Discovery could lead to new therapies for asthma, COPD
Jan 27 11

Researchers have proved that a single “master switch” enzyme, known as aldose reductase, is key in producing excess mucous that clogs the airways of… Discovery could lead to new therapies for asthma, COPD   


Can adjustable glasses help kids in poor countries?
Jan 27 11

For many children in poor nations, a simple pair of glasses can be out of reach. But a new study suggests relatively cheap specs… Can adjustable glasses help kids in poor countries?   


Many Spanish-speaking Hispanics go un-immunized
Jan 27 11

Older Hispanics who prefer to speak Spanish or who live in communities where little English is spoken may be more likely to miss their… Many Spanish-speaking Hispanics go un-immunized   


Ancient body clock keeps all life on time: studies
Jan 27 11

Scientists have identified the mechanism that controls the internal 24-hour clock of all forms of life - a finding they say should shed light… Ancient body clock keeps all life on time: studies   


Stroke threat after heart surgery on the decline
Jan 27 11

Bypass heart surgery is becoming safer, according to doctors who say the risk of stroke in the operating room has been dropping since the… Stroke threat after heart surgery on the decline   


Course correction needed for Alzheimer’s therapies, experts warn
Jan 27 11

Misaligned research, medical challenges and harsh economics are thwarting efforts to slow the destructive course of Alzheimer’s disease in the United States, according to… Course correction needed for Alzheimer’s therapies, experts warn   


‘Difficult’ patients more likely to experience worse symptoms
Jan 27 11

‘Difficult’ patient-clinician encounters have a negative impact on patients’ health outcomes in the short-term, according to a new study by Sheri Hinchey from the… ‘Difficult’ patients more likely to experience worse symptoms   


First pediatric surgical quality program shows potential to measure children’s outcomes
Jan 27 11

A first of its kind surgical quality improvement program for children has the potential to identify outcomes of children’s surgical care that can be… First pediatric surgical quality program shows potential to measure children’s outcomes   


Traffic noise increases the risk of having a stroke
Jan 26 11

Exposure to noise from road traffic can increase the risk of stroke, particularly in those aged 65 years and over, according to a study… Traffic noise increases the risk of having a stroke   


Why Older People are Generally Less Astute Drivers and How the Answer Could Help Us Understand Schizophrenia and Depression
Jan 26 11

When elderly drivers get behind the wheel, they often confront the harrowing reality that they cannot easily see other cars, pedestrians, or cyclists moving… Why Older People are Generally Less Astute Drivers and How the Answer Could Help Us Understand Schizophrenia and Depression   


Cholera vaccination beneficial, post-outbreak
Jan 26 11

Researchers newly report evidence that vaccination against cholera can be beneficial even after an outbreak has begun. Rita Reyburn, Dr. Lorenz von Seidlein, Dr.… Cholera vaccination beneficial, post-outbreak   


Study: Get thee to a stroke center
Jan 26 11

Hospitals with designated stroke centers are associated with up to 20 percent higher survival rate for patients with ischemic stroke and significantly greater use… Study: Get thee to a stroke center   


After stroke, admission to designated stroke center hospitals associated with reduced risk of death
Jan 26 11

Patients who had an ischemic stroke and were admitted to hospitals designated as primary stroke centers had a modestly lower risk of death at… After stroke, admission to designated stroke center hospitals associated with reduced risk of death   


Fewer die after treatment at stroke centers: study
Jan 26 11

People treated for stroke at designated stroke centers appear to survive slightly longer than those treated at other hospitals, suggests a new study.

While… Fewer die after treatment at stroke centers: study   


Industry debuts new U.S. food labels, critics pan
Jan 26 11

U.S. grocers joined with food and drink makers to unveil a new system on Monday for putting nutritional information on packages ahead of plans… Industry debuts new U.S. food labels, critics pan   


Smoking explains why Americans don’t live longer
Jan 26 11

Smoking and, to a smaller degree, obesity explain why Americans do not live as long as the French or Japanese, U.S. experts reported on… Smoking explains why Americans don’t live longer   


Out of mind in a matter of seconds
Jan 25 11

The dynamics behind signal transmission in the brain are extremely chaotic. This conclusion has been reached by scientists from the Max Planck Institute for… Out of mind in a matter of seconds   


Rising indoor winter temperatures linked to obesity?
Jan 25 11

Increases in winter indoor temperatures in the United Kingdom, United States and other developed countries may be contributing to rises in obesity in those… Rising indoor winter temperatures linked to obesity?   


Controlling the rising costs of cardiovascular care
Jan 24 11

Canada’s health care system could have saved $77 million in 2006 if it had adopted a more restrictive policy on the cardiovascular drugs angiotensin… Controlling the rising costs of cardiovascular care   


More research needed on diet and environmental influences on childhood asthma
Jan 24 11

Asthma is one of the world’s most common chronic diseases, affecting as many as 300 million people. It is estimated that by 2025 there… More research needed on diet and environmental influences on childhood asthma   


Cost to treat heart disease in United States will triple by 2030
Jan 24 11

The cost to treat heart disease in the United States will triple by 2030, according to a policy statement published in Circulation: Journal of… Cost to treat heart disease in United States will triple by 2030   


Fighting the fight for healthy teeth
Jan 24 11

It is known that teeth can protect themselves, to some extent, from attack by bacteria but that inflammation within a tooth can be damaging… Fighting the fight for healthy teeth   


Culprit found for increased stroke injury with diabetes
Jan 24 11

Strokes are a leading cause of mortality and adult disability. Those that involve intracerebral hemorrhage (bleeding in the brain) are especially deadly, and there… Culprit found for increased stroke injury with diabetes   


NFL Linemen Recover from Back Surgery, and So Can You
Jan 24 11

If NFL linemen can recover from back surgery and return to their spine-bruising careers, so can you get back into your “game” of horsing… NFL Linemen Recover from Back Surgery, and So Can You   


Preventing tooth decay in the youngest American Indians
Jan 24 11

A study conducted in four American Indian communities in the Pacific Northwest presents an effective strategy to convince mothers to switch young children from… Preventing tooth decay in the youngest American Indians   

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