childhood obesity   


Haiti launches anti-cholera vaccination campaign
Apr 16 12

The Haitian government along with international partners including the World Health Organization launched a vaccination campaign against cholera on Saturday targeting 100,000 people in… Haiti launches anti-cholera vaccination campaign   


Surf’s down? Time for paddleboard yoga!
Apr 16 12

Paddle boarding, an ancient form of surfing, is gaining popularity as a high-intensity, low-impact platform for group fitness classes from calisthenics to yoga.

Experts… Surf’s down? Time for paddleboard yoga!   


Nebraska governor rejects prenatal care funding for illegal immigrants
Apr 16 12

Nebraska Governor Dave Heineman vetoed a proposal to restore Medicaid-funded prenatal care for illegal immigrants on Friday, but the initiative could still survive if… Nebraska governor rejects prenatal care funding for illegal immigrants   


Beer makes men smarter: study
Apr 14 12

Beer makes men smarter.

So say researchers at the University of Illinois in Chicago.

They found that men with a couple beers under their… Beer makes men smarter: study   


Sleepless city faces obesity, diabetes risk
Apr 14 12

If you sleep less than five hours a day, chances are you will put on five kilos within a year and develop diabetes sooner… Sleepless city faces obesity, diabetes risk   


Possible Connection between Air Pollution and Tuberculosis Susceptibility
Apr 14 12

A team of researchers, led by Dr. Stephan Schwander, of the University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey - School of Public Health… Possible Connection between Air Pollution and Tuberculosis Susceptibility   


Mom’s caffeine not linked to infant sleep problems
Apr 13 12

A baby’s sleep may not suffer just because her mom likes a daily cup of coffee, a new study suggests.

The findings, experts say,… Mom’s caffeine not linked to infant sleep problems   


Nicotine patch may help prevent smoking relapses
Apr 13 12

Nicotine patches may help smokers recover from any initial setbacks in their attempt to kick the habit, a new U.S. study suggests.

“The clear… Nicotine patch may help prevent smoking relapses   


U.S. agency warns of skin lesions from goats, sheep
Apr 12 12

People can contract skin lesions from goats and sheep infected with the Orf virus through household meat preparation or when slaughtering the animals, a… U.S. agency warns of skin lesions from goats, sheep   


Menthol smokers have more strokes: study
Apr 12 12

New research suggests that among smokers, those who prefer mentholated cigarettes tend to have more strokes than non-menthol smokers.

That seems to be particularly… Menthol smokers have more strokes: study   


Study Finds Significant Skull Differences Between Closely Linked Groups
Apr 12 12

In order to accurately identify skulls as male or female, forensic anthropologists need to have a good understanding of how the characteristics of male… Study Finds Significant Skull Differences Between Closely Linked Groups   


U of I study: Lose body weight before gaining baby weight
Apr 12 12

A new University of Illinois study contains a warning for obese women who are planning pregnancies. Even if they eat a healthy diet when… U of I study: Lose body weight before gaining baby weight   


Study examines health benefits of older varieties of fruit
Apr 12 12

Old varieties of apples, bananas and onions are part of a UK study to potentially give consumers products with “significantly” higher levels of nutrients,… Study examines health benefits of older varieties of fruit   


Cost of aging rising faster than expected: IMF
Apr 12 12

People worldwide are living three years longer than expected on average, pushing up the costs of aging by 50 percent, and governments and pension… Cost of aging rising faster than expected: IMF   


Vitamin D Not Tied to School Performance
Apr 11 12

Children with higher levels of two types of 25-hydroxyvitamin D (25(OH)D) do not appear to fare better in school, researchers found.

Increased levels of… Vitamin D Not Tied to School Performance   


Combined vaccine not tied to seizures in older kids
Apr 11 12

Although the combined vaccine against measles, mumps and chickenpox comes with a small risk of fever-related seizures in toddlers, a new study suggests that’s… Combined vaccine not tied to seizures in older kids   


Dental therapists worldwide offer safe effective care to children
Apr 11 12

A new report on dental therapists says the midlevel practitioners offer safe and competent care worldwide, primarily to children in locations with rare access… Dental therapists worldwide offer safe effective care to children   


Teen birthrate declines again in U.S., CDC says
Apr 11 12

Teen births have fallen to record lows in the United States, continuing an overall trend - partly due to programs aimed at preventing pregnancies… Teen birthrate declines again in U.S., CDC says   

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