Wearing contact lenses can affect glaucoma measurements
Jan 13 12

A study about how wearing contact lenses affects glaucoma measurements has been named the top presentation at Loyola University Chicago Stritch School of Medicine’s… Wearing contact lenses can affect glaucoma measurements   


Study: We May Be Less Happy, But Our Language Isn’t
Jan 13 12

“If it bleeds, it leads,” goes the cynical saying with television and newspaper editors. In other words, most news is bad news and the… Study: We May Be Less Happy, But Our Language Isn’t   


A diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults
Jan 11 12

Among overweight and obese adults, a diet rich in slowly digested carbohydrates, such as whole grains, legumes and other high-fiber foods, significantly reduces markers… A diet rich in slowly digested carbs reduces markers of inflammation in overweight and obese adults   


Pot smokers don’t puff away lung health: study
Jan 11 12

A few hits on the bong now and then don’t seem to have any detrimental effects on lung health, suggests a new study.

Researchers… Pot smokers don’t puff away lung health: study   


Increased risk of developing asthma by age of 3 after caesarean
Jan 10 12

A new study supports previous findings that children delivered by caesarean section have an increased risk of developing asthma.

The study from the Norwegian… Increased risk of developing asthma by age of 3 after caesarean   


Treatment of psoriasis gets new hope
Jan 10 12

About 300 000 Swedes suffer from the difficult to treat disease, which manifests itself in scaly and often itchy patches on the skin. The… Treatment of psoriasis gets new hope   


An apple a day isn’t enough
Jan 10 12

Adults from 30 to 60 years old, especially those from lower socioeconomic backgrounds, aren’t consuming the daily recommended levels of fruits and vegetables. Quebecers,… An apple a day isn’t enough   


Can electronic health records erase disparities?
Jan 10 12

Switching to electronic health records might help close health gaps between black and white Americans, researchers suggest in a new study.

They say government… Can electronic health records erase disparities?   


Most milk in India contaminated or diluted
Jan 10 12

Indians may think twice before gulping down a glass of milk after the country’s food safety regulator found most samples collected in a survey… Most milk in India contaminated or diluted   


Babies’ cries get a speedy response
Jan 10 12

The sound of babies crying is uniquely able to get adults to react at speed, British scientists said on Tuesday.

A study by Oxford… Babies’ cries get a speedy response   


Would you stop eating out to lose weight?
Jan 10 12

Going out to eat has become a major part of our culture. Frequently eating out and consuming high-calorie foods in large portions at restaurants… Would you stop eating out to lose weight?   


East Meets West to Boost Fertility
Jan 09 12

Traditional Chinese medicine has long been used to ease pain, treat disease, boost fertility, and prevent miscarriage. Known in the Western medical community by… East Meets West to Boost Fertility   


Nicotine replacement therapies may not be effective in helping people quit smoking
Jan 09 12

Nicotine replacement therapies (NRTs) designed to help people stop smoking, specifically nicotine patches and nicotine gum, do not appear to be effective in helping… Nicotine replacement therapies may not be effective in helping people quit smoking   


Headphone music eases anxiety during prostate biopsies
Jan 09 12

– Tuning in to tune out may be just what’s needed for men undergoing a prostate biopsy, according to researchers at the Duke Cancer… Headphone music eases anxiety during prostate biopsies   


Obesity and cancer screening: Do race and gender also play a role?
Jan 09 12

Researchers in Family and Community Medicine at Thomas Jefferson University recently found that obesity was linked to higher rates of prostate cancer screening across… Obesity and cancer screening: Do race and gender also play a role?   


PSA screening doesn’t prevent cancer deaths: study
Jan 07 12

Annual screening for prostate cancer doesn’t cut men’s chances of dying from the disease, according to the latest results of a large screening trial.

PSA screening doesn’t prevent cancer deaths: study   

How poor maternal diet can increase risk of diabetes - new mechanism discovered
Jan 07 12

Researchers funded by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council have shown one way in which poor nutrition in the womb can put a… How poor maternal diet can increase risk of diabetes - new mechanism discovered   


For Kids with Near-Vision Disorder, Treatment Reduces Problems at School
Jan 07 12

For children with convergence insufficiency (CI) - who have difficulty focusing on objects close up - effective treatments can help to reduce problems at… For Kids with Near-Vision Disorder, Treatment Reduces Problems at School   


When Overeating, Calories, Not Protein, Contribute to Increase in Body Fat
Jan 07 12

In a study conducted among 25 healthy individuals living in a controlled setting who were randomized to overconsumption of different levels of protein diets,… When Overeating, Calories, Not Protein, Contribute to Increase in Body Fat   


Bariatric Surgery Associated with Reduction in Cardiovascular Events and Death
Jan 07 12

Among obese individuals, having bariatric surgery was associated with a reduced long-term incidence of cardiovascular deaths and events such as heart attack and stroke,… Bariatric Surgery Associated with Reduction in Cardiovascular Events and Death   


New Drug Screening Identifies Chemical Agents with Potent Anti-Cancer Activity
Jan 07 12

Drugs already approved for clinical use across a variety of therapeutic categories can be screened to identify effective agents for thyroid cancer according to… New Drug Screening Identifies Chemical Agents with Potent Anti-Cancer Activity   


Starting Chantix Earlier May Make It Easier to Quit
Jan 07 12

Smokers planning to kick the habit may have more success if they begin using a cessation medication several weeks before they actually try to… Starting Chantix Earlier May Make It Easier to Quit   


Chinese Herbal Medicine May Provide Novel Treatment for Alcohol Abuse
Jan 07 12

UCLA researchers have identified how a component of an ancient Chinese herbal anti-hangover medicine called dihydromyricetin, isolated from the plant Hovenia, counteracts acute alcohol… Chinese Herbal Medicine May Provide Novel Treatment for Alcohol Abuse   


Dialysis Treatments Go Green
Jan 07 12

Solar power can help offset high utility costs and make hemodialysis treatments more environmentally friendly, according to a study appearing in an upcoming issue… Dialysis Treatments Go Green   


Statins May Increase Risk of Interstitial Lung Abnormalities in Smokers
Jan 07 12

Use of statins may influence susceptibility to or the progression of interstitial lung disease (ILD) in smokers, according to a new study.

While some… Statins May Increase Risk of Interstitial Lung Abnormalities in Smokers   

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