Pneumococcal Pneumonia
Sep 14 11

The Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium (often called pneumococcus) can cause a variety of diseases, from severe, potentially life-threatening pneumonia, meningitis, and bacteremia to common but… Pneumococcal Pneumonia   


Sep 14 11

Historically, influenza (the flu) epidemics have cased havoc. Charlemagne’s army may have been decimated by the flu during an epidemic in 876. The great… Influenza   


Measles, Mumps and Rubella
Sep 14 11

As late as the 1950s, and before a vaccine was developed, parents were encouraged to expose their children to diseases like measles, mumps, and… Measles, Mumps and Rubella   


Sep 14 11

Probably no disease created as much fear as polio. Paralysis and death were the major hazards of-  this disease. Probably the most famous polio… Polio   


Milestones in vaccine history
Sep 14 11

It was almost 100 years after Jenner’s seminal work that vaccination moved beyond smallpox. The French chemist, Louis Pasteur, developed what he called a… Milestones in vaccine history   


It all started with compox
Sep 14 11

No discussion of vaccines can be considered complete without a discussion of smallpox and Edward Jenner, a country doctor in England who is credited… It all started with compox   


What are vaccines and how do they work?
Sep 14 11

The doctrine holding that infectious diseases are caused by the activity of microorganisms within the body is referred to as the germ theory of… What are vaccines and how do they work?   


Disease Prevention through Vaccination: The Science and the Controversy
Sep 14 11

Each one of us is constantly warding off the potential for infection or disease. After all, the world is filled with countless microbes, fortunately… Disease Prevention through Vaccination: The Science and the Controversy   


Aerobic Exercise May Reduce the Risk of Dementia, Researchers Say
Sep 13 11

Any exercise that gets the heart pumping may reduce the risk of dementia and slow the condition’s progression once it starts, reported a Mayo… Aerobic Exercise May Reduce the Risk of Dementia, Researchers Say   


Gay men
Sep 13 11

Gay men’s health has for many years predominantly focused on HIV prevention and treatment. Despite being over two decades into the AIDS epidemic, it… Gay men   


Transgender health
Sep 13 11

Few data are available on the number of transgender individuals in the United States; however, studies from the Netherlands estimate a prevalence of 1… Transgender health   


Tobacco use
Sep 13 11

Tobacco use is the single most preventable cause of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Current estimates are that between 2000 and 2004,… Tobacco use   


Health Issues Affecting LGBT Community
Sep 13 11

The Healthy People 2010 Companion Document for LGBT Health highlighted several areas of concern that affect all subpopulations within this community, including mental health,… Health Issues Affecting LGBT Community   


Barriers to access to care
Sep 13 11

The LGBT community faces several barriers to access to care that qualifies them as a special or vulnerable population. In particular, some barriers include… Barriers to access to care   


Clinical research into LGBT populations
Sep 13 11

For public health departments and providers to plan appropriate services for a population, especially a vulnerable one, it is essential to have reliable data… Clinical research into LGBT populations   


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health: A Neglected Issue
Sep 13 11

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGBT) communities have existed in all cultures throughout recorded history; however, it is only in the last two decades… Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Health: A Neglected Issue   


Hold the pillow mint, send up the yoga mat
Sep 13 11

Hotel chains are delivering everything from yoga videos to recumbent bicycles to guests who prefer to work out their jet lag, or shape up… Hold the pillow mint, send up the yoga mat   


Fatherhood lowers testosterone in men, study finds
Sep 13 11

Fatherhood lowers testosterone levels, U.S. researchers said they have confirmed, making it easier for men to be involved in raising children.

High levels of… Fatherhood lowers testosterone in men, study finds   


Researchers focus on secondary stroke prevention after study reveals room for improvement
Sep 13 11

A year after hospital discharge, the majority of stroke patients are listening to doctor’s orders when it comes to taking their prescribed secondary stroke… Researchers focus on secondary stroke prevention after study reveals room for improvement   


Science finding is music to the ears
Sep 13 11

A study led by Canadian researchers has found the first evidence that lifelong musicians experience less age-related hearing problems than non-musicians.

While hearing studies… Science finding is music to the ears   


Cardiotrophin 1 shows promising results for treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome
Sep 13 11

Scientists from the Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA) of the University of Navarra (Spain) have discovered that cardiotrophin 1, a protein synthesized by… Cardiotrophin 1 shows promising results for treatment of obesity and metabolic syndrome   


Flu vaccines for nursing home workers effective in reducing outbreaks: study
Sep 12 11

Higher flu vaccination rates for health care personnel can dramatically reduce the threat of flu outbreak among nursing home residents, according to a study… Flu vaccines for nursing home workers effective in reducing outbreaks: study   


High-fat diet and lack of enzyme can lead to heart disease in mice
Sep 12 11

It’s no secret that a high-fat diet isn’t healthy. Now researchers have discovered a molecular clue as to precisely why that is.

Writing in… High-fat diet and lack of enzyme can lead to heart disease in mice   


Cognition research aims to reduce medical errors
Sep 12 11

How doctors, nurses and other health care professionals can be better prepared to reduce medical mistakes and improve patient care is the focus of… Cognition research aims to reduce medical errors   


Researchers find hormone that predicts premature death in kidney patients
Sep 10 11

Researchers at the University of Colorado School of Medicine have found that high levels of a specific hormone can predict which kidney patients will… Researchers find hormone that predicts premature death in kidney patients   

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