How a deadly fungus evades the immune system
Mar 31 15

New research from the University of Toronto has scientists re-thinking how a lethal fungus grows and kills immune cells. The study hints at a… How a deadly fungus evades the immune system   


Early education narrows the achievement gap with younger starts and longer stays
Mar 31 15

New research from UNC’s Frank Porter Graham Child Development Institute (FPG) reveals high-quality early education is especially advantageous for children when they start younger… Early education narrows the achievement gap with younger starts and longer stays   


Researchers unravel mechanism that plays key role in sexual differentiation of brain
Mar 31 15

During prenatal development, the brains of most animals, including humans, develop specifically male or female characteristics. In most species, some portions of male and… Researchers unravel mechanism that plays key role in sexual differentiation of brain   


Score! Video gamers may learn visual tasks more quickly
Mar 31 15

Many studies show that video gamers perform better than non-gamers on certain visual tasks, like managing distractors and identifying targets, but a small new… Score! Video gamers may learn visual tasks more quickly   


South-east England ahead on genetic tests for inherited eye conditions
Mar 31 15

New research from The University of Manchester published in the Journal of Community Genetics reveals a stark variation in genetic testing services for inherited… South-east England ahead on genetic tests for inherited eye conditions   


Short bouts of high-intensity exercise before a fatty meal best for vascular health
Mar 30 15

A short burst of intensive exercise before eating a high fat meal is better for blood vessel function in young people than the currently… Short bouts of high-intensity exercise before a fatty meal best for vascular health   


Mother’s diet influences weight-control neurocircuits in offspring
Mar 30 15

Maternal diet during pregnancy and lactation may prime offspring for weight gain and obesity later in life, according to Penn State College of Medicine… Mother’s diet influences weight-control neurocircuits in offspring   


Worked-based wellness programs reduce weight
Mar 30 15

A new study shows that workplace wellness programs can be effective in helping people lose weight by providing healthier food choices and increasing opportunities… Worked-based wellness programs reduce weight   


Promoting maternal interaction improves growth, weight gain in preemies
Mar 30 15

An intervention to teach mothers of preterm infants how to interact with their babies more effectively results in better weight gain and growth for… Promoting maternal interaction improves growth, weight gain in preemies   


Playing music by professional musicians activates genes for learning and memory
Mar 27 15

Music performance is known to induce structural and functional changes to the human brain and enhance cognition. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying music performance… Playing music by professional musicians activates genes for learning and memory   


Is painful knee and hand osteoarthritis in women associated with excess mortality?
Mar 27 15

Research looking at risk of early mortality of British middle-aged women and osteoarthritis was presented today at the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and… Is painful knee and hand osteoarthritis in women associated with excess mortality?   


Genetic mutation helps explain why, in rare cases, flu can kill
Mar 27 15

Nobody likes getting the flu, but for some people, fluids and rest aren’t enough. A small number of children who catch the influenza virus… Genetic mutation helps explain why, in rare cases, flu can kill   


Chikungunya virus may be coming to a city near you - learn the facts
Mar 27 15

The mosquito-borne chikungunya virus has been the subject of increasing attention as it spreads throughout South America, Central America, the Caribbean and Mexico. This… Chikungunya virus may be coming to a city near you - learn the facts   


Effect of natural sweetener Xylitol in preventing tooth decay still unproven
Mar 26 15

New research out today concludes that there is limited evidence to show that xylitol is effective in preventing dental cavities in children and adults.

Effect of natural sweetener Xylitol in preventing tooth decay still unproven   

How the human immune system keeps TB at bay
Mar 26 15

A new tissue culture model using human white blood cells shows how people with a latent - or symptom-free - tuberculosis infection are protected… How the human immune system keeps TB at bay   


High-fat diet alters behavior and produces signs of brain inflammation
Mar 26 15

Can the consumption of fatty foods change your behavior and your brain?

High-fat diets have long been known to increase the risk for… High-fat diet alters behavior and produces signs of brain inflammation   


Blood test may shed new light on Fragile X related disorders
Mar 26 15

A blood test may shed new light on Fragile X syndrome related disorders in women, according to a new study published in the March… Blood test may shed new light on Fragile X related disorders   


A metabolic imbalance increases the risk of respiratory diseases in childhood
Mar 26 15

An imbalance in our metabolism can trigger inflammatory processes in the body and activate the immune system. In a recent study, published in the… A metabolic imbalance increases the risk of respiratory diseases in childhood   


One in 4 high school seniors now try smoking water pipes
Mar 26 15

Despite declines in the number of youths who smoke cigarettes, hookah or water pipe use continues to rise among Canadian youth, a new study… One in 4 high school seniors now try smoking water pipes   


Women fare better than men following total knee, hip replacement
Mar 26 15

While women may have their first total joint replacement (TJR) at an older age, they are less likely to have complications related to their… Women fare better than men following total knee, hip replacement   


Fitness level associated with lower risk of some cancers, death in men
Mar 26 15

Men with a high fitness level in midlife appear to be at lower risk for lung and colorectal cancer, but not prostate cancer, and… Fitness level associated with lower risk of some cancers, death in men   


Top 13 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods
Mar 25 15

Cancer is a disease that you should never take lightly. There are cases where it strikes quickly but often, cancer manifests after years of… Top 13 most unhealthy, cancer-causing foods   


What is the definition of ‘natural’ foods? Consumers want to know
Mar 24 15

After decades of debate there remains no generally accepted definition of a “natural” food product. Regulatory agencies have refused to settle the issue but… What is the definition of ‘natural’ foods? Consumers want to know   


More schools, more challenging assignments add up to higher IQ scores
Mar 24 15

More schooling - and the more mentally challenging problems tackled in those schools - may be the best explanation for the dramatic rise in… More schools, more challenging assignments add up to higher IQ scores   


Research into brain’s ability to heal itself offers hope for novel treatment of brain injury
Mar 23 15

Innovative angles of attack in research that focus on how the human brain protects and repairs itself will help develop treatments for one… Research into brain’s ability to heal itself offers hope for novel treatment of brain injury   

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